Интерактивный тренажер по английскому языку «Степени сравнения прилагательных» Автор: Соколова Анна Александровна Учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 38 г. Набережные Челны
FFebruary is ……. than March. WELL colder DONE! TRY coldest AGAIN!
FMy father is …… than my mother. WELL taller DONE! TRY tallest AGAIN!
FMary is …. . student than Lucy. WELL better DONE! TRY good AGAIN!
The crocodile is …. . than snake. TRY longest AGAIN! WELL longer DONE!
Our garden is …. . than the other gardens. TRY biggest AGAIN! WELL bigger DONE!
Your hands are …. than mine. TRY dirty AGAIN! WELL dirtier DONE!
What is the …. . season? TRY cold AGAIN! WELL coldest DONE!
My cat is …. . that Ann’s cat. WELL fatter DONE! TRY fattest AGAIN!
Who is the …. . boy in your class? WELL strongest DONE! TRY stronger AGAIN!
This boy is …. . than that boy. WELL busier DONE! TRY busiest AGAIN!
This film is …. than that one. TRY funny AGAIN! WELL funnier DONE!
Mr. Becker is the …. . driver in this town. WELL worst DONE! TRY bad AGAIN!
Kate is …. . than Lucy. WELL prettier DONE! TRY prettiest AGAIN!
My father is …. than my mother. TRY youngest AGAIN! WELL younger DONE!
Summer is …. than autumn. TRY sunny AGAIN! WELL sunnier DONE!
Используемые ресурсы: https: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/bc/G arfield_the_Cat. svg/1280 px-Garfield_the_Cat. svg. png http: //e 08595. medialib. glogster. com/media/32/3269280 8 f 0 c 0620 cbd 7 c 689 ab 0170808 a 397 f 9 ec 383 ead 8817 e 5 e 7 5181 e 5 b 81 c/vector-garfield-by-ilhajaot-d 398 y 1 r. png http: //www. weddingspeechkiller. com/images/next. png