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Interaction of Universities and Society (the role of Internationalisation) Dr Mohamed Loutfi Director of International Development Corfu, 16 June 2009
Contents: • • • What is a University? What is a Society? What is Internationalisation? Why Internationalisation? How Internationalisation? UWIC and Internationalisation
UNIVERSITY • Truth, correspond to the traditional reasoning of science, i. e. , to doubt, to imagine and to assimilate (explores the unknown - Think-tanks for the future); • Welfare, prepare students for a constructive integration in the labour market & reinforce the economic strength of the nation (Laboratories for innovative products and services) • Meaning, rearranging the Known to come up with new meanings - Providers of knowledge. ( sociologists, political science, anthropology, economics) • Order, i. e. giving qualifications, leading to a social mobility ladder - Centres of qualification;
SOCIETY • The English word "society" is derived from the French société, which, in turn, had its origin in the Latin societas, a “friendly association with others” • In political science, the term is often used to mean the totality of human relationships, generally in contrast to the State, i. e. , the apparatus of rule or government within a territory. • In the social sciences it has been used to mean a group of people that form a semi-closed social system, in which most interactions are with other individuals belonging to the group. • Cohn’s Presentation, (Local National and Global)
INTERNATIONALISATION “Is the process of integration an International, Intercultural or Global dimensions into teaching, research and services function of the institution”
WHY INTERNATIONALISATION? [Higher education should] “educate for citizenship and for active participation in society, with worldwide vision …educate students to become well informed and deeply motivated citizens, who can think critically, analyse problems of society, look for solutions to the problems of society, apply them and accept social responsibilities. ” UNESCO World Declaration on Higher Education for the 21 st Century
WHY INTERNATIONALISATION? HEA addressed internationalisation and stresses that all graduates, regardless of their country of origin, to be informed, responsible citizens able to work effectively in a global multicultural context. Universities has a role as the change agent
WHY INTERNATIONALISATION? Internationalisation focuses on preparing the University to be a responsive global citizen to fulfil a society need by equipping graduates to be active global citizens
IAU Survey • Broaden and Diversify source of Faculty and Students • Create International Profile and Reputation • Strengthen research and knowledge capacity and production
IAU Survey • Increase Staff and Students International Knowledge and intercultural understanding • Promote curriculum development and Innovation • Contribute to Academic Quality • Diversify source of Income
How Internationalisation? • • Institutional Staff Students Curriculum – formal and extended
Institutional 1. Vision: Clear articulation in the vision or mission of the institution; supportive and enabling senior management. 2. Values: An institutional ethos that values internationalisation, resulting in a culture of shared values, contacts and expertise and an understanding of the benefits for all of internationalisation; clarity in the institution’s conceptualisation of internationalisation and how this impacts on all aspects of university life.
Institutional 3. Policies and strategies: A mainstream or whole university approach to internationalisation: institutional policies and strategies that make explicit the relevance and importance of internationalisation, e. g. corporate plan; assessment, learning and teaching strategy; equality and diversity policy; research strategy etc. 4. Partnerships ( Internationalisation Abroad): Strong international partnerships to facilitate staff / Student secondment.
Institutional 5. Visible internationalisation: Regular recognition and celebration of international developments, partnership links, events and global perspectives. 6. Management information: Effective management information to support internationalisation, including disaggregated data on students by nationality to enable analysis of source countries, success, career destinations, etc
Staff 7. Breadth of activity: Opportunities for both academic and support staff to engage in international research, knowledge exchange and capacity-building. 8. International staff: with international experience and regular international visiting lecturers. 9. Enthusiasts: Internationalisation champions identified and supported across the institution.
Staff 10. Support for international perspectives: Valuing and rewarding international perspectives in learning, teaching, assessment and research. 11. Staff development: opportunities to support internationalisation for academic and support staff, including language and cross-cultural capabilities.
Students 12. Communication: Effective marketing and communication with prospective international students, alumni and on programmes. 13. Diversity: Critical mass of international students on campus across a range of courses and from diverse countries to support internationalisation, coupled with actions to support effective integration within and across national and cultural boundaries.
Curriculum (formal and extended) 14. Internationalised curriculum: Flexible, integrated and discipline-focused internationalised curriculum, incorporating global perspectives, for easier curriculum access for international students and to develop international and intercultural perspectives of all students and staff. 15. Exchanges: Effective exchange programmes for students, academic and support staff, along with travel bursaries to encourage participation.
Curriculum (formal and extended) 16. Volunteering: Programme of opportunities for international volunteering for all staff and students and for ‘service learning’ for international students to engage with the local community. 17. Pastoral: Effective pastoral support programme, recognising where needs differ and extra support may be needed; e. g. scholarship/bursary scheme for international students, specialist advisers on immigration issues, international student hardship Support.
Curriculum (formal and extended) 18. Internationalisation at home: Focus on establishing opportunities for internationalisation at home, such as international ‘student buddies’ programme, clubs and societies appealing to home and international students, international cultural events and competitions, close liaison with and support for the Students’ Union and for student societies that support integration.
Curriculum (formal and extended) 19. Services: Accommodation, food and other policies and services that recognise the needs of students from other cultures without ghettoisation. 20. Linguistic, cultural and academic Services: appropriate linguistic, cultural and academic support for students including: language classes for non-native speakers; advice on academic cultural practice for students from Abroad; crosscultural communication skills for home students; language. .
UWIC: Internationalisation Strategy • Corporate Message of the Importance of Internationalisation, fundamental Element of the Corporate Strategy • Integrated with all other Institutional Strategy • Clear Steer from the top (VC) – Responsibility SMT Member • Explicit Funding • Mechanism in place – Internationalisation committee
UWIC: International student Support • • • Freshers’ Fair – Student helper Welfare Social Programmes Language and Cultural events Students Mobility Support (e. g Erasmus) Students International Exchange
UWIC: Curriculum • Learning & Teaching Development Unit is leading a programme (re)design project for curriculum development for internationalisation, the areas of possible focus are: • increasing the inclusion of international case studies, sources, and perspectives on the subject area; • developing an understanding of how the subject area (and the professions associated with it) relate to the global context;
UWIC: CURRICULUM • encouraging a global ethic; • developing skills for living and working with people from other countries and cultures; • developing attitudes and values which might be associated with a ‘global citizen’; • using approaches to assessment, learning and teaching which are inclusive, equitable, and able to recognise alternative world views.
UWIC: EU Projects • Erasmus Mundus External cooperation Window • Tempus • Leonardo • FP 7
UWIC: Partnerships • International Networks – OECD/ EUA/ IAU/ Magna Charta Observatory • International Partnerships – Joint Delivery – Franchise / Validation – Overseas Campuses/ Affiliated Colleges
Transnational Education
Where Are we now? • • London Singapore Kuala Lumpur Dhaka Bulgaria Morocco Egypt • • • Jordan Lebanon Lithuania Botswana Slovakia
Morocco Egypt
• UWIC is engaging with Internationalisation on all levels with the aim of being a responsive global citizen to fulfil a role towards the society by equipping graduates to be active global citizens • UWIC aims to take in consideration the Local requirements and Global demands (Glocalisation)
Thank You