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topics INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) Learning objectives Basic types of ITS application Appraising ITS Task – what could ITS do for your town or city? Examples of ITS in action Final task www. transportlearning. net
Learning objectives INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) When you have completed this Unit you should: • Have an understanding of the main applications of ITS. • Be able to set out the principles of an appraisal of possible ITS applications. • Be aware of examples of key ITS applications in actual locations around Europe. www. transportlearning. net
Basic types of ITS 1 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) Galileo Incident detection Variable speed limits Ramp control www. transportlearning. net
Basic types of ITS 2 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) Traffic signal control Parking Management Demand Responsive Transport Management Freight and Fleet Management www. transportlearning. net
Basic types of ITS 3 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) Vulnerable Road User systems (e. g. Puffin crossings) Multimodal Trip Planning Passenger Information Systems Route Guidance and Navigation www. transportlearning. net
Basic types of ITS 4 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) Speeding Detection Variable message signs and route guidance Road user charging (RUC), tolling and access control Public Transport Payment www. transportlearning. net
Appraising ITS INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) ITS – nice gadget or useful transport measure? – big industry with powerful marketing To decide on this, think: • What are you transport policy objectives – what do you want to achieve? • Will ITS help you to achieve what you want? • How much can you afford to spend? • Do you have existing technology that you need any ITS to be compatible with? • Are you looking at tried and tested ITS – or something completely new? www. transportlearning. net
Task INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) In your town or city – what are your transport objectives – what do you want your transport system to achieve and how do you want it to improve? From what you’ve seen so far – how could ITS help you to achieve your objectives? … and now on to some more detailed case studies – note lack of SCBA www. transportlearning. net
Oystercard INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) London, UK – electronic stored value and season ticket for bus, metro and light rail – intro 2003 Offers big discounts over paying cash Speeds up boarding on buses Contactless – radio transmitter in each card € 300 m to set up – bolted on to existing magnetic system 2. 9 m cards, 2. 2 m trips/day (27% of all underground and 18% of all bus trips) www. transportlearning. net
Parking guidance Aalborg DK INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) Funded under EU THERMIE programme 9 car parks, 3000 parking spaces, 39 VMS signs Real time information on car park occupancy and guidance to car parks Good user acceptance – saves 7750 hrs/yr – now only 9% of visitors don’t find empty space first time 3% car driving visitors come to city centre more often 0. 1% reduction in emissions and energy consumption www. transportlearning. net
Aalborg system INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) www. transportlearning. net
Rome access control INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) Central Rome, M-F day times and Saturday afternoons 23 entry points, € 2 charge for those without permit Technology based on TELEPASS: • TV Camera and infra-red Illuminators • Microwave Transponder • In-vehicle Unit with Smart Card (free pass or stored value) 10 -15% reduction in traffic depending on time of day, 6% increase in PT use www. transportlearning. net
Singapore INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) See video… www. transportlearning. net
Travel information INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) EU IST project TRANS-3 funded Trans-Bale (Basel, CH) multi-modal travel information portal for Basel region – so 3 countries (F, D, CH) Development of website and journey planner cost € 620, 000 User evaluation (survey on website): • 83% did not change their behaviour as a result of the information • 7% changed route, • 6% changed travel time • 4% changed mode. www. transportlearning. net
Conclusions INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) ITS provides many ways to reduce energy consumption from transport Not many ITS projects properly evaluated – what do they achieve? Do benefits outweigh costs? ITS can be very expensive e. g. Oystercard AND – it’s not always the right solution – needs careful evaluation – does it meet your objectives? And now… the final task www. transportlearning. net