Скачать презентацию Intelligent Software Agent Technology Dr Thomas E Potok Скачать презентацию Intelligent Software Agent Technology Dr Thomas E Potok


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Intelligent Software Agent Technology Dr. Thomas E. Potok Collaborative Technologies Group Leader Computer Science Intelligent Software Agent Technology Dr. Thomas E. Potok Collaborative Technologies Group Leader Computer Science and Mathematics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Research Team Mark Elmore, Joel Reed, Nagiza Samatova, Jim Treadwell

Oak Ridge National Laboratory · Established in 1943 for the World War II Manhattan Oak Ridge National Laboratory · Established in 1943 for the World War II Manhattan Project. · ORNL today pioneers the development of new energy sources, technologies, and materials and the advancement of knowledge in the biological, chemical, computational, engineering, environmental, physical, and social sciences. · Budget: $870 million, 80% Department of Energy, 20% work for others. · 3800 employees, 1500 scientists and engineers 2

Agent Technology Trend ge led ow Kn Internet TS N GE A o n Agent Technology Trend ge led ow Kn Internet TS N GE A o n t. Telephone tio ma for. Face to Face In “The Semantic Web… will open up the knowledge and workings of humankind to meaningful analysis by software agents, providing a new class of tools by which we can live, work and learn together” Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, Ora Lassila “The Semantic Web” Scientific American 5/2001 3

Successful Projects }We have extensive expertise in agent development }Began working with agent technologies Successful Projects }We have extensive expertise in agent development }Began working with agent technologies in 1980 s Scientific Data Management VIPAR Knowledge Discovery Supply Chain Management Agent System Manufacturing Emulation Agent System Collaborative Management Environment Neural Nets for Recovery Boiler Control Neural Nets for Bankruptcy Prediction Neural Nets for Spring-back Prediction Collaborative Design System Neural Nets for Resistance. Spot Welding Neural Nets for Material Mix Optimization }Over 10 successful projects Genetic Algorithms for Chemical Synthesis within the last 5 years Knowledge-based Systems - Manufacturing Advisors Knowledge-based Systems for Constructability }Collaborations with leading Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments agent experts Knowledge-based Computer Systems Calibration 1985 1990 1995 2000 4

Collaborative Management Environment Managing heterogeneous information Original Document XML tagged Document Field level query Collaborative Management Environment Managing heterogeneous information Original Document XML tagged Document Field level query Financial Summary 5

Portfolio Management Environment · Dr. Ernest Moniz, Under Secretary of Energy, approves - Portfolio Portfolio Management Environment · Dr. Ernest Moniz, Under Secretary of Energy, approves - Portfolio Management Environment (PME) - Based on the ORNL Collaborative Management Environment (CME) project · Estimated 5 -year implementation cost - $17 million total investment - Producing approximately $39 million annual productivity gains for DOE 6

SDM center Agents in Scientific Data Management Probe Parallel Agent Astrophysics Climate Genomic Simulations SDM center Agents in Scientific Data Management Probe Parallel Agent Astrophysics Climate Genomic Simulations HPSS Distributed Clustering Scientific Analysis And Discovery DOE Labs: Argonne, Berkeley, Livermore, Oak Ridge Universities: Georgia Tech, NC State, Northwestern, SDSC 3 year $9 M Center to manage massive scientific data 7

What are Agents? . . . Software entities that assist people and act on What are Agents? . . . Software entities that assist people and act on their behalf - IBM Traditional Software Client Server Messaging Behavior Agents Peer to Peer Messaging Reactive Model Knowledge Model State Social Model 8

What are Agents? . . . Software entities that assist people and act on What are Agents? . . . Software entities that assist people and act on their behalf - IBM Traditional Software Client Server Messaging Behavior Agents Peer to Peer Messaging Reactive Model Knowledge Model State Social Model 9

Simple Agent Example Agent, find me the book “War and Peace, ” and I Simple Agent Example Agent, find me the book “War and Peace, ” and I need it tomorrow Does the agent understand buying books? Amazon 2 Days $18. 50 Barnes and Nobel 1 Day $21. 75 B. Dalton Dedicated Agents 1 Day $20. 25 Form a plan to buy the book 10

Simple Agent Example Agent, find me the book “War and Peace, ” and I Simple Agent Example Agent, find me the book “War and Peace, ” and I need it tomorrow Amazon 2 Days $18. 50 Barnes and Nobel 1 Day $21. 75 B. Dalton 1 Day $20. 25 Library 1 Day Free e. Bay Dedicated Agents 1 Day $12. 50 On-Line Now Free Agent Communities Does the agent understand buying books? Form a plan to buy the book Execute the plan www. online-literature. com 11

Use of Intelligent Agents at US Pacific Command VIPAR Use of Intelligent Agents at US Pacific Command VIPAR

USPACOM Command Virtual Information Center • Only 10% of available newspapers scanned • Entirely USPACOM Command Virtual Information Center • Only 10% of available newspapers scanned • Entirely manual operation Manually gather Information from 20– 30 newspapers Manually Organize Information Manually Analyze And Summarize Information Inside China Russia Today CINC Summary Jakarta Post Unorganized Newspaper Articles Analysts Summary 13

New Intelligent Approach • Capable of organizing 10, 000 article per day • Requires New Intelligent Approach • Capable of organizing 10, 000 article per day • Requires only a desktop computer Inside China Automatically Gather, Organize, and Summarize Thousands of articles Manually Analyze And Summarize Information CINC Summary Russia Today Jakarta Post Article Retrieval Agents Organize and summarize Articles Analysts Summary 14

VIPAR Architecture Overview Internet Information Agents Database Text Analysis Agent Information Agents Whiteboard Agent VIPAR Architecture Overview Internet Information Agents Database Text Analysis Agent Information Agents Whiteboard Agent … Agent Communities Information Agents Agent Communities Multi-agent ORMAC Framework Java RMI Cluster Agent RDF Ontologies FIPA ACL 15

Clustering: A Simple Example 1. Original and Parsed Documents 2. Terms Dictionary 3. Vector Clustering: A Simple Example 1. Original and Parsed Documents 2. Terms Dictionary 3. Vector Space Model 4. Document Similarity 5. Euclidean Distance 6. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering 7. Phylips tree representation D 1 D 2 1 2 3 4 8 6 7 D 3 16

VIPAR “Nuclear Weapons” Search - 9/21/00 How are these articles organized? l l l VIPAR “Nuclear Weapons” Search - 9/21/00 How are these articles organized? l l l l l Wen Ho Lee Spends First Day Savoring Home Delights Lee Case Points up Scientists' Attitude on Security India and Pakistan: Troubled relations U. S. China Trade Vote Milestone on Rocky Road Troops die in Kashmir clashes Clinton Concerned Over Lee Case - Reno On Defensive IAEA Supports Putin Nuclear Power Initiative China Rejects Moves to Tighten Regulation of Nuclear Materials Clinton Calls For Review Of Lee Secrets Case Asian-Americans Demand White House Action on Lee 17

Manual Organization “Business as Usual” · Wen Ho Lee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Manual Organization “Business as Usual” · Wen Ho Lee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. · Wen Ho Lee Spends First Day Savoring Home Delights Clinton Calls For Review Of Lee Secrets Case Clinton Concerned Over Lee Case - Reno On Defensive Asian-Americans Demand White House Action on Lee Case Points up Scientists' Attitude on Security India and Pakistan 6. India and Pakistan: Troubled relations 7. Troops die in Kashmir clashes · IAEA Meeting 8. IAEA Supports Putin Nuclear Power Initiative 9. China Rejects Moves to Tighten Regulation of Nuclear Materials · U. S. China Trade 10. U. S. China Trade Vote Milestone on Rocky Road 18

VIPAR Automatic Organization Same as manual 3 2 v Wen Ho Lee 1. 2. VIPAR Automatic Organization Same as manual 3 2 v Wen Ho Lee 1. 2. 5 v Clinton Concerned Over Lee Case - Reno On Defensive Asian-Americans Demand White House Action on Lee 5. Wen Ho Lee Clinton Calls For Review Of Lee Secrets Case 4. 1 Wen Ho Lee Spends First Day Savoring Home Delights 3. 4 Lee Case Points up Scientists' Attitude on Security India and Pakistan 6. 7. US China Trade India/Pakistan v India and Pakistan: Troubled relations Troops die in Kashmir clashes IAEA Meeting 8. IAEA Meeting 10 v 7 IAEA Supports Putin Nuclear Power Initiative 9. 6 China Rejects Moves to Tighten Regulation of Nuclear Materials U. S. China Trade 10. 8 9 U. S. China Trade Vote Milestone on Rocky Road 19

Endorsements · US Pacific Command’s CINC Admiral Blair - “A tremendously successful project” - Endorsements · US Pacific Command’s CINC Admiral Blair - “A tremendously successful project” - “Software agents … lead to substantially improved analytical products. ” · Science and Technology Advisor - “a grand slam home run!” - “first time we've seen information discovery and knowledge management software working at HQ USCINCPAC operationally. ” 20

Enhanced VIPAR Performance · The Phylips Tree representation of the clustering of 1015 articles Enhanced VIPAR Performance · The Phylips Tree representation of the clustering of 1015 articles · Required almost 360 second (6 minutes) and 241 MB of memory to compute 21

Battelle Funded VIPAR Upgrades · Memory - Evaluated caching of document title and collection Battelle Funded VIPAR Upgrades · Memory - Evaluated caching of document title and collection - Optimized internal data structures - Experimented with clustering partial articles. - Applied Porter’s Stemming Algorithm · Clustering Performance - Clustering algorithm “Clusters in place” - Hybrid clustering approach to large article sets 22

Result · The Phylips Tree representation of the clustering of 9461 articles · Required Result · The Phylips Tree representation of the clustering of 9461 articles · Required 2. 5 minutes (137 seconds) and 495 MB of memory to compute 23

Summary · Intelligent agents are a significant future technology direction · We have a Summary · Intelligent agents are a significant future technology direction · We have a significant progression of deployed agent systems and research to our credit · We have ringing endorsements regarding the success of our systems and research · We look forward to the next step… 24

Contact Information Tom Potok. TE@ornl. gov 865 -574 -0834 Mark Elmore. MT@ornl. gov 865 Contact Information Tom Potok. TE@ornl. gov 865 -574 -0834 Mark Elmore. MT@ornl. gov 865 -241 -6372 Jim Treadwell JZT@ornl. gov 865 -574 -3350 25