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Integration of BIM in Lithuania DALIUS GEDVILAS Director of Public institution “Skaitmeninė statyba” President of Lithuanian Builders Association WWW. SKAITMENINESTATYBA. LT
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Digital future Health reimagined Entrepreneurship rising Human aspects of digitalization Resourceful planet Urban world Digital future – world of data BIM is a sociotechnical system Global marketplace
Developer of the initiative – Public institution “Skaitmeninė statyba” Observer at
Aim – to coordinate the digitalization process of Lithuanian construction. Mission – to contribute to the development of sustainable environment of the Lithuanian construction sector, both public and private, for cooperation and partnership by developing innovative solutions for rational exchange and dissemination of information in the construction sector, development of ICT systems and services in the construction sector; to educate and organize training.
Current status
Ineffective communication, planning and cooperation – reason of most problems Inappropriate quality of construction projects – misunderstandings, corrections New generation of specialists, but old technologies and old legislation
COOPERATION Ø On 28/09/2015 Government of the Republic of Lithuania officially agreed to the initiative to digitalize Lithuanian construction sector. Ø On 10/11/2015 Minister of Environment approved Guidelines of developing Lithuanian construction sector 2015 -2020 with main strategic aims until 2020. Ø On 03/11/2015 Minister of Environment approved a working group for the implementation of the initiative to digitalize Lithuanian construction sector. Ø “Skaitmeninė statyba” conducted a study of digitalizing Lithuanian construction sector and financing the actions by the request of Ministry of Environment and the Construction Products Certification Centre.
COOPERATION Lithuanian Standards Board, together with Public institution “Skaitmeninė statyba” translated the main BIM ISO standards. The standards are now available to apply. Ø LST ISO 29481 -2: 2015 Building information models – Information delivery manual – Part 2: Interaction framework (ISO 29481 -2: 2012, identical) Ø LST ISO/TS 12911: 2015 Framework for building information modelling (BIM) guidance (ISO/TS 12911: 2012, identical)
COOPERATION A technical committee “Building Information Modelling” was established in cooperation with Lithuanian Standards Board. Aim of the committee is not only to contribute to setting up Lithuanian and adapting EU standards, but also to represent Lithuania in European technical committee CEN/TC 442.
REGULATIONS RIBA – Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA documents were translated and introduced to various associations of Lithuanian construction industry to discuss. The aim is to adjust the core statements of BS 1192 to the Lithuanian law.
REGULATIONS Requirements of: Ø Using ICT in public construction projects Ø Hand-over of technical information, digital descriptions of buildings Ø Preservation of digital model data, technical CAD specifications Ø Using open data from Lithuanian registers in digital models of buildings Ø Public procurement of designing and construction services Ø Applying IFC and classification
REGULATIONS Ø Digitizing a construction process and developing BIM Ø Catalogue of public procurement criteria Ø Pre-qualification of suppliers Ø Electronic daily construction report Ø Other
BIM Hands-on
REGULATIONS Ø BIM Employer's Information Requirements (EIR) Ø BIM Guide Ø BIM Dictionary Ø BIM Execution Plan (BEP 1) Ø Detailed BIM Execution Plan (BEP 2) Ø Contract templates for tenders
KNOWLADGE Lithuanian universities are actively adapting their study programs with respect to needed knowledge of BIM.
KNOWLADGE “Smart and digital” as the main focus on the biggest construction exhibition in Lithuania “RESTA” in 2017. As part of exhibition: “Digital construction 2017, Vilnius” – annual international conference (28 April, 2017). Focus of the conference – Life Cycle Management. “Lithuanian BIM Awards 2017” – second contest of BIM projects of Lithuanian companies.
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Case study of 3 D cities in Lithuania Creating a concept of Building Passport – a tool to gather data for facility management. Dealing with “Big Data”, integrate data registers. Creating and developing of BIM Library consisting of generic and proprietary BIM objects in IFC format.
To summarize: We need documents and regulations to create the right environment for BIM in Lithuania. It is expected to have our own national BIM standards in 2017.
Thank you! DALIUS GEDVILAS Director of Public institution “Skaitmeninė statyba” President of Lithuanian Builders Association WWW. SKAITMENINESTATYBA. LT