- Количество слайдов: 36
Integrated Works Monitoring System A software to strengthen Works Monitoring in Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department
Integrated Works Monitoring System l l l l Local Language Interface Web Based System Role based login Works can be proposed directly by MLAs/MPs* Separate logins for executing Agencies for * generating Technical sanctions, reporting progress, utilization certificates and completion certificates Provision of dovetailing for funding - a work funded from more than one scheme. SMS alerts generated through software*
Integrated Works Monitoring System Various modules l l l l l Submission of Work proposal Generate Administrative Sanction Generate Technical sanction Generate Financial Sanction Allocation and Releases of funds from State to Zila Parishad. Funds receipt by Zila Parishad. Funds transfer by Zila Parishad to Executing Agencies. Reporting progress of work (Physical & Financial progress). Adjustment of Utilization certificates and Completion Certificates. Various MIS reports and SMS alerts at various levels. *
Integrated Works Monitoring System Monitoring Reports* l l l Scheme wise monitoring of works District wise monitoring of works Assembly and Parliament constituency wise works executed. Work status wise monitoring of works (Completed/ Not started/ in progress/ suspended). Pending UCs/CCs monitoring etc. NIC-RSC, Jaipur
Integrated Works Monitoring System Stake holders l l l Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department Zila parishad offices at district Level. Application can be further extended upto block level * Executing Agencies such as PHED, PWD etc. MLAs/MPs
Integrated Works Monitoring System Master data to be defined by State HQ l l l Scheme Definition Work Categories/Sub Categories Definition. Locations Covered under the Scheme. Mapping of Schemes and permissible works for the given Scheme. Executing Departments. Designation Master
xq: xksyoydj tu. Hkkxhnkjh fodkl ; kstuk Øifjp; • ekuuh; eq[; ea=h egksn; k }kjk ct. V ? kks"k. kk Hkk"k. k dh vuqikyuk esa jkt. LFkku esa xzkeh. k {ks=ksa esa fodkl , oa jkstxkj l`tu r. Fkk lkeqnkf; d ifjl. Eif. Rr; ksa ds fuek. Z. k , oa j[k&j[kko esa LFkkuh; leqnk; dh Hkkxhnkjh lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, ^^xq: xksyoydj tu. Hkkxhnkjh fodkl ; kstuk** o"k. Z 2014&15 ls ykxw dh xb. Z g. SA ; kstuk. Urx. Zr fodkl dk; ks. Za dk p; u tu leqnk; dh vko'; drk ds vuqlkj fd; k tkdj dk; Z djok; s tk; saxs. A Ømís'; • xkao ds fodkl ds fy, vko'; d lkeqnkf; d ifjl. Eif. Rr; ksa dk fuek. Z. k. A • ¼lkeqnkf; d iqjklainkvksa ds lao/k. Zu] laj{k. k , oa lqj{kk. Red dk; ks. Za lfgr½ • jkstxkj ds vfrfj. Dr voljksa dk l`tu. A • LFkkuh; leqnk; esa Lokoy. Ecu , oa vk. Re fu. Hk. Zjrk dks izks. Rlkgu. A • lkeqnkf; d ifjl. Eif. Rr; ksa ds fuek. Z. k , oa j[k&j[kko esa LFkkuh; leqnk; dh Hkkxhnkjh dks izks. Rlkgu. A • xzkeh. k {ks= ds ifjokjksa ds thou Lrj esa lq/kkj. A Øfo. Rr iks"k. k • ; kstuk 'kr&izfr'kr jk. T; fo. Rr iksf"kr g. SA
xq: xksyoydj tu. Hkkxhnkjh fodkl ; kstuk Øfo'ks"krk, W • ; kstuk dsoy jk. T; ds xzkeh. k {ks=ksa esa gh ykxw gksxh. A • bl ; kstuk ds rgr uohu dk; Z Lohd`r fd; s tk; saxs. A fo'ks"k ifjf. LFkfr; ksa esa v. U; ; kstuk. Urx. Zr fuek. Z. kk/khu@viw. k. Z dk; ks. Za dks bl ; kstuk. Urx. Zr lf. Eefyr fd; k tk ldsxk. A § bl ; kstuk. Urx. Zr iz. Lrkfor dk; Z dk fo. Rr iks"k. k fu. Eukuqlkj gksxk%& tu lg; ksx (i) lkeqnkf; d ifjl. Eif. RRk; ksa ds l`tu gsrq 30 izfr'kr (ii) l`ftr ifjl. Eif. Rr ij nkunkrk dk uke vadu 51 izfr'kr djus dh f. LFkfr esa (iii) 'ke'kku@dfcz. Lrku dh pkjnhokjh e; lqfo/kkvksa 10 izfr'kr ; Fkk o`{kkjksi. k] Vhu'ks. M+] pcwrjk vkfn dk fuek. Z. k (iv) vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr ckgq. Y; {ks= 20 izfr'kr ¼xzke dh dqy tula[; k esa ls vuqlwfpr tkfr , oa vuqlwfpr tutkfr nksuksa dks lf. Eefyr djrs gq; s 40 izfr'kr ls vf/kd tula[; k tux. kuk&2011 esa gks½
xq: xksyoydj tu. Hkkxhnkjh fodkl ; kstuk Ekkun. Mksa ds vuqlkj Lohd`r dk; ks. Za ds fy; s 'ks"k jkf'k jk. T; en ls miy. C/k djk; h tk; sxh. A m. Dr dk; ks. Zsa dks egkujsxk , oa v. U; ; kstukvksa ds varx. Zr vuqer dk; Z gksus dh f. LFkfr esa Mo. Vsy Hkh fd; k tkus dk iz; kl fd; k tkosxk. A • tulg; ksx dh jkf'k dk ogu LFkkuh; leqnk; @lkekftd lax. Bu@x. Sj ljdkjh la. LFkk@VªLV@iathd`r la. LFkk@O; f. Drxr nkunkrk }kjk fd; k tk ldsxk. A tulg; ksx dh jkf'k iapk; r lfefr@ftyk ifj"kn esa udn@ f. Mek. UM Mªk¶V ls tek djk; h tk ldsxh. A
xq: xksyoydj tu. Hkkxhnkjh fodkl ; kstuk Ø xk. S'kkyk@xk. Slnuksa esa f. Vdkm izo`fr; ksa dh ifjl. Eifr; ksa dk l`tu esa fu. Eu dk; Z djok; s tk ldrs g. S%& • xk. Svkokl] i. Ddk Q'k. Z] ukyh fuek. Z. k , oa xk. Sew= VSad fuek. Z. k ¼xk. S'kkyk ifjlj½ • uanh'kkyk vkokl fuek. Z. k • pkjk Hk. Mkj x`g • pkj fnokjh fuek. Z. k • Lo. PN is; ty gsrq [ksyh fuek. Z. k • ck; ksx. Sl la; a= • oeh. Z d. Eiks. LV fuek. Z. k] us. Msi d. Eiks. LV fuek. Z. k • vktk. Syk iwjd vkgkj gsrq fuek. Z. k xk. Slsok dk; Z ds fy, fdlh , d VªLV@x. Sj ljdkjh la. LFkk ds fy, , d ; k , d ls vf/kd dk; Z ds fy, fdlh Hkh f. LFkfr esa 10 -00 yk[k : Ik; s rd dh lhek ls vf/kd jkf'k ds dk; Z LohÑr ugh fd; s tk; saxs. A
xq: xksyoydj tu. Hkkxhnkjh fodkl ; kstuk Ø xk. S v. H; kj. ; ksa ls l. Ecaf/kr fu. Eu dk; Z djk; s tk ldrs g. S %& • • pkjk m. Riknu l. Ecaf/kr dk; Z ¼egk. Rek xka/kh ujsxk ls d. Uot. Zs. Ul }kjk½ vksiu o. Sy ¼uohu dqvk fuek. Z. k½ laca/kh dk; Z V~; wco. Sy yxkus dk dk; Z 'kf. Dr pfyr dq. V~Vh e'khu yxkus ds dk; Z Ø fue. Zy /kk. V %& • xzkeh. k {ks=ksa esa fue. Zy ? kk. V ds fuek. Z. k dk; Z ij 1 -50 yk[k rd ds dk; Z djok; s tk ldrs g. SA
Indira Awaas Yojna • Indira awaas yojna is flagship scheme of Mo. RD sinception • Assistance to BPL families are provided for constricting PAKKA House. • At present assistance of Rs. 70000/ - is given. • Under Mahatma Gandhi Nrega 90 man days assistance is additionally provided. • Under SBM Rs. 12000/- assistance is provided for Toilet construction.
Eligibility • IAY permanent wait list prepared of the families having KACHHA House or House less i. e. 01 or 00 code are eligible. • Families added by appeal are also eligible. • Certain categories like war widows freed bonded labour, Aids affected people are also eligible.
Duties of District Office • Fund is transferred to the beneficiaries of the sanctioning year up to 2014 -15 from district account on behalf of ordersheet generated and emailed to District. • There is no need of Hardcopy at district. • From the year 2015 -16 sanctioning is done from block level and fund is transferred centrally from state level • Assistance is provided in three Installment First 25 % at the time of sanction Second 60 % at the Plinth level. Third 15 % after Roof casting.
Convergence • Under Mahatma Gandhi Nrega 90 man days assistance is provided for which separate sanction as per the level of house is to be issued for the houses sanctioned up to 15/11/2015. • Installments under Mahatma Gandhi Nrega is permissible in this manner up to plinth 28 man days up, to lintel level 24 man days, up to roof level 10 man days and up to finishing 28 man days. • From 16/11/2015 all the beneficiaries of IAY are automatically seeded to Nrega Soft and whenever IAY beneficiary apply for job Under MGNrega he is allotted automatically IAY houses till the 100 man days are exhausted. • If IAY beneficiary exhaust eligible man days than only other Nrega beneficiary will be allotted IAY house work. • Under SBM separate sanction is issued as usual.
Monitoring and administrative • Under IAY 4 % IEC Tools expenditure is permissible from the year 2013 -14. • Out of this 3. 5 % is provided to district for district, block and GP level. • 1 % is for IEC and capacity building. • 1% for social audit (social audit is to be conducted with Mahatma Gandhi Nrega). • Rest amount is for Hardware / Software, awaas sahayak , vehicle, computer operator, dedicated staff like IEC, IT/dedicated officer for all.
Other Rural Housing Schemes • CMBPL : 6, 80, 000 houses were sanctioned during the year 2011 to 2014. • Houses under this scheme are under progress. • All the houses sanctioned under this scheme are suppose to be completed within three years maximum. • UC, Claim and closer of scheme is supposed to be submitted to HUDCO by Zila Parishad.
Anya Chinhit warg Awaas Yojna • State Government has started Anya Chinhit warg Awaas Yojna from the year 2015 -16. It is 100% state sponsored scheme. • For the year 2015 -16, 3000 single widow are to be benefitted district wise target have been allotted. • For utilizing 100 % budget 2. 5 times target are allotted. • On the basis of survey report received from block level a list is to be published at district level. • CEO is authorized to publish / add name in list.
Eligible category under Anya Chinhit warg Awaas Yojna • Single widow. • Astha Card Holder. • Antyoday Card Holder. • State BPL Families. • ST families living in area other than notified area. • Differently abled person.
Mkax {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk • Mkax {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk dks o"k. Z 1995 ls 'kq: dh xb. Z Fkh A o"k. Z 1999&2000 esa c. Un dj fn; k x; k] ftls iqu% o"k. Z 2005&06 esa pkyw fd; k x; k. A • ; g ; kstuk 8 ftyksa ; Fkk lokb. Zek/kksiqj] djk. Syh] dks. Vk] cw. Unh] ckajk] /kk. Syiqj] Hkjriqj , oa >kykok. M dh 22 iapk; r lfefr; ksa dh 371 xzke iapk; rks esa fØ; kf. Uor dh tk jgh g. SA ; kstuk 'kr&izfr’kr jk. T; fo. Rr iksf"kr g. S A • iz. R; sd fo. Rrh; o"k. Z esa vkoaf. Vr ct. V ds vuqlkj Okkf"k. Zd dk; Z ; kstuk xzke iapk; r@iapk; r lfefr@ftyk ifj"kn ls r. S; kj gksdj jk. T; Lrj ls vuqeksfnr dh tkrh g. S A • le. Lr Lohd`fr; ka vk. Wuykb. Zu IWMS Software ij tkjh dh tk jgh g. S A
Mkax {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk Ø ; kstuk. Urx. Zr ’kkfey {ks= • ftyk lokb. Z ek/kksiqj & [k. M+kj ¼ 15½] xaxkiqj fl. Vh ¼ 5½ • ftyk djk. Syh & djk. Syh ¼ 44½] liks. Vjk ¼ 51½] fg. Mk. Su ¼ 6½ • ftyk dks. Vk & b. Vkok ¼ 18½] lq. Yrkuiqj ¼ 14½ • ftyk cwanh & ds- ik. Vu ¼ 14½ • ftyk ckajk & v. Urk ¼ 9½] fd’kuxat ¼ 12½] 'kkgckn ¼ 12½] Nc. M+k ¼ 15½] Nhikc. Mk. Sn ¼ 14½] v. V: ¼ 12½ • ftyk /kk. Syiqj & /kk. Syiqj ¼ 16½] jktk[ks. M+k ¼ 24½] ck. M+h ¼ 14½] cls. M+h ¼ 19½ • ftyk Hkjriqj & : iokl ¼ 6½] c; kuk ¼ 8½ • ftyk >kykok. M+ & euksgj. Fkkuk ¼ 20½] cdkuh ¼ 23½
Mkax {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk Ø ; kstuk. Urx. Zr vuqer dk; Z • vuqer dk; Z & LFkkuh; leqnk; ds yk. Hk , oa mi; ksfxrk dk dksb. Z Hkh lko. Ztfud dk; Z ftlesa jktdh; fo. Hkkx ; k iapk; rh jkt la. LFkk ds Lokfe. Ro okyh lkeqnkf; d ifjl. Eif. Rr; ksa@ vk/kkj. Hkwr Hkk. Sfrd lqfo/kkvksa ds l`tu ds lk. Fk&lk. Fk {ks=h; fodkl , oa jkstxkj ds voxr l`ftr gks ; Fkk l. M+d fuek. Z. k e; ukyh] Ldwy Hkou] is; ty vkiwfr. Z ; kstuk@g. S. Mi. Ei@ V~; wco. Sy] iqfy; k@ji. V fuek. Z. k] i; ZVu LFkyksa ij vk/kkj. Hkwr lqfo/kk, a] fpfd. Rlky; @ f. MLisaljh Hkou fuek. Z. k] i'kq fpfd. Rlky; Hkou fuek. Z. k] iq. Lrdky; Hkou] lko. Ztfud 'kk. Spky; ] ok. Vj
Mkax {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk • ; kstuk ds uohure fn’kk&funs. Z’k 30 -03 -2015 dks tkjh fd, x, g. S A • ; kstuk. Urx. Zr vuqer dk; ks. Z dk RDPR dh v. U; ; kstukvksa , oa egk. Rek xka/kh ujsxk ; kstuk ls d. Uots. ZUl fd; k tk ldrk g. S A • vuqeksnuksijk. Ur dk; ks. Z dh iz’kklfud , oa fo. Rrh; Lohd`fr; ka fo. Hkkxh; lk¶Vos; j ij vk. Wuykb. Zu gh tkjh dh tkrh g. S A vk. WQ ykb. Zu dk; Z ugha fd; k tkrk g. S , oa izxfr dh leh{kk Hkh vk. Wu ykb. Zu gh dh tkrh g. S A • fo. Rrh; o"k. Z 2015&16 ls Jh ; kstuk ¼S. H. R. E. E. ½ esa 'kkfey ik. Wap ? k. Vdksa ls dk; Z Lohd`r fd; k tkdj xkaoksa dk lexz vk/kkj. Hkwr fodkl fd; k tkosxk A
exjk {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk • exjk {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk dks o"k. Z 2005&06 esa pkyw fd; k x; k. A • ; g ; kstuk 5 ftyksa ; Fkk vtesj] Hkhyok. Mk] fp. Rrk. SMx<] ikyh , oa jktlean dh 16 iapk; r lfefr; ksa dh 1682 xzke esa fØ; kf. Uor dh tk jgh g. SA ; kstuk 'kr&izfr’kr jk. T; fo. Rr iksf"kr g. S A • le. Lr Lohd`fr; ka vk. Wuykb. Zu IWMS Software ij tkjh dh tk jgh g. S A
exjk {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk Ekxjk {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk. Urx. Zr lf. Eefyr {ks= ¼ iapk; r lfefr , oa xzkeksa dh la[; k ½ • ftyk vtesj & toktk ¼ 193½] elwnk ¼ 137½ & dqy 340 xkao • ftyk Hkhyok. Mk&vkflan ¼ 66½]eka. My ¼ 74½] jk; iqj ¼ 24½ & dqy 164 xkao • ftyk fp. Rrk. SMx< & fu. Eckgs. Mk ¼ 32½ & dqy 32 xkao • ftyk ikyh & jk; iqj¼ 61½] ekjok. M t. Da’ku¼ 41½] t. Srkj. k ¼ 3½] lkstr ¼ 7½ & dqy 112 xkao • ftyk jktlean& Hkhe ¼ 109½] nsox<¼ 131½] ves. V¼ 136½] dq. EHkyx<¼ 161½] jktlean ¼ 130½] [keuksj ¼ 132½ & dqy 799 xkao • dqy 16 iapk; r lfefr & 1681 xzke A
exjk {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk Ø ; kstuk. Urx. Zr vuqer dk; Z • vuqer dk; Z & LFkkuh; leqnk; ds yk. Hk , oa mi; ksfxrk dk dksb. Z Hkh lko. Ztfud dk; Z ftlesa jktdh; fo. Hkkx ; k iapk; rh jkt la. LFkk ds Lokfe. Ro okyh lkeqnkf; d ifjl. Eif. Rr; ksa@vk/kkj. Hkwr Hkk. Sfrd lqfo/kkvksa ds l`tu ds lk. Fk&lk. Fk {ks=h; fodkl , oa jkstxkj ds voxr l`ftr gks ; Fkk l. M+d fuek. Z. k e; ukyh] Ldwy Hkou] is; ty vkiwfr. Z ; kstuk@g. S. Mi. Ei@V~; wco. Sy] iqfy; k@ji. V fuek. Z. k] i; ZVu LFkyksa ij vk/kkj. Hkwr lqfo/kk, a] fpfd. Rlky; @f. MLisaljh Hkou fuek. Z. k] i'kq fpfd. Rlky; Hkou fuek. Z. k] iq. Lrdky; Hkou] lko. Ztfud 'kk. Spky; ] ok. Vj gkjosf. LVax LVªs. Dpj] thfodksikt. Zu ls l. Ecf. U/kr ifj; kstuk, a] LVªh. V ykb. ZV b. R; kfn A
exjk {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk • ; kstuk ds uohure fn’kk&funs. Z’k 30 -03 -2015 dks tkjh fd, x, g. S A • ; kstuk. Urx. Zr vuqer dk; ks. Z dk RDPR dh v. U; ; kstukvksa , oa egk. Rek xka/kh ujsxk ; kstuk ls d. Uots. ZUl fd; k tk ldrk g. SA • vuqeksnuksijk. Ur dk; ks. Z dh iz’kklfud , oa fo. Rrh; Lohd`fr; ka fo. Hkkxh; lk¶Vos; j ij vk. Wuykb. Zu gh tkjh dh tkrh g. S A vk. WQ ykb. Zu dk; Z ugha fd; k tkrk g. S , oa izxfr dh leh{kk Hkh vk. Wu ykb. Zu gh dh tkrh g. S A • fo. Rrh; o"k. Z 2015&16 ls Jh ; kstuk ¼S. H. R. E. E. ½ esa 'kkfey ik. Wap ? k. Vdksa ls dk; Z Lohd`r fd; k tkdj xkaoksa dk lexz vk/kkj. Hkwr fodkl fd; k tkosxk A
esokr {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk • ; g ; kstuk o"k. Z 1987&88 esa eso ckgq. Y; {ks= ftyk vyoj o Hkjriqj ds 11 iapk; r lfefr; ksa ds 799 xkaoksa esa izkj. EHk gqb. Z A • ; g ; kstuk 2 ftyksa ; Fkk vyoj , oa Hkjriqj dh 11 iapk; r lfefr; ksa dh 799 xzke esa fØ; kf. Uor dh tk jgh g. SA ; kstuk 'kr&izfr’kr jk. T; fo. Rr iksf"kr g. S A • le. Lr Lohd`fr; ka vk. Wuykb. Zu IWMS Software ij tkjh dh tk jgh g. S A
esokr {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk. Urx. Zr ’kkfey {ks= Ø ; kstuk. Urx. Zr 'kkfey {ks= • ftyk vyoj & y{e. kx< & 90 xkao] jkex< & 112 xkao] frtkjk & 132] eq. Mkoj & 14] fd’kux<+ckl & 72] d. Bwej & 14] mej. Su & 62 , oa dks. Vdkfle & 9] dqy 505 xkao • ftyk Hkjriqj & uxj & 141] Mhx & 12] dkeka & 141 dqy 294 xkao A • dqy 11 iapk; r lfefr & 799 xzke
esokr {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk Ø ; kstuk. Urx. Zr vuqer dk; Z • vuqer dk; Z & LFkkuh; leqnk; ds yk. Hk , oa mi; ksfxrk dk dksb. Z Hkh lko. Ztfud dk; Z ftlesa jktdh; fo. Hkkx ; k iapk; rh jkt la. LFkk ds Lokfe. Ro okyh lkeqnkf; d ifjl. Eif. Rr; ksa@vk/kkj. Hkwr Hkk. Sfrd lqfo/kkvksa ds l`tu ds lk. Fk&lk. Fk {ks=h; fodkl , oa jkstxkj ds voxr l`ftr gks ; Fkk l. M+d fuek. Z. k e; ukyh] Ldwy Hkou] is; ty vkiwfr. Z ; kstuk@g. S. Mi. Ei@V~; wco. Sy] iqfy; k@ji. V fuek. Z. k] i; ZVu LFkyksa ij vk/kkj. Hkwr lqfo/kk, a] fpfd. Rlky; @f. MLisaljh Hkou fuek. Z. k] i'kq fpfd. Rlky; Hkou fuek. Z. k] iq. Lrdky; Hkou] lko. Ztfud 'kk. Spky; ] ok. Vj gkjosf. LVax LVªs. Dpj]
esokr {ks=h; fodkl ; kstuk • ; kstuk ds uohure fn’kk&funs. Z’k 30 -03 -2015 dks tkjh fd, x, g. S A • ; kstuk. Urx. Zr vuqer dk; ks. Z dk RDPR dh v. U; ; kstukvksa , oa egk. Rek xka/kh ujsxk ; kstuk ls d. Uots. ZUl fd; k tk ldrk g. S A • vuqeksnuksijk. Ur dk; ks. Z dh iz’kklfud , oa fo. Rrh; Lohd`fr; ka fo. Hkkxh; lk¶Vos; j ij vk. Wuykb. Zu gh tkjh dh tkrh g. S A vk. WQ ykb. Zu dk; Z ugha fd; k tkrk g. S , oa izxfr dh leh{kk Hkh vk. Wu ykb. Zu gh dh tkrh g. S A • fo. Rrh; o"k. Z 2015&16 ls Jh ; kstuk ¼S. H. R. E. E. ½ esa 'kkfey ik. Wap ? k. Vdksa ls dk; Z Lohd`r fd; k tkdj xkaoksa dk lexz vk/kkj. Hkwr fodkl fd; k tkosxk A
lhekorh. Z {ks= fodkl dk; ZØe Ø ifjp; • ns'k dh djhc 1040 fdykseh. Vj y. Ech v. Urjk. Z"Vªh; lhek ij jk. T; ds ck. Mesj] t. Slyesj] chdkusj , oa xaxkuxj ftyksa ds 14 fodkl [k. Mksa f'ko] ck. Mesj] pk. Sg. Vu] /kksjhe. Uuk] t. Slyesj] le] dksyk; r] [kktwokyk] dj. kiqj] xaxkuxj] ineiqj] ? k. Mlkuk] jk; flaguxj] o vuwix< esa Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk , d fo'ks"k dk; Zdze ds : i esa lhekorh. Z {ks= fodkl dk; Zdze o"k. Z 1993&94 ls ykxw fd; k x; k. A bl dk; Zdze ds fy; s 'kr&izfr'kr lgk; rk jkf'k Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk fo'ks"k ds. Unzh; lgk; rk v. Urx. Zr miy. C/k djk; h tkrh g. Sa. A x`g ea=ky; ¼ch-, e-½ Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk u, funs. Z’k tkjh fd; s x; s g. Sa tks 26 twu] 2015 ls iz. Hkkoh g. SA Ø m}s’; % • bl dk; Zdze dk eq[; mn~ns'; lhek {ks= esa jgus okys nqx. Ze , oa nwj. LFk {ks=ksa esa jgus okys ykxksa dh fof'k"B vko'; drkvksa dh iwfr. Z djuk g. Sa A Ø fo. Rr iks"k. k • ; g ; kstuk 'kr izfr'kr ds. Unz izofr. Zr ; kstuk g. Sa. A
; kstuk ds eq[; fc. Unq , oa dk; Z {ks= 1 - ; g ; kstuk or. Zeku esa v. Urjk"Vh. Z; lhek ls yxus okys 17 jk. T; ksa ds 363 fodkl [k. Mksa esa fØ; kf. Uor dh tk jgh g. SA 2 - jkt. LFkku esa 5 ftyksa ds 17 fodkl [k. Mksa esa fØ; kf. Uor dh tk jgh g. SA tkyk. Sj ftys dk fpryokuk Cykd 'kkfey fd; k x; k g. S & ftyk fodkl [k. M ck. M+esj ¼ 1½ jkelj] ¼ 2½ x. Mjk jks. M+] ¼ 3½ ls. Mok] ¼ 4½ pk. Sg. Vu ¼ 5½ /kukÅ chdkusj ¼ 1½ [kktwokyk] ¼ 2½ dksyk; r Jh xaxkuxj ¼ 1½ Jhxaxkuxj] ¼ 2½ jk; flag uxj] ¼ 3½ dj. kiqj] ¼ 4½ vuwix<+] ¼ 5½ ineiqj] ¼ 6½ ? k. M+lkuk ¼ 7½ fot; uxj t. Slyesj ¼ 1½ t. Slyesj] ¼ 2½ le tkyk. Sj ¼ 1½ fpryokuk 33
Lofoosd ftyk fodkl ; kstuk Øifjp; • jk. T; esa {ks= ds fodkl dh vko'; drk , oa vkikrdkyhu ifjf. LFkfr; ksa dk lkeuk djus] jkstxkj ds volj l`ftr djus gsrq ftyk dy. DVl. Z ds Lrj ij Lo&foosd ls fu. k. Z; ysdj fodkl dk; Z djk; s tkus gsrq o"k. Z 2005&06 esa Lo&foosd ftyk fodkl ; kstuk ykxw dh xb. Z g. Sa. A Øm}s'; • {ks= dh vko'; drk , oa m. Ri. Uu vkikrdkyhu ifjf. LFkfr; ksa esa {ks= esa tu&vkadk{kkvksa ds vuq: i dk; Z Lohd`r dj jkstxkj ds volj l`ftr djuk. A • lkeqnkf; d ifjl. Eifr; ksa , oa vk/kkj. Hkwr Hkk. Sfrd l. Eif. Rr; ksa dk l`tu. A • LFkkuh; leqnk; dks jkstxkj dh miy. C/krk , oa muds thou Lrj esa lq/kkj. A Øfo. Rr iks"k. k • ; kstuk 'kr&izfr'kr jk. T; fo. Rr iksf"kr g. SA
Lofoosd ftyk fodkl ; kstuk Ø fo'ks"krk, a • ; g jk. T; ds dsoy xzkeh. k {ks=ksa esa gh ykxw g. SA • bl ; kstuk. Urx. Zr ftyk dy. DVl. Z }kjk {ks= dh vko'; drk] tu vkdka{kkvksa , oa vkikrkdkyhu ifjf. LFkfr; ksa dks /; ku esa j[krs gq; s fodkl dk; Z Lohd`r fd; s tk ldsaxs. A • bl izdkj bl ; kstuk. Urx. Zr , d rj. Q vkikr dkyhu ifjf. LFkfr; ksa dk lkeuk djus ds fy; s ftyk dy. DVj ds ikl vkf. Fk. Zd lalk/ku miy. C/k gks ldsaxs rks nwljh rj. Q {ks= esa tu vkdka{kkvksa ds vuq: i ifjl. Eif. Rr; ka , oa vk/kkj. Hkwr Hkk. Sfrd lkeqnkf; d l. Eif. Rr; ka l`ftr gks ldsasxh. A • ; kstuk ds Qy. Lo: i {ks= ds fodkl eas le: irk Hkh yk; h tk ldsxh. A • Lofoosd ftyk fodkl ; kstuk ds rgr ck<@vfro`f"V iz. Hkkfor {ks=ksa esa lgk; rk gsrq ftyk dy. DVl. Z }kjk ; kstuk ds mn~ns’; ksa dks /; ku esa j[krs gq; s vkoaf. Vr jkf'k O; ; dh tk; sxh. A Ø vuqer dk; Z % • jktdh; Hkwfe ij v. U; ; kstukvksa dh Hkkafr l. Hkh izdkj ds lkeqnkf; d ifjl. Eif. Rr; ksa dk fuek. Z. k ; Fkk g. S. Mi. Ei] Hkou] l. M+d] iqfy; k] ji. V] 'kk. Spky; b. R; kfn A
धनयव द 36