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Инструменты персуазивности. Часть III: Психологические приемы и уловки Evgeni Molodychenko Инструменты персуазивности. Часть III: Психологические приемы и уловки Evgeni Molodychenko

Influence: the Psychology of persuasion by Robert Cialdini, Ph. D Overview: Although there are Influence: the Psychology of persuasion by Robert Cialdini, Ph. D Overview: Although there are thousands of different tactics that compliance practitioners employ to produce “yes”, the majority fall within six basic categories. Each of these categories is governed by a fundamental psychological principle that directs human behavior and, in so doing, gives the tactics their power (xiii) Increasingly complex environment Automatic, stereotyped behavior is prevalent in much of human action, because in many cases it is the most efficient form of behaving, and in other cases it is simply necessary. (Cialdini 2007: 6 -7) Response

On triggering automatic responses in animals and in humans [Ethologists] have begun to identify On triggering automatic responses in animals and in humans [Ethologists] have begun to identify regular, blindly mechanical patterns of action in a wide variety of species. (3) A fundamental characteristic of these patterns is that the behavors that compose them occur virtually the same order every time (3). Often the trigger feature will be just one tiny aspect of the totality that is the approaching intruder. Sometimes a shade of color is the trigger feature. (3) We, too, have our preprogrammed tapes; and, although they usually work to our advantage, the trigger features that activate them can be used to dupe us into playing them at the wrong times. (4) Unlike the mostly instinctive response sequences of nonhumans, our automatic tapes usually develop from psychological principles or stereotypes we have learned to accept. (9)

Overarching principle: the Contrast Principle If the second item is fairly different from the Overarching principle: the Contrast Principle If the second item is fairly different from the first, we will tend to see it more different than it actually is. Weight perception, attractiveness perception, temperature perception Price perception in sales For Example: 15. 000 $ 150 $ Negotiating a price for a new car, then suggesting one option after another that might be added

Reciprocation Принцип ответного действия The Rule says that we should try to repay, in Reciprocation Принцип ответного действия The Rule says that we should try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided us. (17) The rule possesses awesome strength, often producing a “yes” response to a request that, except for an existing feeling of indebtedness, would have surely been refused. (21) It is the obligation to receive that makes the rule so easy to exploit. The obligation to receive reduces our ability to choose whom we wish to be indebted to and puts that power in the hands of others. (31) Because reciprocal arrangements are so vital in human social system, we have been conditioned to be uncomfortable when beholden. Reciprocal concessions / Ответная уступка The technique is a simple one that we can call the rejection-then-retreat technique.

Consistency Принцип последовательности/постоянства It is, quite simply, our nearly obsessive desire to be (and Consistency Принцип последовательности/постоянства It is, quite simply, our nearly obsessive desire to be (and to appear) consistent with what we have already done. (57) in most circumstances consistency is valued and adaptive such consistency can also be exploited by those who would prefer that we not think too much in response to their request for our compliance concealed power of small requests; small request altered self-image larger request commitment in form of action is key. From the inside, there is a pressure to bring selfimage into line with action. From the outside, there is a sneakier pressure – a tendency to adjust this image according to the way others perceive us the effort that goes into commitment is important the principle of inner choice commitments that produce inner change “grow their own legs”

Social Proof Принцип социального доказательства It states that one means we use to determine Social Proof Принцип социального доказательства It states that one means we use to determine what is correct is to find out what other people think is correct We view a behavior as more correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it In general, when we are unsure of ourselves, when the situation is unclear or ambiguous, when uncertainty reigns, we are most likely to look to and accept the actions of others as correct. The principle of social proof operates most powerfully when we are observing the behavior of people just like us. First, we seem to assume that if a lot of people are doing the same thing, they must know something we don’t. Especially when we are uncertain, we are willing to place an enormous amount of trust in the collective knowledge of the crowd. Second, quite frequently the crowd is mistaken because they are not acting on the basis of any superior information but are reacting, themselves, to the principle of social proof.

Liking Принцип симпатии / расположения Physical Attractiveness Similarity Compliments Contact and cooperation Association Liking Принцип симпатии / расположения Physical Attractiveness Similarity Compliments Contact and cooperation Association

Authority Принцип подчинения авторитету “It is the extreme willingness of adults to go to Authority Принцип подчинения авторитету “It is the extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority that constitutes the chief finding of the study” (Milgram) we are trained from birth that obedience to proper authority is right and disobedience is wrong “the most intriguing feature for me in … commercial was its ability to use the influence of the authority principle without ever providing a real authority” vulnerable to the symbols of authority as to the substance (Clothes, Titles, Paraphernalia etc. )

Scarcity Принцип дефицитности The idea of potential loss plays a large role in human Scarcity Принцип дефицитности The idea of potential loss plays a large role in human decision making. In fact, people seem to be more motivated by the thought of losing something than by the thought of gaining something of equal value. the “limited number” tactic the ‘deadline’ tactic 1 st Reason – Shortcut: things that are difficult to possess are typically better than those that are easy to possess 2 nd Reason – Psychological Reactance Theory: whenever free choice is limited or threatened, the need to retain our freedoms makes us desire them (as well as the goods and services associated with them) significantly more than previously According to the scarcity principle, then, we will find a piece of information more persuasive if we think we can’t get it elsewhere. The drop from abundance to scarcity produces a decidedly more positive reaction to the cookies than did constant scarcity.

Conclusion Very often in making a decision about someone or something, we don’t use Conclusion Very often in making a decision about someone or something, we don’t use all the relevant available information; we use, instead, only a single, highly representative piece of the total. And an isolated piece of information, even though it normally counsels us correctly, can lead us to clearly stupid mistakes – mistakes that, when exploited by clever others, leave us look silly or worse. With the sophisticated mental apparatus we have used to build world eminence as a species, we have created an environment so complex, fast-paced, and informationladen that we must increasingly deal with it in the fashion of the animals we long ago transcended. More and more frequently, we will find ourselves in the position of the lower animals – with a mental apparatus that is unequipped to deal thoroughly with the intricacy and richness of the outside environment. Unlike the animals, whose cognitive powers have always been relatively deficient, we have created our own deficiency by constructing a radically more complex world.

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