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Institutional Development 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Institutional Development 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities

Institutional Development Institutional Effectiveness Public Information Copy Center Print Shop Institutional Development Institutional Effectiveness Public Information Copy Center Print Shop

Institutional Effectiveness 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Implement Procedures for Linking Planning and Budgeting (College Institutional Effectiveness 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Implement Procedures for Linking Planning and Budgeting (College Goals #3, #10 and #11) Finish Project with Think Technologies § Test ‘Third Generation’ version of SPOL § Train users § Implement Budget Module Spring 2003

Institutional Effectiveness 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Provide Research Support for Revised Program Review Process Institutional Effectiveness 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Provide Research Support for Revised Program Review Process (College Goal #11) Work with deans and faculty to successfully implement the process Assist in collecting information and producing program review outlines for lead instructors and review team

Institutional Effectiveness 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Improve Communication and Understanding of the Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Improve Communication and Understanding of the Institutional Effectiveness Process (College Goals #11 and #13) Offer Planning and IE ‘Overview’ session during Fall 2002 In-Service Regularly Update the Institutional Effectiveness Web page Continue to provide one-on-one help

Public Information 2002 -2003 Panning Priorities Promote CFCC programs, services and events to create Public Information 2002 -2003 Panning Priorities Promote CFCC programs, services and events to create and maintain a positive public image (College Goal #12) News Media Paid Advertisements College Publications CFCC Web Page Multimedia Public Events

Public Information 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Increase Awareness of Low-enrollment Curriculum Programs (College Goal Public Information 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Increase Awareness of Low-enrollment Curriculum Programs (College Goal #12) Target low-enrollment programs Determine best methods of promotion: Program brochures web page videos paid print and broadcast ads feature news stories exhibits

Public Information 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Increase Awareness of CFCC’s Positive Impact in the Public Information 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Increase Awareness of CFCC’s Positive Impact in the Community (College Goal #12) Produce new promotional video to advertise curriculum programs to prospective students Produce video in-house with college equipment and staff Make video available for CFCC recruiting

Print Shop and Copy Center 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Consolidate Print Shop and Copy Print Shop and Copy Center 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Consolidate Print Shop and Copy Center (College Goals #2, #12) Renovated facility, first floor of Mc. Leod Building Reception/Customer Service area Space to house up-to-date equipment; paper storage Improved work environment Improved Image

Print Shop and Copy Center 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Improve Print and Copy Services Print Shop and Copy Center 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Improve Print and Copy Services (College Goals #4, #12) Two-color Press for higher quality publications Collating machine to eliminate hand collating of large jobs Develop procedures to allow on-line requests for standard supplies i. e. letterhead, envelopes, cards, repeat jobs Reduce turn around time

Print Shop and Copy Center 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Provide Print and Copy Services Print Shop and Copy Center 2002 -2003 Planning Priorities Provide Print and Copy Services for the North Campus (College Goals #2, #12) Equip and staff the North Campus Copy Center Develop on-line procedures for receiving work requests and job documents Develop contingency plan if staffing and equipment are not budgeted for North Campus

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