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Institut for Informatik & Matematisk Modellering Lund 18. December 2008 Institut for Informatik & Matematisk Modellering Lund 18. December 2008

Forskningsområder (10 Sektioner) • Mathematical modelling: – – Scientific Computing: Per Christian Hansen Mathematical Forskningsområder (10 Sektioner) • Mathematical modelling: – – Scientific Computing: Per Christian Hansen Mathematical Statistics: Per Bruun Brockhoff Intelligent Signal Processing: Lars Kai Hansen Image Analysis & Computer Graphics: Rasmus Larsen • Computer Science: – – – Software Engineering: Hubert Baumeister System Security: Robin Sharp Language Based Technology: Hanne Riis Nielson Algorithms and Logic: Paul Fischer Embedded Systems: Jan Madsen System-on-Chip: Jens Sparsø Lund 18. December 2008

Statistics@DTU Informatics 1. Statistics Section (produced 3 Ph. D. s/year in 10 years) 2. Statistics@DTU Informatics 1. Statistics Section (produced 3 Ph. D. s/year in 10 years) 2. Image analysis Section (produced 2 -3 Ph. D. s/year in 10 years) 3. Intelligent Signal Processing Section (ISP) (produced 3 -4 Ph. D. s/year in 10 years) Roughly: 100 Ph. D. s in recent 10 years Lund 18. December 2008

Cognitive Systems Section (Potential new name) Integrating Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Cognitive Engineering for Cognitive Systems Section (Potential new name) Integrating Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Cognitive Engineering for the Digital Economy Lars Kai Hansen Professor, Sektionsleder The Data, Users, Knowledge Vision Lund 18. December 2008

Components of the new unit • Signal processing – Typical projects: Hearing aids, audio Components of the new unit • Signal processing – Typical projects: Hearing aids, audio search – Generalized cocktail party problem (ICA) • Machine Learning – Adaptive systems, automated text analysis, pattern classification, • Datamining – Search engines, meta-analysis – Wikipedia research • Cognitive science Digital economy – Prof Ingemar Cox, UCL adjunct prof – Social networks, Web 2. 0, User generated content • Mobile services – Communication, mobile web apps, Web 2. 0 – Cell phone as sensor system Systems Neuroscience – Mental State decoding – Meta-analysis/neuroinformatics • • • Human computer interfaces – Intelligent text entry • Digital media semantics – Latent semantics, automated text analysis, meta-data analysis – Search engines – Psycho-physics e. g. audiovisual integration – Computational cognitive modelling Lund 18. December 2008

Image Analysis Section Rasmus Larsen, Professor Sektionsleder • Many Ph. D. students • Many Image Analysis Section Rasmus Larsen, Professor Sektionsleder • Many Ph. D. students • Many externally funded research projects • Strong on innovation (E. g. Videometer) • Methodological Profile • Multivariate Statistics • Pattern recognition • Supervised Learning • Shape Analysis Lund 18. December 2008

Statistics Section Per Bruun Brockhoff, Professor Sektionsleder Some recent key figures: (Self evaluation report, Statistics Section Per Bruun Brockhoff, Professor Sektionsleder Some recent key figures: (Self evaluation report, Dec 2008) STAT Informatics Research VIP (1/3 2008) 7. 5 48. 5 VIP for teaching (faculty) 7. 5 52. 5 Refereed articles 03 -07 141 372 Conference papers 03 -07 76 548 Ph. D students (Oct. 1 st, 2008) 22 72 Number of Ph. D grad. 03 -07 15 72 MSc theses 2007 19 118 MSc theses 2006 16 113 External funding DKK mill. 06 -08 26, 6 85, 2 Lund 18. December 2008

Statistics Section Methodological Profile • Dynamics • Time Series Analysis and Forecasting • Modeling Statistics Section Methodological Profile • Dynamics • Time Series Analysis and Forecasting • Modeling of Dynamics Stochastic Systems • Stochastic Control Theory • Applied Probability with Stochastic Processes • Industrial and Applied Statistics • Statistical design and analysis of experiments • Statistical Process Control • Sensometrics and Chemometrics • Environmetrics Lund 18. December 2008

Statistics Section Methodological Profile • Examples: • Climatology • Energy (Wind) • Characteristics: • Statistics Section Methodological Profile • Examples: • Climatology • Energy (Wind) • Characteristics: • Pharmaceutics • Many externally funded projects • Finance • Many Ph. D. students • Food science • Environmental research • Broadly engaged outside the mathematical statistical area • Marine biology • Microbiology Lund 18. December 2008

Statistics Section Example: Food Science Formally engaged in: Visual analysis! Free open-source software developed Statistics Section Example: Food Science Formally engaged in: Visual analysis! Free open-source software developed Partners: by MATFORSK and IMM, DTU for Denmark: (Supported by DFFE) analysis of sensory profile data and KU Life DTU-Aqua panel performance monitoring. Danish Meat Research Institute Chr. Hansen A/S Chew. Tech A/S Bang & Olufsen Norway: (Supported by Norwegian Research Council) Matforsk, Ås, Norway Tine, Gilde, Arcus AS, Hennig Olsen Is, Fiskeriforskning Lund 18. December 2008

ISCC Klaus K. Andersen • 'DTU Informatics Statistical Consulting Center (ISCC)’ • Established in ISCC Klaus K. Andersen • 'DTU Informatics Statistical Consulting Center (ISCC)’ • Established in 2004. • ISCC offers statistical consulting to students, Ph. D. students and staff at DTU and to external individuals, institutions and companies. Lund 18. December 2008

ISCC Henrik Spliid • Has the construction of ‘Øresundsbroen’ affected the stock of glass ISCC Henrik Spliid • Has the construction of ‘Øresundsbroen’ affected the stock of glass eel? Lund 18. December 2008