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Inside English Intermediate Student Book
Unit 1 n Smile Look at the expression and discuss the questions Say “cheese” When do people say this? What do you say in your language? Is it easy for you to smile for photographs?
n Reading: Use the correct singular or plural form of the words in the photo to complete the article.
2. Listen and check your answers. How many different smiles are mentioned? Answers: Four smiles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. The listener/response smile 2. The polite smile 3. The miserable smile 4. The genuine smile Tooth Cheeks Eyes Wrinkles Eyebrows Dimples
Sound Focus 1. Listen the repeat these nouns. In each lilne, underline the noun where the final “s” is pronounced differently for the others. Listen for : /S/ /Z/ /IZ/ a. Heads eyes cheeks chins b. Toes backs lips stomachs c. Dimples freckles wrinkles eyelashes 2. Which nouns in 1 are not usually used in the plural to describe someone? Answer: chins, heads, stomachs
n Reading: Read the article about how your smile can show what sort of person you are. Match a heading (a-c) to each paragraph (1 -3) a) Shy and sensitive b) cheeky c) sociable
n Word Focus: Listen to four people talking. Use the most appropriate adjective in the box to describe each one. Bossy n Sensitive Audio track 04 (p. 5) Sociable Easy-going
Track 04 (p. 5) audio script A. I’d love to meet your friends—let’s make a date now. We could try that new restaurant in town. B. No, no, don’t do it like that. Do it like this. Go on, do it again, and oh, then get me a cup of coffee. C. Yeah, whatever—I really don’t mind. I’ll be happy if we go out. I’ll be happy if we stay in. Let’s do whatever you want to do. D. Look, are you sure you’re okay, because I can stay longer if you want. Anyway, you know where I am if you need me. Take care.
n Reading: Answer the questionnaire. Choose what you are most likely to say (a, b or c). Then calculate your score, read what it means on page 72 and compare with a partner. Optimist or pessimist—what are you? 1. It’s Sunday, and you’re in the middle of a long walk in the country. It starts to rain. a. It always rains when I go for a walk. b. It could be worse – it could be snowing. c. Great! I really enjoy walking in the rain. 2. You arrive home after a great vacation. a. I don’t want to go back to work. b. I’m going start planning my next vacation. I want to have something to look forward to. c. The vacation was great, but now I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.
Optimist or pessimist—what are you? 3. You have a cold. a. I need to see a doctor as soon as possible. b. I need to buy some tissues. c. It’s just a cold – it won’t kill me. 4. You have to make an important life decision. a. What ever I decide to do, it will be the wrong decision. b. I’m going to take my time and think carefully about my decision. c. Whatever I decide to do, it will be the right decision. 5. You unexpectedly receive $5, 000. a. $5, 000 isn’t going to change my life. b. Great! I can buy a few luxuries that I couldn’t afford before. c. This must be my lucky day– I think I’ll buy a lottery ticket. How to score: a=1, b=2, c=3
The best medicine: Listening n Listen to the radio report and check the best summary. a) The report talks about the benefits of medicine. b) The report talks about the benefits of laughter. c) The report talks about the benefits of education.
n According to the report, are these sentences true or false? Write “T” or “F” next to each statement. Smiling… Laughter… a. b. c. d. e. f. Boosts sales by 10%. ____ Improves morale at work. ____ Increases absenteeism from work. ____ Can cause stress. ____ Helps the body to fight illness. ____ Exercises the lungs. ____
n Audio script: track 06 Yoshihiko Kadokawa wrote a book called The Power of a Laughing Face. In the book, he explains his idea for helping companies to boost their sales by 20 percent. How? Just smile! Many young sales people attend Mr. Kadokawa’s Smile Amenity Institute in Japan, to improve their work results. To practice their smiles, Mr. Kadokawa’s students bite down on chopsticks and then raise the corners of their mouths. Mr. Kadokawa claims that a smiling face improves morale at work. As a direct result, few people take days off work. Yes, smiling actually reduces absenteeism.
n Audio script: track 06 Scientific research supports Yoshihiko Kadokawa. . It has been proven that laughter reduces the effects of stress and helps the body to fight against illness and infection. In India, the health benefits of laughter are taken very seriously. There is a network of six hundred “laughter clubs” where people meet every day just to laugh. They participate in “social laughter”…; laughter they try to keep quiet…; and loud, open laughter… which exercises the lungs.
Unit 2 Reading: 1. Work with a partner. Look at the photo at the bottom of the page and discuss these questions. Where do you think this is? What time of year do you think it is? How many people do you think are watching? Celebrate
2. Read the article and check your answers.
Language Focus 1. Complete these sentences from the article on page 10, using the appropriate verb form. a) The house ______(clean). Flowers and special decorations _____ (place) around the house Red packets containing money _____ (give) to children. b) c)
2. Complete the story using the appropriate form.
4. Complete the sentences using the passive. a) Last year, decorations were hung (hang) around our house at Chinese New Year. b) We were given (give) lots of New Year presents. c) I _____ (invite) to praise at least once a month when I was 12 years old. d) For my last birthday, I ____ (take) out for dinner e) My shoes ____ (make) in China f) My house ____ (build) more than ten years ago.
n Listening(track 08): These people are at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Chicago. A radio reporter interviews them. Listen and match the people to what they are doing. a. Mike ____ 1. Selling something b. Jenny ____ 2. Working for the city c. Sarah ____ 3. Watching the parade
Language Focus Verbs describing actions Verbs describing states “We are having a fabulous time” “I have two brothers and one sister. ” 3. For each sentence check action or state action a) I work in a computer company. b) Jane and Sally are playing tennis. c) I have black hair and blue eyes. d) I am having a bad day. e) I like baseball and basketball. state
Reading: 1. Read the article and check the statements that are true. a) b) c) d) e) f) The children stay in their homes when it snows. A kamakura looks like an igloo. Children eat, drink, and entertain visitors in the kamakura. Each kamakura is warmed by a charcoal fire. The festival is dedicated to the god of fire. The kamakuras are protected by dangerous guard dogs.
Listening: 1. Listen to these four people talking about how they celebrated their last birthday. Write the name of the person who talked about each of the following. a) Jack had a party. d) _____had a meal. b) _____ was unhappy. e) _____ saw a movie. c) _____ went dancing. f) _____ played games.
Word Focus: 1. Look at the sentences below from Listening 1. Replace each underlined phrase with a phrase in the box that means the same. go wild going out with a) b) c) d) e) gone to great lengths go for it go with the flow We’ve been dating each other for two weeks. My family and friends had tried hard to make it really special for me. We didn’t exactly have a crazy, noisy celebration. I thought “Hey, do what everyone else wants to do. ” I just had to try.
Unit 3 Dance Reading: Do the questionnaire and compare your answers with a partner.
Unit 3 Dance 1. Test your propositions! The questionnaire talks about being on stage or at a club. Add “on” or “at” to the words in the box Word Focus The phone , a concert, vacation, a plane, the doctor’s, the internet, the hairdresser’s, a night club Language toolbox Last week The day before yesterday Every day Last summer Two weeks ago Before the lesson began
Reading: 1. Work in small groups. Discuss the questions. n n n Which town or city in your country is famous for its nightlife? Where do people go dancing or clubbing where you live? Which is your favorite place for a night out?
n 2. Read the article and answer these questions. a) Where is Hoh Phangan? Why do most tourists go there? How often does this event happen? How many people attend? What kind of music can you hear? How long has Koh Phangan been a party island? b) c) d) e) f) Full moon rising The beautiful Thai island of Koh Phangan is about 15 kilometers north of its larger neighbor Koh Samui in the Gulf of Thailand. White, sandy beaches and picturesque waterfalls help to attract tourists to Koh Phangan. The largest attraction foreign travelers, though, is the all-night fullmoon party, which takes place each month on the night of the full moon. Had Rin Beach is the venue for the party and DJs from all over the world come to mix their music for the crowd of 8, 000 or more clubbers.
Full moon rising Then the full-moon parties started years ago, there were only a few people, and the music was soft rock and reggae. These days, there always thousands of people, and the music is mainly trance and techno. Koh Phangan has been a party place since the seventies when hippies first started coming to the island. It became famous for clubbing in the early 1990 s. Since then, the full-moon party has become one of the biggest and most famous in the world.
Listening: 1. Working with a partner. Look at the photos of the people interviewed and guess who said each of the following. “I haven’t been home for a couple of months now. ” b) “I’ve lived here all my life. ” c) “I’ve spent all my money. ” d) “I haven’t been to the beach yet. ” e) “I’ve been a regular DJ at Had Rin beach for eight years. ” a) 2. Listen to a radio program called “Traveler’s Treats” and check your answers to 1 (track 11)
n n n n Track 11 Audio script Josh I: Hi, Josh, how are you? J: Oh man, I’m beat! I’ve been dancing all night. I: You’re very white. Don’t you like sunbathing? J: Uh, well, I haven’t been to the beach yet. I: How come? How long have you been here? J: Uh, about four days, I guess. Yeah, I’ve been here since Monday. I: Well, what have you been doing since you arrived? J: I’ve been dancing every night and sleeping all day. I’ve net a whole bunch of people, especially girls. I: So, have you had a good time? J: Definitely! This is the best vacation I’ve ever had. The only problem is I’m broke. I’ve already spent all my money. I: Oh dear. Well good luck and have a good journey home. J: Thanks, man. Hey, you couldn’t lend me some money, could you?
n n n Toshi I: Toshi, how long have you been here? T: Since last week. I: where are you from? T: Japan, but I haven’t been home for a couple of months now. I: What have you been doing? T: Having a great time—I’ve been working in clubs all around the world. I’ve been a regular DJ here at Had Rin beach for eight years. I usually visit just for the full-moon parties. I: Where else have you worked recently? T: I’ve been traveling around for the last two months. I’ve been to Goa in India, St. Tropez in France and the Spanish island of Ibiza. I: So when are you going home? T: Tomorrow. I love the life out here and on the club circuit but I’m really looking forward to having a rest from it.
n n n Eddie I: Good morning, Eddie. How are you today? E: Not bad, not bad. But I’ve been working all night in my bar so I’m going to go to bed soon. I: Well, thanks for talking to us. How long have you been here in Koh Phangan? E: I’ve lived here all my life. I was born in Thongsala but I’ve been living in Had Rin since 1999. That was when I opened my own bar. I: What’s it like living here in Koh Phangan? E: It used to be a wonderful place, but now the tourist have spoiled it. I: But tourists have been coming here since the seventies. E: That’s true, but they’ve changed. They used to be much gentler that they are today. Now it’s all tattoos and piercings. I: What sort of people come to your bar? E: Well… er … tourists
Language Focus: for & since Two ways of saying the same thing n For + a period of time For a few days/ for three years/ for ages n Since + a point in time Since Monday/ since I left school/ since 1997
Language focus 1. Work with a partner. Look at the two example sentences. Then check “for” or “since” for each word or expression. For a) Yesterday b) 20 minutes c) Two days d) 2001 e) Last Monday f) 3 years Since
2. Complete the sentences so that the information is correct counting from now. a) Jeff hasn’t written to Jim since last January. = Jeff hasn’t written to Jim for _______. b) I’ve been working on this for 45 minutes. I’ve been working on this since _____. c) Hiro has been in Seoul since last Wednesday. = Hiro has been in Seoul for ______. d) Kyung-Hee has lived in New York since 2002. = Kyung-Hee has lived in New York for ____. e) Withaya has studied English for 7 years. = Withaya has studied English since _____.
Language Focus: 1. For each sentence, check repeated action or state. Repeated action a) He’s been a DJ for eight years. b) They’ve been coming to Koh Phangan since the seventies. c) I’ve lived here all my life. d) She’s been dancing on the beach every night State
Reading: 1. Read this background information about the book Billy Elliot. What is the problem? What do you think will happen? Billy’s mother is dead. His father and brother are miners. Billy’s father wants his son to learn to box, but Billy becomes fascinated by the magic of ballet. In secret, he starts taking ballet lessons. In this extract from the story, Billy describes what happens when his father comes to watch him boxing but instead finds him in a ballet class.
2. Read and listen to the extract. Who do you sympathize with: Billy or his dad? Back home he pointed at a chair behind the table, staring at me all the while he was taking his coat off. Then he sat down opposite me. I knew what he wanted. He wanted me say sorry. Well I wasn’t going to. He could wait for ever. It was stupid! What had I done wrong? “Ballet, ” he said at last. “So what’s wrong with ballet? ” I said. My nan was sitting on a chair by the window eating a pork pie and watching us like we were on the telly. I looked at her. It was easier than having to look at him. I could see him turning red again out of the corner of my eye. “What’s wrong with ballet? ” Look at me, Billy. Are you trying to wind me up? ” “It’s perfectly normal, ” I said, turning to face him. “Normal? ” I was scared. He’d gone all white around the lips. “I used to go to ballet, ” said my nan. “See? ” I said. “For your nan. For girls, Billy. Not for lads. Lads do football or boxing or wrestling or something. ”
3. Put the lines of this summary of the extract in the correct order. ( ) a) at his father. He looked (2 ) b) off and without saying anything sat ( ) c) down opposite Billy didn’t look ( 1) d) His father took his coat ( ) e) at his nan instead. Billy said there was nothing wrong ( ) f) with doing ballet, but his dad thought he was winding him up.
Unit 4 Call n Work with a partner. List things that you dislike about phones. Read the magazine article and see if it mentions any of the things you listed.
n Word Focus 1. Complete the questions with words and expressions in bold from the article above. a) Have you ever had a problem getting _____ to the right _____? b) When somebody leaves a message on your _____, how long do you wait before you return the call? c) When was the last time you listened to a _____ and had to choose from different _____? d) Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation because you forgot to _____ your phone?
n Listening (track 14) 1. Listen to the first part of Lorna’s telephone conversation about her problems. Check the problems she motions. a) b) c) d) My head is hurting. The apartment is untidy. My car has broken down. The neighbors are annoying me. e) I’ve had an argument with my partner. f) The fridge is empty. g) I’m bored. h) I don’t have any money.
n Listening 3. Listen to the second part of the telephone conversation. Who is Lorna speaking to? (track 15) 4. Lorna make two more calls. Listen to the two conversations and say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). (track 16) a) b) c) d) e) Lorna’s mother is out. Lorna’s father offers to help with the neighbors. Lorna asks James to turn the music down. James offers to get Lorna some aspirin. James asks if he can play his music later that evening.
Language Focus n 1. Listen again to Lorna’s two conversations from the previous section. Match the opening phrases (a-g) with the sentence endings (1 -7). (Track 16) a) b) c) d) e) f) Can I Should I Could you Would you mind Would you like me to Is it okay if I 1 get you some aspirin? 2 Turning your music down? 3 Make some noise tomorrow? 4 Call you back later? 5 Tell her it’s urgent? 6 Leave a message for your mother?
n Listening 1. Lorna tries to contact her boyfriend, Damien, at work. He works for a web design agency called First Site. Complete her conversation with the receptionist using the most appropriate expressions.
n 2. 3. Listening Listen and check your answers. (track 17) Work with a partner. Practice the conversation. Take turns being Lorna and the receptionist.
n Sound Focus 1. Intonation is very important when making requests. A polite request can sound impolite with poor intonation. Listen to these sentences and check the appropriate box. polite a) 1. Would you mind hanging on x a moment? 2. Would you mind hanging on a moment? b) 1. Could you tell him to call me? 2. Could you tell him to call me? c) 1. Can you call back later? 2. Can you call back later? impolite x
n Language Focus 3. Work with a partner. Rewrite the ends of these indirect questions in the correct order. a) Do you know what is address my ? b) Can you remember who was English teacher first your ? c) Do you know what is star sign your ? d) Do you think is my improving English ? e) Could you tell me how long city you in living this been have ?
Unit 5 Review 1 n Listening 1. Listen to three radio interviews with people in line to get a bargain at the department store sales. Look at the picture at the top of page 29 while you are listening, and answer the questions. a) Who think they will get some bargains at the sales? b) Who doesn’t think they will get any bargains?
n Listening 2. Rearrange the words to make the questions that the reporter asked in the first interview. a) b) c) d) Could you tell me come from where you ? Could you tell me been how long waiting you’ve ? Do you think get any you will bargains ? Do you know are how in many front people of there you ?
n Writing 1. Complete the descriptions with words from the box. Match each description to a person in the picture above. freckle cheeks easy-going humor miserable eyebrows dimples wrinkled a) She has pale skin and black hair. She looks _____, but, in reality, she is not unhappy. She is serious and works hard – and is always extremely polite. b) She has short, gray hair and always wears green to match her green eyes. Her _____ are always red – is it because she is shy or does she suffer from the cold? c) She’s an elderly lady with a friendly face. Sociable and _____, she has a wonderful sense of _____ and seems to be smiling all the time. d) He’s fifty-two but looks older with his untidy hair, bushy _____ and mustache. He has a _____ face and his eyes look tired, because he doesn’t sleep enough. He always wears the same old-fashioned suit. e) She’s fifty and has a lot of _____. When she smiles, _____ appear on her cheeks. Red is her favorite color because this shows off her beautiful pearly teeth.
n Reading 1. Read the article. Choose either the to-infinitive or the –ing form for each word in (parentheses).
Reading n 2. Look at the article again. Which of these statements are true and which are false? According to the article…. a) b) c) d) Prices have been reduced to attract shoppers. Money is being spent carelessly this year. More money was spent in the sales last year than this year. A woman who took sick leave from work was seen on TV by her boss. 3. Work in small groups. Discuss these questions Is there a certain time of year for sales in your country? Would you wait in line for hours at the sales? What’s the longest you’ve ever waited for something?
n Listening 2. Number these telephone conversation in the correct order. (3) a) I’m afraid he’s not in yet, ma’am. Can I take a message? (2) b) Oh, hello. Can I speak to Mr. Rogers, please? ( ) c) Okay. Well, thanks for calling. Goodbye. ( ) d) Uh, well, it’s Joanna Knightly here. I’m calling to say I have a sore throat and I won’t be able to meet with him today. ( ) e) Thanks. Goodbye. (1) f) Mr. Rogers’ office. Can I help you? ( ) g) No, don’t ask him to call me, thanks. I’ll call back later. ( ) h) Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Would you like me to ask Mr. Rogers to call you when he gets in?
Unit 6 Lifestyle n Reading 1. Work with a partner. Choose the best words to complete this advice on how to live longer. You’ll live longer if you … a) eat a low-calorie/ -vitamin/ -protein diet. b) eat three quarters junk / frozen / plant food and one quarter animal/ canned/ baby food c) eat seven servings of jam / fruit and vegetables / chocolate every day. d) stop eating when you are 50% / 80% / 100% full. e) do the things you enjoy / hate / can.
n Reading 2. Read this article about the lifestyle on the island of Okinawa in Japan. Which tips for 1 are mentioned?
n Word Focus 1. Complete these sentences with words form the article on Okinawa. a) b) c) d) Do you feel that you are always ______ a hurry? Do you have a strong _____ of friends? Do you think you _____ a healthy lifestyle? How often do you go for a _____ walk?
n Listening 1. Listen to a woman asking a personal trainer for information about his services. a) Why does she want the information? b) How do you think her husband will feel about her idea? 2. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct alternatives. a) b) c) d) e) He’ll make / take a fitness test. He’ll do / go on a diet. He’ll take/ have a cigarette. He’ll do/ have a massage. He’ll make / go for a one-hour run.
n Word Focus 1. Work with a partner. Look at the conversations below and answer these questions. a) Who do you think is speaking? b) What do you think the conversation are about? A A: Hey, what do you think of the guy over there wearing the blue shirt? B: Um- he’s okay, but he’s not my cup of hot chocolate/ soup / tea. A: Good – he is mine. C A: No, I can’t. It’s too difficult. B: No, it isn’t. It’s a piece of toast/ pizza/ cake. Come on. A: No, no. Stop it. I’m going to fall over. B A: Why can’t I go out? B: Look, I’ve told you a hundred times. It’s raining. Now stop going on about it. You’ve driving me sausages/ nuts/ onions. A: But why can’t I? D A: What have you done today? Nothing! B: That’s not true. I’ve read the paper. A: And watched television for two hours. You’re nothing but a lazy couch potato/ cucumber/ tomato.
n Word Focus 4. Replace the underlined phrases with a idiom from 1 a) I could never be friends with someone who watches TV all the time. b) I think that learning English is really easy. c) I was a naughty child and drove my parents crazy. d) Going dancing isn’t something I enjoy.
n Reading 1. Read the website about recipes that use bananas. Check the dishes you would like to try and put an “x” next to the ones you wouldn’t like to try.
n Language Toolbox Fried, boiled, steamed, baked, delicious, burned, so-so, interesting, fun 2. Read the list of dishes again and write the words which describe: a) Different ways of preparing food. Peel, … b) Different ways of cooking food. Fry, … c) One word meaning not cooked.
Unit 7 Animals n Word Focus Test your knowledge of animals! Work with a partner and match the definitions Animal facts a)An animal that can last longer without water than a camel. b)A person who treats sick animals c)An insect that can lift fifty times of its own weight. d)An animal that can run 100 kilometers per hour. e)An animal that can live to be seventy years old. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A cheetah. A tortoise. A vet. A giraffe. An ant.
n Sound Focus 1. Match each of the words in the box with one of the clues below. Each word in column A sounds and same as the word in column B, but has a different spelling and a different meaning. tail bear right deer tale write bare dear Word A 1. tail - a cat has a ling one. 2. ____- brown animal with long legs/Bambi 3. ____- a large animal with thick fur 4. ____- correct/ not wrong Word B tale - an imaginative story ____- …sir or madam, … ____- empty/ nude ____- use a pen to do this.
n Language Focus 1. Look at the words in the box. Answer the questions. Who which that a) Which word is used only for people? b) Which word is used only for things or animals? c) Which words is used for people, things or animals? 2. Combine each of the following sentences with that to make one new sentence. a) I have a friend. He lives in Taipei. (I have a friend that lives in Taipei) b) I have a car. It isn’t very easy to park. c) I know a woman. She has a beautiful singing voice. d) I went to a private school. It was a long way from my house. e) I have a sister. She works in a store. f) Last week I watched a very sad movie. It made me cry.
n Language Focus 5. The definitions in column A contain one extra word. Correct each one by crossing out the word. Then match the definitions with a word from column B. A a)An animal that it can smell water five kilometers away. b)A person who he studies birds. c)An animal which it sleeps standing up. d)The only animal - apart from humans – which it can get a sunburn. e)The thing that you sit on it when you ride a horse. f)An insect that you get malaria from it. B 1 A saddle. 2 A mosquito. 3 An elephant. 4 An ornithologist. 5 A pig. 6 A horse.
n Reading 1. Work in groups on three. Students A, Student B, and Student C each read your story. Then match a description (a, b or c) to your story. a) An animal that helped someone who was depressed. b) An animal that died of a broken heart. c) An animal that refused to be separated from another animal.
n Reading
n Listening 1. Write the name of the animal next to each picture. rat pig hamster spider snake
n Listening 2. Which of the words in the box describe each animal? Discuss with a partner. Fluffy hairy cute frightening fat 3. Listen to Tim, Gus and Maxine talk about their pets. Write T, G or M next to three pets above to show whose pets they are. 5. Work with a partner. Look at the following list of pet characteristics. Check the ones that you think were mentioned in the interviews. a) b) c) d) e) f) My pet makes me laugh when it does silly things My pet looks cool. My pet helps me make friends with other people with pets My pet frightens people away. My pet keeps me fit because I have to take it out for walks. My pet parties all night long.
n Language Focus 1. Work with a partner. Look at this sentence and discuss the questions. a)Is Jack an animal? b)Is Freya talking about the past?
n Language Focus 2. Replace the words an animal in Freya’s question in 1 with words from the box and/ or your own ideas. Ask your partner the questions. Discuss your answers. a famous person a fictional character a color a car a month 3. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. Compare your sentences with your partner. a) I’m not a member of the opposite sex If I was a member of the opposite sex, I’d wear different clothes. b) I don’t have $1 million. If I had $1 million, I’d/ I wouldn’t _______. c) I’m not the president of my country. If ______, I’d/ I wouldn’t ____. d) I can’t fly a plane. If ______, I’d/ I wouldn’t _______.
n Language Focus 4. Work with a partner. Look at these difficult situations. Complete them with the correct verb form and then discuss your answers to each one. a) If you ____ (find) a wallet in the street with $20, would you give the wallet in to the police – but keep the cash? b) If a sales clerk _____ (give) you too much change, would you keep the money and say nothing? c) If a friend left their bag at your house by mistake, _____ (you look) through it? d) If you (see) _____ some children stealing some chocolate from a store, would you tell the store owner?
n Listening 1. Listen to Mandy talking about her friend’s pet iguana. Check which of the following topics she talks about. ____ What kind of animal is it? ____ Who is its owner? ____ What’s its name? ____ How old is it? ____ What does it look like? ____ What sort of personality does it have? ____ Does it need much exercise? ____ What does it eat? 2. Work with a partner. Write as much information as you can remember about the topics Mandy talks about. Listen again and check your answers.
n Word Focus 1. Complete these sentences form the listening with the words in the box. About at in to about a) b) c) d) e) I’ve never been that wild _____ keeping animals in my house. I wouldn’t object ____ having an unusual pet. Angus doesn’t seem worried _____ that. Angus doesn’t believe _____ keeping animals in cages. He’s very good _____ looking after it. 3. Complete these questions with one of the phrases in bold in 1. a) b) c) d) e) Do you ____ in ghosts? Is there a singer or a band you are ____? Is there any sport you are ____ playing? Is there any food you strongly ____ eating? Do you ever feel ____ the environment?
Unit 8 Weird n Work with a partner. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. What do you know about crop circles? Who or what do you think made them?
n Reading Read this list of possible explanations for the causes of crop circles. Which do you believe? Tell your partner. crop circles: Patterns that began mysteriously appearing in fields in England some other European countries in the 1980 s.
n Listening 1. Listen to an interview with a crop circle expert. Complete each question with the correct word. a) b) c) d) e) How _____ have you been interested in crop circles? How _____ is it exactly? How _____ circles are there altogether? How _____ does it take to make a crop circle? How _____ have crop circles existed? 2. Work with a partner. Match the questions in 1 to the answers below. Listen to the interview again and check your ideas. 1. Almost one kilometer wide 2. Since 1980. 3. For about eleven years 4. More than 400. 5. A few hours or several days.
n Reading 1. Read the two true stories. A sentence is missing from each story. Put sentence a or b into each story in the appropriate position 1, 2 or 3. a) Ian arrived in Amy’s hometown just as she knocked on his door in Sydney. b) Shortly before her twenty-second birthday, she still hadn’t met the love of her life yet.
n Reading 1. Read the two true stories. A sentence is missing from each story. Put sentence a or b into each story in the appropriate position 1, 2 or 3. a) Ian arrived in Amy’s hometown just as she knocked on his door in Sydney. b) Shortly before her twenty-second birthday, she still hadn’t met the love of her life yet.
n Word Focus 2. Choose an appropriate verb in each of the following statements a) b) c) d) If you don’t make/ take risks, you won’t succeed in life. You should never make/ take a promise if you can’t keep it. All teenagers should make/ take a course in personal accounting. The press should not make/ take photographs of famous people without their permission. e) Making/ Taking mistakes is part of the process of learning a language. f) The most important thing in life is to get a job where you can make/ take lots of money.
n Language Focus 1. Work with a partner. Look at the sentence from one of the stories in the previous section. At that time, Amy didn’t know that Ian had just started his journey from Sydney to New York. Both underlined phrases describe past events. Which one shows that one past event happened before the other past event.
2. Work with a partner. Complete the story by circling an appropriate phrase.
n Listening 1. Listen to Des and then Lidia talking about strange experiences. Which of the following topics do they talk about? Des Lidia ____ Where was the person when it happened? ____ Did they see or hear something strange? ____ Did they meet somebody in a strange situation? ____ What exactly was strange about the experience? ____ How did you or the person feel? ____ What do you think about the experience? Can you explain it? 2. Work with a partner. Write any information you remember about each story.
n Reading 1. Read the account of a famous UFO incident – a mysterious crash in New Mexico in 1947. How many explanations are there for the crash? Do you believe any of the explanations? 2. Work in small groups. Discuss these questions l. Do you think there is life on other planets? l. Do you think aliens have visited the Earth? l. What do you think aliens might look like?
Unit 9 Wheels n Reading 1. Match each item with the correct “set of wheels. ” a) racing handlebars b) 750 cc motor c) Steering wheel 1. car 2. Bicycle 3. motorbike 2. Read the three descriptions of people’s “first set of wheels’ and check your answers. Then match each description with a picture.
n Speaking Personally Imagine your dream set of wheels. Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and the language you will use. Tell your partner about it. ____ What kind of vehicle is it? Bicycle, motorbike, car or something else? ____ Is it modern, or is it an old model? ____ What color is it? ____ What kind of seat(s) does it have? ____ What special features does it have? ____ Where would you like to go with it? ____ Who would you take with you? n Language Focus 1. Work with a partner. Complete these sentences from the article on page 52 with expressions from the box. always used to went a) “I ______ have a love-hate relationship with that car…” b) “One weekend, we ______ camping” c) “I ______ travel to work by public transportation…”
n Listening 1. Work in small groups. What are the good points and the bad points of riding a scooter in the city? Tell each other. “ It’s very easy to move through the traffic. ” “ Yes, but when it rains, you get wet. ” 2. Listen to Paul, Joe and Stella talking about scooters. How many of your points do they mention? 3. Complete the conversation with Paul, Joe and Stella with one word in each space. Listen again and check your answers
n Listening
n Language Focus 1. Look at the highlighted expressions in the conversation in the previous section. Look at the chart and write one more phrase under each heading.
n Language Focus 2. Choose a topic in the box and write all the advantages and disadvantages that you can think of. Fast food Being a woman or a man Being famous Marriage n Listening 1. Listen to a radio program called Road Rage. The host gives advice on travel problems. Listen and check which problems are mentioned. a) I want to go somewhere nice on vacation, but I hate flying. b) I’m sick of wasting time in traffic jams. c) I’m a bus driver, and I don’t get enough exercise 2. Work with a partner. Dave gives Mark three pieces of advice. Listen again and match the two halves of each sentence. Do you think this is good advice? a) Why don’t you … b) You could … c) If I were you, I’d 1. use public transportation 2. learn a new language 3. work at home
n Reading 1. Read and listen to this extract from The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson. He describes the family vacations he used to take. Are these statements true or false? a) b) c) d) The writer used to go on vacation with his parents and his cousins. The children used to make a “bomb” that looked like a porcupine. The “bombs” used to make other cars crash. The parents never used t understand why other driver got angry. Bill Bryson is the best-selling author of many humorous travel books
n Word Focus Find the following words in the text and choose the most appropriate meaning. a) a station-wagon (line 2): (1) a big car with a long body; (2) a small sports car b) cruddy (line 3): (1) lovely and new; (2) old and ugly c) to veer (line 11): (1) to drive in a straight line; (2) to change direction suddenly d) zoom up (line 14): (1) drive slowly; (2) drive fast e) tearing off (line 15): (1) driving away fast; (2) driving away slowly n Song 1. Use the words in the box to complete the song Drive by The Cars. down attention fall late wrong scream break
n Song 2. Listen and check your answers Drive A huge hit in 1984 for The Cars
n Sound Focus 1. Listen to the spoken form of five common English verbs gonna wanna ain’t gimme gotta 2. Replace the words in italics with a spoken form from the box above to make titles of well-known pop songs. a) b) c) d) e) Isn’t that a shame? (Fats Domino) We’ve got to get out of this place (The Animals) Give me all your loving (ZZ Top) I don’t want to live without you (Chicago) We’re not going to take it (Twisted Sister)
Unit 10 Review 2 n Language reviewed Past time- used to (unit 9) Proposition after verbs and adjectives (Unit 7) n Will for prediction (Unit 6) Future time clauses (Unit 6) Reading 1. Read the newspaper article about a lottery winner. How much did Mrs. Alvarado win and what is she going to do with the money?
n Reading 2. Work with a partner. Read the article again. Which four words in bold can you replace with used to + infinitive? n Speaking 1. Look at the following statements. Where possible, replace the underlined words with used to or didn’t use to + infinitive. a) b) c) d) e) I was born in a hospital As a child, I lived in a small village. My parents gave me lots of pocket money. We went to Disneyland once as a special treat. I didn’t enjoy English lessons at school.
n Listening 1. Listen to a radio phone-in program where callers comment on Mrs. Alvarado’s lottery win. Complete these comments with a preposition. a) b) c) d) e) Mrs. Alvarado is obviously very fond _____ the children. She will soon get tired _____ all the letters. She needs to think _____ her future now. She’s more interested _____ the children than the money. She doesn’t have to worry _____ the future anymore. 2. Look at some predictions about Mrs. Alvarado’s life. Listen again and check the ones you hear on the program. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) She’ll give up her job soon. Life will be very difficult. Everyone will ask her for money. She’ll buy a new house and a car. She’ll give most of the money away. She’ll take a long vacation. She’ll change her mind about giving money to the children’s home.
n Reading 1. If you received this e-mail, what would you do? Discuss with a partner. For example: I hate these messages. I would delete it straight away.
n Reading 2. The e-mail continues below with stories about people who did or didn’t pass on the e-mail message. Complete the text by choosing the appropriate verb.
n Reading 1. Read the article below and explain the title.
n Reading 2. Work with a partner. Complete the story by putting the verbs into the past perfect. For example: I woke up late because I had forgotten about the alarm clock… 3. Listen and check your answers.