- Количество слайдов: 17
INTRODUCTION PURPOSE To set out of the Insurance Sector Training Authority’s criteria for the accreditation of providers who provide education and training services against INSETA quality assured qualifications as recorded on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). QUALITY ASSURANCE OBJECTIVES: To implement Inseta’s strategic vision aligned to Inseta’s commitment to educate and develop the insurance sector , the Training Authority follows the principles detailed below to guide a vision for quality learning provision, assessment and moderation and provider accreditation processes: v. Ensuring that all accredited providers are delivering the quality of provisioning for which they are accredited, through a comprehensive accreditation and monitoring/audit processes. v. Assuring that learners will have a quality learning and assessment experience v. Ongoing development of individuals, practices, institutions and provision through focused and targeted capacity building to ensure the implementation and continued improvement of quality provision within the Insurance sector v. Collaboration with internal and external stakeholders in the implementation of initiatives related to learning provision v. Strengthening quality assurance through review, research and development of appropriate and relevant quality assurance policies and processes. 3
QUALITY ASSURANCE FRAMEWORK The following framework is utilized by the Training Authority to ensure the provision of credible and tangible delivery to ensure the culmination and the attainment of a standardized model of education and training best practice across the Insurance sector: v. Accreditation of constituent providers for specific standards or qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework v The evaluation of facilitation, assessment and moderation among constituent providers v. The promotion of quality amongst constituent providers v Monitoring of constituent provider provision v. Registration of assessors and moderators v. The Certification of learner achievements v. The upload of learner data to the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) Please note : INSETA has recently updated policies related to the Training Authority’s mandated quality assurance functions. Providers are required need to read through these policies as part of accreditation capacity building processes. 4
APPLICATION STAGE 1. APPLICATION STAGE a)Client makes initial contact with QA department and is referred to the Accreditation Consultant for capacity building and or assistance regarding the accreditation process. b)An Accreditation application pack ( primary or secondary) is made available to the client via email. c)The applicant provider completes the applicable accreditation application form and returns a hard copy with the necessary attachments to the INSETA. Providers are urged to retain all copies of documentation forwarded to INSETA for their own records. d)INSETA will confirm receipt of all applications received. e)The accreditation process may take up to a period of 6 months depending on the quality and completeness of applications received , the and application volumes received by INSETA during the course of the year. f)INSETA will endeavour to work at completing application processes within a period of 12 weeks (3 months) to avoid lengthy accreditation processes. 5
DESK TOP REVIEW 2. DESK REVIEW a)A desktop review of the application is conducted by the Accreditation Consultant or an Evaluator appointed by the ETQA division. b)The consultant or evaluator completes a desktop review of the application received, and issues a desktop report. The evaluation report is forwarded to the client. c)If the desk review is favourable, the client is informed and a site visit at the client’s premises is scheduled by the Accreditation Consultant or Evaluator who will confirm a date and time of the site visit in writing to the client. d)Should a desk review be deemed unfavourable, the client will be informed in writing of the reasons of identified non compliance to accreditation criteria. An unsatisfactory or incomplete application will be sent a developmental compliance plan as detailed in the desktop evaluation report. An accreditation related site visit will be conducted at the Training Authority’s discretion. 6
ONSITE EVALUATION 3. ONSITE EVALUATION a) A QA consultant , Evaluator or site visit team will conduct a site inspection at the client’s premises. A site visit team will consist of a lead evaluator (Accreditation Consultant) and a another senior consultant where applicable. b)The site inspection will include a physical inspection of all facilities and resources required for the implementation of INSETA quality assured learning programmes and an inspection of learning material and assessment tools related to training provision. c)A site visit report will be completed by the QA Consultant, Evaluator or site visit team and a copy thereafter submitted to the applicant provider. The outcome of the site inspection, a development plan and recommendations will be contained in the report. d)Should a site report be favourable, the evaluator’s recommendation detailing a decision to award accreditation will be detailed in the report. e)Should a site inspection result be unsatisfactory, the provider will be given a developmental compliance plan with agreed timeframes to meeting areas of non-compliance as detailed in the report. 7
ACCREDITATION AWARD 4. AWARD OF ACCREDITATION a)Should evaluation be favourable, the organisation will be granted provisional accreditation by INSETA. The duration of which may be extended in line with national policy , should an extension this be deemed to be warranted. b)The Accreditation Consultant will notify the provider in writing of the organization’s accreditation award. The notification will be comprised of an accreditation letter (including awarded scope) signed off by the QA Manager. c)The accreditation consultant will update the INSETA accredited provider list with the approved provider’s contact information. d)The provider’s accreditation details with approved scope will be captured on the INSETA Management Information System ( INDICIUM). e)INSETA will invite the successful provider to attend training on how to access and use the Inseta’s Management Information to ensure that all providers are au fait with the requirements for uploading learner information and achievements onto the system. f)Post the award of primary accreditation, INSETA will then print an accreditation certificate which will be signed by the QA Manager and INSETA CEO detailing the provider’s accreditation related information. g)INSETA will notify the provider telephonically or writing about the collection of the certificate.
ACCREDITATION CONDITIONS v. A provider’s accreditation is dependent on the alignment of the following criteria which are conditions of accreditation: v. Approval is subject to ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the organisation as well as to the delivery of learning programmes related to the provider’s specified scope of unit standards and/or qualifications. v. An INSETA monitoring visit may at INSETA’s discretion, take place at the provider’s premises within the provider’s stipulated accreditation period. v. Accreditation scope, as well as any extensions, will depend on successful delivery against INSETA’s policies and procedures, and this will remain an ongoing condition of accreditation. v. INSETA reserves the right to conduct a site visit at the provider’s premises and or delivery sites/s at any stage of the stipulated accreditation period. 9
ACCREDITATION CONDITIONS CONT. . v. Accreditation does not automatically cover new unit standards or qualifications that may replace reviewed ones. Applications should be made separately to extend the provider’s accreditation scope. v. Accreditation remains provisional for the period stipulated , and is conditional until at least one assessment intervention is successfully delivered, verified and approved by INSETA. v. Accreditation scope as well as any extensions will depend upon successful delivery against INSETA policies and procedures and any conditions attaching specifically to approval which may be stated separately. v. The provider’s accreditation end date is subject to applicable legislation and delegation governing the operations of the INSETA during the period of the provider’s accreditation award. v. Accreditation is also dependant on the currency of unit standards or qualifications that have been awarded to the provider. Should currently registered NQF qualifications expire, be replaced or be repealed prior to the end date of the provider’s accreditation cycle, the actual life of the expired qualification/unit standard takes precedence over the provider’s accreditation period. 10
AVAILABILITY OF LEARNING MATERIAL INSETA has developed learning material that emerging providers may utilize. Learning material has been developed against the following qualifications: v. Further Education and Training Certificate : Retail Insurance, NQF level 4 v. Further Education and Training Certificate : Long – Term Insurance, NQF level 4 v. Further Education and Training Certificate : Short- Term Insurance, NQF Level 4 v. Further Education and Training Certificate : Wealth Management, NQF Level 4 v. National Certificate : Wealth Management , NQF level 5 11
AVAILABILITY OF LEARNING MATERIAL In addition to the provision of a completed application form, the following are required to be provided with each application form received: v. At application stage, providers must indicate that they will be using the INSETA Material. Completed usage request forms must be submitted to the INSETA callcentre and a copy of this completed form must be attached to the accreditation application form. v. A curriculum detailing how the learning programme or learning programmes are to delivered must be attached to the application form for accreditation. v. Service Level Agreements ( contracts) between the provider and INSETA registered assessment and moderation staff who have scope to assess and moderate the selected learning programmes are required to be attached to the accreditation application form. 12
REACCREDITATION PROCESSES v. Providers who are due for reaccreditation are required to apply to INSETA before the expiry of accreditation. The INSETA will also prompt providers to reapply by sending the provider an email notifying the provider of accreditation expiry. v. These notifications reminding providers of accreditation expiry will be issued at least 6 months prior to the provider’s accreditation expiry date. v. A letter of intent which the provider will utilize to reapply for accreditation will be attached to this notification. v. A Provider wishing to renew accreditation must submit a completed letter of intent a least 3 months prior to the expiry of accreditation. A completed letter of intent with the required attachments must forwarded to INSETA within this period. v. Providers are advised that incomplete applications received , may hinder re-accreditation processes. 13
REACCREDITATION PROCESSES CONT… v. Along with a completed and signed letter of intent, the following documentation is to required to be form part of the provider submission pack: a) Proof of current company registration documentation issued by the CIPC B An original and current Tax Clearance Certificate issued by the South African Revenue Services (SARS) c) A Current Business Plan and Financial Projections The Business plan should detail the human, physical and financial resources that will be utilized by the provider during the delivery of INSETA quality assured learning programmes d) Current and Signed off Audited Financial Statements or a current letter from an registered accountant confirming viability of the organisation to perform accreditation related obligations e) An updated organogram detailing the availability of staff to perform business and accreditation related functions f) Current CVs of facilitation, assessment and moderation staff In order to ensure currency , compliance and business planning documentation forwarded to Inseta should not be versions older than 6 months. 14
REACCREDITATION PROCESS CONT… IN ADDITION TO THE SUBMISSION OF REQUIREMENTS AS DETAILED IN THE LETTER OF INTENT , REACCREDITATION WILL ALSO BE SUBJECT TO THE VALIDATION OF THE FOLLOWING : v. The provider undergoing prescribed monitoring and evaluation process during the period of accreditation award, the regularity of which will be prescribed by INSETA. Monitoring and evaluation eludes to either scheduled formalized monitoring and or auditing processes and or the referencing of current learner achievement processes undertaken by the provider during the verification process. v. The quality and completeness of learner data uploaded against the provider as recorded on INSETA’s Learner Management System ACCREDITATION EXPIRY Should a provider no longer wish to renew an award of accreditation the following will apply: v The provider is to formally notify INSETA of the request not to renew accreditation award. v. Notifications must be forwarded to the Training Authority in writing. INSETA will formally acknowledge the provider’s notification v. The Accreditation Consultant will update the INSETA web site as applicable. Providers who fail to submit a reaccreditation letter of intent or notification within a reasonable timeframe will be formally informed of their accreditation expiry status. 15
ADVOCACY Questionnaires and surveys v. Providers will at times be requested to participate in the completion of questionnaires or surveys emanating from external service providers who may request provider related information to assist with a targeted research intervention. v. Providers are requested to participate in such projects which have been scoped to enhance or better understand the current learning and development landscape in our country. Provider Contact Details v. INSETA endeavours to have the most updated provider information at our disposal in order to provide our customers with the best service and support possible. Should a provider’s contact details change during the period of accreditation, providers are requested to inform the INSETA of such a change, so that these can be formally recorded. v. Providers may also receive ad hoc requests from the Training Authority for the provision of updated contact details when internal databases are being updated. 16