- Количество слайдов: 79
Иновативна икономика в България? Факти, размисли, анализи, заключения Всеки бизнес стартира с идея, но не всяка идея прераства в бизнес. Случва се рядко и с академичните, и с иновативните постижения. За да стане това е необходимо преодоляването на много и трудни препятствия, особено в България. Кратък анализ на иновативния бизнес от стартова гледна точка, какво пречи той да се развие у нас досега и какво можем да направим в България, за да се развият иновациите в печеливш бизнес? Стъпка по стъпка • Научен потенциал • Генериране на идеи • Ефективната им оценка • Технически предизвикателства? • Финансови предизвикателства? • Държавата – препятствие или катализатор? • Отговорът на най иновативната част от българската интелигенция, капитал, бизнес и политици?
Иновативна икономика в България? Докладът на СБ за България Септември 2007 Производителността на труда в България толкова изостава от тази в Европейския съюз (а за САЩ направо да не говорим), че ако се запази на сегашните си нива, през следващите 30 години ще можем да стигнем едва половината от средните доходи на страните в ЕС, твърди доклад на Световната банка. На пръв поглед - нищо изненадващо, често получаваме подобни оценки. И да, и не. Наистина толкова много пъти (включително през последния месец) и бизнесът, и неправителствени организации, и международни институции предупреждаваха, че България изостава в образованието, научната дейност, конкурентоспособността и гъвкавостта на пазара на труда (4 -те фактора, от които зависи производителността), че обществото като че ли разви имунитет към подобни сигнали. Проблемът обаче има потенциал да се задълбочи. Ясно е, че сценарият България да е най-бедната страна в ЕС в следващите 30 години просто не е приемлив за никого. Хубавото е, че рецептата за излизане от ситуацията е ясна. На първо място, трябват повече усилия от всички, включително индивидуални. Задължителни са както работеща стратегия за образованието и науката, така и промяна на трудовото законодателство. Все прости и логични стъпки (и смели според Световната банка), които освен това вече са изпитани в други страни. Не ги ли направим, високият растеж на доходите ще си остане само добра теоретична възможност. А българите реално ще останат бедни.
Иновативна икономика в България? За еврокомисарят по вътрешния пазар Чарли Макгрийви (според оценката на "Муудис“) се смята, че е допринесъл най много за вдигането на крака на Ирландия и превръщането й в една от най успешните западни икономики, докато беше неин финансов министър. “Икономиката все пак не е точна наука. Така че това, което е проработило в една страна членка, може да не бъде подходящо за друга. Определено има неща, които България не може да изкопира. Освен това не трябва да се забравя, че през един много дълъг период от време Ирландия експериментираше с различни видове икономически модели някои от тях успешни, други не. С времето ние комбинирахме много различни фактори. Но основното нещо, което може да бъде взаимствано и от България, е да се научи да използва максимално своето членство в ЕС. Ние очакваме България да покрие много високи стандарти. ”
Иновативна икономика в България? Кристалина Георгиева, вицепрезидент и корпоративен секретар на Световната банка(16 Март 2008) България е малка страна и не може да проведе независима политика, която да я откъсне от глобалните процеси и условия… Така или иначе България е евтина дестинация, но трябва да се запитаме дали това е образът, който искаме да си изградим. Във възможностите на частният сектор е да създаде по добра инфраструктура и дестинации. Той не може да направи сам реклама на България, това е в ръцете на държавата. Навсякъде по света правителствата имат много важна роля в създаване на имиджа на страната, на целенасочена политика за изпращане на правилните сигнали към определени таргет туристи. Това не е по силите на частния сектор, особено когато той е основно от малки и средни предприятия. Те имат нужда от поддръжка маркетинг проучвания, достъп до информация, решаване на визови въпроси, застраховки, гарантиране на обективни и качествени данни на държавно ниво… Други интересни ниши, в които България има огромни възможности са енергийната ефективност и възобновяемите източници на енергия. Важни са и управлението на водните ресури, икономичното потребление на водата, което е съществено за определени точки на страната, както и производството на хранителни продукти, включително екологичното земеделие. Това са сфери, в които частният сектор не може сам по себе си да стигне до решение и има нужда основно от три неща ясни правила на играта, достъпна и надеждна информация и поддържане на инциативите в тези сфери на държавно ниво.
Иновативна икономика в България? Огнян Хижов е доктор на икономическите науки и изследовател във фондация "Наука и политика" в Берлин, която е мозъчният тръст на германското правителство. (17 Март 2008 ) В дългосрочна перспектива си представям България като нещо подобно на Белгия е развита страна с висок стандарт, но познавате ли белгийски крайни изделия? Само шоколад и бира, но дори и белгийската бира не се изнася в големи мащаби. Белгия е производител на междинни продукти и живее добре от участието си в международното разделение на труда. Подобен шанс виждам и за България, и за други източноевропейски страни, особено по малките. Те ще си намерят своите ниши, ще имат сравнителни предимства при редица междинни продукти и ще бъдат интегрирани с икономиките на големите страни, а крайните продукти може би ще се произвеждат другаде.
Иновативна икономика в България? Лисабонската стратегия повече цели или повече мерки Част от предвидените мерки биха създали негативни ефекти без ясни ползи Велико Димитров, Институт за пазарна икономика(17 Март 2008) По отношение на инвестициите в наука трябва да се направят няколко констатации в глобален аспект: САЩ разполагат с най бързо развиващата се икономика на знанието в света, Япония е напреднала, а Китай се развива много бързо, т. е. налице е необходимост от догонване и възстановяване на позициите. В същото време между ЕС и САЩ съществува голямата разлика иновациите в САЩ се разработват и финансират основно от големи корпорации (например Google), тоест от частния сектор, а в Европа се правят опити това да остане приоритет на правителствата. Не трябва да се подценява фактът, че иновационната дейност на много голяма част от европейските концерни е изнесена в Северна Америка или Азия, което означава, че без да се подобри цялостният бизнес климат, включително и премахването на регулации като 35 часова работна седмица, дори и предприятията от Европа ще предпочитат други места за опериране на дейностите си с най висока добавена стойност. . . Не трябва да се говори за подпомагане на бизнеса, а за създаване или подобряване на условията за опериране на бизнес (някои биха казали, че това е едно и също, но разликата е съществена). Подпомагането на бизнеса означава субсидиране или облекчаване на условията за функциониране на определени отрасли, производства, единични компании, но не на всички, т. е. прилага се селективен подход (класове инвеститори, приоритетни производства, стратегически отрасли и т. н. ).
Иновативна икономика в България? Светослав Гаврийски: Забавянето при имотите ще пренасочи инвестиции към промишлеността Изпълнителен директор на търговска банка "Алианц“ (18 Март 2008) Забавяне неминуемо ще има в секторите, които се развиваха много бурно в последните няколко години. . . Очаквам в скоро време цените да се стабилизират и ръстът в строителството, особено на жилища да се прехвърли към офисните площи. Вече се заговори и много активно за презастрояване и пренасищане на курортите и ваканционните имоти и хотелите също ще усетят силно забавянето. Пренасочването на инвестициите от тези "надути" сектори според мен ще е най вече към промишления, който се нуждае от инвестиции с цел повишаване на производителността и добавената стойност. Трябва да се насочим в привличането на повече инвеститори в индустрията и за да не зависи икономическият растеж само от строителството, недвижимите имоти и туризма. Надявам се с подкрепата на ЕС да се развият още сектори, включително селското стопанство. Като цяло смятам, че резултатът от забавянето ще е здравословен, защото освободените средства от строителството и имотите ще се насочат към промишлеността и индустрията. Производителните сектори имат нужда от инвестиции, от обновяване, от нови производства и обещават доходност, която е значително по висока от средните нива в развитите държави. Това е естественият път на развитие, по който България трябва да мине… Основни са мерките, които правителствата трябва да предприемат фискална политика, политика по доходите. Не бива да има неоснователно повишение на доходите, трябва да се проведат структурните реформи. Зная, че решенията са трудни, те много дълго се отлагат с цел намаляване на социалната цена, но това е пътят. Това са сериозните стъпки, които правителствата трябва да направят, независимо от политическата цена, която трябва да платят.
Иновативна икономика в България? 28 Март 2008 Илиан Василев е председател на одиторската и консултантска компания "Делойт България". Той е първият шеф на Българския икономически форум, оглавявал е Агенцията за чужди инвестиции и работодателската организация БИБА. Трябва да се съсредоточим върху качеството на растежа. . . Професионализмът и качеството на управление, в това число рисковият мениджмънт, се капитализират особено в трудни времена. . . Добрите проекти и добрите управленци се открояват на фона на всяка криза. . . Българската икономика преживява най трудния си период след 1997 г. Тогавашната криза беше родно производство. Сега осъзнаваме последствията на членството в глобално интегрирана икономика. С манталитета и структурите на прехода не можем да водим успешна политика в ЕС. . . Трябва ни смяна на хоризонта на мислене и управление. Реформите изостават. . . Нищо стратегически значимо не може да се постигне с едногодишно планиране и бюджетен хоризонт. И най голямата гордост на нацията се крепи върху постиженията на отделния индивид или група.
Иновативна икономика в България? Малко статистика • • Около 0, 1% иновациите достигат грандиозен успех, като осигуряват възвръщаемост от порядъка на 10÷ 100 пъти на вложените инвестиции за 5÷ 7 години! По малко от 1% успяват да осигурят цялостно финансиране, 4% получават някакво финансиране, 20% от бизнесидеите стигат до бизнесплан.
Иновативна икономика в България? Долината на смъртта в развитието на иновациите
Иновативна икономика в България? ‘The Nearly Men: A Chronicle of Scientific Failure' examines some of the most important inventions and scientific discoveries of the last four hundred years, and attempts to uncover the stories of deceit and ill fortune behind each of them. It looks beyond what the common reference sources tend to tell us, and aims to identify the individuals who were truly responsible for the technological advances that have defined the modern age. The back shelves of the annals of time are strewn with little read tales of those destined to remain unsung heroes. A number of individuals were to find themselves deprived of their place in the who's who of science and technology. The money, the kudos, the girls, all passed these poor, unfortunate souls by. As a result each has become part of a very exclusive club, though its membership may not be a highly coveted one. The name of this collection of the disgraced and discarded is the ‘Nearly Men'. Not the most respectful, or tactile of nomenclatures it must be said, but one that seems to sum up the nature of their association quite well. The ‘Nearly Men' include: Antonio Meucci Who despite developing the first telephone spent his whole life in poverty, while Alexander Graham Bell got all the glory. Alan Turing Whose huge strides in the conception of the first generation of computers were destined to never to be fully attributed to him, due to his untimely death. Robert Hooke Who postulated, amongst other things, the true nature of planetary motion, only to witness his rival Isaac Newton take all the praise for it. Nikola Tesla Who died almost totally penniless, while the ideas he had put forward for radio communication made Guglielmo Marconi a fortune. Jean Baptiste Lamarck Who correctly surmised that living things evolved, over sixty years before Charles Darwin publicised the fact, but was to die in ignominy with his ideas not appreciated. Geoffrey Dummer Whose musings on the development of the integrated circuit preceded those of Bob Noyce and Jack Kilby by almost a decade, but due to lack of vision by the British Government his plans were never to make it off the drawing board. Joseph Swan Who despite having the technical expertise that allowed him to design the first workable electric light bulb, was no match for the commercial machinations of adversary Thomas Edison. There a number of reasons why fame and fortune did not choose to look favourably upon these guys, and each of them is analysed in turn. For some it was a lack of time, resources, or business acumen. Others were hindered by a language barrier, a tendency to be too trusting, class distinction, or simply that they could not convince people that their ideas were worth listening to. One or possibly more of these proved to be fatal flaws in their character, and thus meant they would forever be assigned a second tier rating in the chronicles of human endeavour, mere C list celebrities.
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България? Tales From The Marketing Wars Mispredicting The Future (Jack Trout 03. 08, Forbes ) Some of the most costly mistakes in business can be attributed to companies trying to predict the future History is littered with bad predictions in all aspects of life. Thirty years ago, one business magazine reported that "with over 50 foreign cars already on sale here, the Japanese auto industry isn't likely to carve out a big slice of the U. S. market. " John Foster Dulles, in 1954, said "The Japanese don't make anything the people in the U. S. would want. " In 1974, the U. S. Forest Service published a study on "Future Leisure Environments. " It predicted that, by 1989, private aircraft would be banned from metropolitan airports and only non polluting vehicles would be allowed on the streets. In 1964, Harvard professor George Baku predicted in an article in New Scientist that "The more dramatic changes in products (in the next 20 years) will include such innovations as plastic houses, ultrasonic dishwashers, electronic highways and automated trains. " Roger Smith, then chairman of General Motors, predicted in 1986 that "by the turn of this century, we will live in a paperless society. " Alfred L. Malabre of The Wall Street Journal predicted in 1966 that "the highly productive employee of 2000 will work only 37 hours or three quarters the length of today's workweek. " You cannot predict the future, and if you try, chances are you will be very wrong. So your search for that obvious strategy should be based on what is happening today. Three things make predicting so difficult, if not impossible. First is technology. Unforeseen inventions can quickly change the status quo: Two weeks before their historical flight, Wilbur Wright said to his brother Orville, "Man will not fly for 50 years. " Next is the human condition. People's habits change very slowly, which is one reason the future often looks like the past. Finally, competition can rear its ugly head with new ideas that disrupt old ideas. Unfortunately, many powerful, obvious ideas founder on the future. Finding success today is what you must first worry about. If you do that, your chances will be greatly enhanced that you'll have some money to spend on tomorrow.
Иновативна икономика в България? Из "Предсказания за ХХI век" Какво ще се случи? 20 Март 2008 Никой не може да предскаже бъдещето. Но мен отдавна са ме нарочили за пророк, въпреки че ми се нрави повече званието екстраполатор. Опитвам се да отделя възможните варианти на бъдещето, като едновременно посоча, че съвършено неочаквани открития или събития могат само за няколко години да превърнат всякакви прогнози в абсурд. . . Пожелавам на всички да проверят точността на моите предсказания в новогодишната нощ срещу 1 януари 2101 г. ! 2010 г. Разработени са първите квантови генератори, които улавят космическа енергия. В своите домашни и портативни варианти те са с мощност няколко киловата и могат да произвеждат неограничено количество енергия. Централните електростанции се закриват. Националните енергетични мрежи се демонтират. Електронният мониторинг изтласква от обществото професионалната престъпност. 2014 г. Започва строителството на хотел "Орбитален Хилтън". На совалките се монтират огромни резервоари за гориво, които по рано оставяха да паднат на Земята. 2016 г. Всички съществуващи валути са отменени. Обменната единица става мегаватчас. 2040 г. Усъвършенстван е "Универсалният репликатор", основан на нанотехнологиите: може да бъде създаден обект с всякаква сложност при наличие на суровини и информационна матрица. . . Изчезват промишлеността и селското стопанство, а заедно с тях и неотдавнашно изобретение на човешката цивилизация работата! Взривно се развиват изкуствата, развлеченията, образованието. 2051 г. Hа Луната започва строителството на самоосигуряващи се роботизирани колонии, където възрастни хора могат да живеят по дълго благодарение на по слабата лунна гравитация.
Иновативна икономика в България? A very English approach to technology David Manners, Electronic News Today, 24 May 2007 “We will not be doing production but we will be understanding the cost basis and designing for production”, says the projects director of science and technology, Raymond Oliver. This is the very English approach to technology of saying: ‘Let’s understand it first before we get into doing it. ” But if you look at the history of emerging technologies, this is not how the most successful technologies got implemented. “At the time I experimented on the incandescent lamp (the light bulb), I did not understand Ohm’s Law, ” said Thomas Edison. If you look at the way the silicon industry got started, the greatest successes were in the US, where the pioneers flew by the seat of their pants, trying to see what worked and what did not work, while the British laboured over understanding the science. In his 1971 book, International Diffusion of Technology, John Tilton wrote of the emerging semiconductor industry: “The real failure of the British, and the Europeans, has been a failure in the technology, not the science”. If you take two of the greatest silicon entrepreneurs, Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore, who founded two out of the three greatest semiconductor companies in the industry’s history, Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, it is clear that, although they were among the most formidable scientists of their generation, they took a technologist’s approach to developing the technology. When he was running Fairchild lab in the 60 s, Moore made a visit to Plessey’s laboratories “They had technology as good as anything we had in the US”, said Moore, “but it was totally disconnected from the factory. ” By contrast, the silicon pioneers in the US focussed their R&D on producing working, useful products. Noyce reckoned: “Research that was motivated by getting to a given end result was far more productive than research that was carried on for the sake of research. ”
Иновативна икономика в България? The complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year. . . Certainly over the short term this rate can be expected to continue, if not to increase. Over the longer term, the rate of increase is a bit more uncertain, although there is no reason to believe it will not remain nearly constant for at least 10 years. That means by 1975, the number of components per integrated circuit for minimum cost will be 65, 000. I believe that such a large circuit can be built on a single wafer. "Cramming more components onto integrated circuits", Electronics Magazine 19 April 1965 As the size of transistors has decreased, the cost per transistor has decreased as well, the speed at which they operate increases. On this basis, the performance of computers per unit cost. A similar law has held for hard disk storage cost per unit of information. Produced in San Jose, California, IBM's first hard disk stored about 2, 000 bits of data per square inch and had a purchase price of about $10, 000 per megabyte. By 1997, the cost of storing a megabyte had dropped to around ten cents.
Иновативна икономика в България? Although Moore's Law was initially made in the form of an observation and forecast, the more widely it became accepted, the more it served as a goal for an entire industry. This drove both marketing and engineering departments of semiconductor manufacturers to focus enormous energy aiming for the specified increase in processing power that it was presumed one or more of their competitors would soon actually attain. In this regard, it can be viewed as a self fulfilling prophecy. The implications of Moore's Law for computer component suppliers are very significant. A typical major design project (such as an all new CPU or hard drive) takes between two and five years to reach production ready status. In consequence, component manufacturers face enormous timescale pressures—just a few weeks of delay in a major project can spell the difference between great success and massive losses, even bankruptcy. Expressed (incorrectly) as "a doubling every 18 months", Moore's Law suggests phenomenal progress for technology over the span of a few years. Expressed on a shorter timescale, however, this equates to an average performance improvement in the industry as a whole of close to 1% per week. Thus, for a manufacturer in the competitive CPU market, a new product that is expected to take three years to develop and turns out just three or four months late is 10 to 15% slower, bulkier, or lower in capacity than the directly competing products, and is close to unsellable. If instead we accept that performance will double every 24 months, rather than every 18, a three to four month delay would translate to 8– 11% lower performance. As the cost of computer power to the consumer falls, the cost for producers to fulfill Moore's Law follows an opposite trend: R&D, manufacturing, and test costs have increased steadily with each new generation of chips. As the cost of semiconductor equipment is expected to continue increasing, manufacturers must sell larger and larger quantities of chips to remain profitable.
Иновативна икономика в България? The story begins with that great American inventor, Thomas Edison. In 1883, he probed inside an incandescent light bulb, first with a wire and then with a metal plate. He found that if this electrode was connected to the positive end of the filament via a galvanometer then a current was detected. If it was connected to the negative end, no current flowed. A little later, using a separate battery in the plate or anode circuit, J Elster and H Geitel showed the unidirectional nature of the current flow. Thomas Edison's first light bulb used to demonstrate his invention at Menlo Park. This 'Edison effect' was studied by many people over the following 20 years, particulary to examine thermionic emission. Fleming studied it 'carefully' in 1883 and again in 1896, and he may have discussed it with Edison when he met the 'Wizard' during his trip to the USA in 1884. Fleming's real invention was the use he found for the established Edison effect as a rectifier of high frequency oscillations. Edison kicked himself when he realised the opportunity he had missed, even though he held what is now seen as the first patent in electronics the effect used as a voltage indicator (1884). Ambrose Fleming did radio detector from a light bulb in 1904. The result was what he called the 'oscillation valve', now better known as thermionic diode. It was only two years later when Lee De Forest added a third electrode to make the first primative triode. These two classic inventions led to a fight between the two inventors, but they also led to the now vast, worldwide industry we call electronics.
Иновативна икономика в България? John Fleming's Diode 'Valve' in operation Diagram
Иновативна икономика в България? At the time of the transistor's birth 60 years ago, this was the state of the art in computer technology. The 28 ton ENIAC machine, one of the world's first computers, required several operators, consumed 170, 000 watts of power, and conducted 5, 000 operations a second. Inside were more than 17, 000 vacuum tubes. Credit: University of Pennsylvania
Иновативна икономика в България? Vacuum tubes were prone to failure and used a lot of power. The power was dissipated as heat which required even more power to generate cooling. AT&T wanted to keep its business monopoly. To do this, a new technology was desperately needed. Fortunately at the time, AT&T had visionary person named Mervin Kelly, the Director of Research at Bell Labs. Kelly knew vacuum tubes would not be way of the future. World War II had shown promise in the use of something called a semiconductor. Kelly was interested in Bell Laboratories inventing and owning the patent to new technology, rather than having to pay royalties. Kelly is probably little known today. However, he had the vision for telephone communications growth and the requisite technology requirements. He is the person that got the "ball rolling" on semiconductor development. Also, he knew that Bell Labs had a bright physicist called William Shockley that would be a ideal person to head up new research. Once appointed, Shockley brought to his team Bell Lab's Walter Brattain, an experimental physicist who was a real "hands on guy" in building projects. The complete the first tier of researchers, Shockley hired theoretical physicist John Bardeen who came from the University of Minnesota.
Иновативна икономика в България? On December 16, 1947, after two years work, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen demonstrated solid state amplification. Shockley was at home on that historic day. Even though William Shockley technically did not conduct first successful transistor experiment, shortly, he invented and patented the junction transistor which would become the most popular transistor type. After this historic event, relationships among Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain began to sour. In 1955, Shockley left Bell Labs to form Shockley Semiconductor in Palo Alto, California. One of Shockley's strongest capabilities was recognizing excellent employees. Once in California, he hired some best talent available for his startup company. Two years later in 1957, primarily because of Shockley's inflexible personality, 8 of Shockley’s employees know as the “traitorous 8” left to form Fairchild Semiconductors. The climate at Fairchild was no longer dictatorial and solid state development flourished. On April 25, 1961, Fairchild edged out T. I. to receive a patent for the first solid state integrated circuit. The inventor Bob Noyce credited with this development. Two of Shockley's original hires, Gordon Moore and Bob Noyce would become the cofounders of Intel Corporation !!!! ©. Some historians feel Shockley could have been the "first Bill Gates" if he had not been such a poor manager. Back at Bell Labs, they encountered tremendous engineering production problems in the manufacturing of early transistors. It wasn’t until October, 1952, that the first transistorized telephone equipment was installed at Englewood, NJ. What would be a "buy of the 20 th century, " in 1952, Bell Labs licensed their technology to GE, IBM, Raytheon, Texas Inst. and “then to be” Sony Corporation for $25, 000 each!
Иновативна икономика в България? The transistor turns 60 December 14, 2007 It's not much to look at--the overriding impression is of several mangled paper clips clumsily soldered onto some chunky scrap metal-but really, the whole of modern digital life stems from it. This was the very first transistor, invented at Bell Labs in December 1947. Known as a point contact transistor, it was first manufactured commercially a few years later, ironically enough, in a textbook example of a Rust Belt locale: Allentown, Pa. From this first transistor arose, eventually, Intel and Advanced Micro Devices, Silicon Valley and Massachusetts' Route 128 corridor, countless brands of desktop and laptop PCs, the Play. Station 3 and the i. Phone. . . Credit: LSI and the Computer History Museum
Иновативна икономика в България? Here's the early history of Silicon Valley in a nutshell. In this photo from 1956, the guy sitting down at the end of the table in the patterned, open collared shirt is William Shockley. Encouraged by Stanford provost Fred Terman to come to California, he started Shockley Semiconductor in the Bay Area and recruited some of the top engineers in the field. The employees included that guy in the middle of the row standing with the big smile and the martini glass: Robert Noyce, who went on to found Intel. Although a recognized scientist and Nobel winner, Shockley alienated his employees. Noyce, Gordon Moore, Eugene Kleiner, and five other employees one day bolted to Fairchild Semiconductor. The individuals that comprised the so called Traitorous Eight ultimately went on to found Intel, Kleiner Perkins, job hopping, and venture capital. (Arthur Rock's investment in the Traitorous Eight is considered the birth of the VC industry. ) Credit: Courtesy of Intel
Иновативна икономика в България? The world's first integrated circuit. ICs consist of thousands or millions of transistors orchestrated into a component dedicated to a specific purpose. All the components are made out of a single piece of silicon, rather than assembled transistor by transistor. It was a huge step. As with transistors, the invention came in two phases. TI's Jack Kilby made this first one in 1958. Credit: Texas Instruments
Иновативна икономика в България? 1890 The U. S. Census Bureau adopts the Hollerith Punch Card, Tabulating Machine and Sorter to compile results of the 1890 census, reducing an almost 10 year process to 2 Ѕ years, saving the government a whopping $5 million. Inventor Herman Hollerith, a Census Bureau statistician, forms the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896. 1945 IBM'S FIRST RESEARCH LAB. IBM's first research facility, the Watson Scientific Computing Laboratory, opens in a renovated fraternity house near Columbia University in Manhattan. In 1961, IBM moves its research headquarters to the T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. Today, IBM Research operates Laboratories in the United States, Switzerland, Israel, Japan, China and India. 1952 FIRST CALIFORNIA RESEARCH LAB. IBM opens its first West Coast lab in San Jose, California the area that decades later will come to be known as "Silicon Valley. " Within four years, the lab begins to make its mark by inventing magnetic storage systems. 1964 SYSTEM/360. The world of computing is forever changed when IBM debuts the first compatible family of computers in which software and peripherals work seamlessly. When introduced, the System/360 offers customers live processors and a variety of configurations for power, speed and memory.
Иновативна икономика в България? Intel's first microprocessor, the 4004, appeared in 1971 and powered calculators. It featured 2, 300 transistors. Credit: Intel
Иновативна икономика в България? Woz liked the challenge of doing more with less, " says Damer. Wozniak pored over integrated circuit specifications and engineered the Apple I so that different processes could share the same chips, reducing the overall part count. This, plus the use of cheaper items such as a $20 MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor rather than the more common $175 Motorola 6800, enabled him and Steve Jobs to offer the Apple I for the somewhat affordable price of $666. 66 ("Woz liked repeating numbers, " says Damer), about $2, 400 in today's dollars. According to Damer, "Woz was a total idealist he wanted everyone to have access to computers. " Loop, who is also the director of the History of Computing in Learning and Education Project, agrees: "Woz wanted this simple, low cost design so that the Apple would be affordable for students and teachers. "
Иновативна икономика в България? Fast forward a few decades. Dunnington, which will be available in the second half of 2008. Dunnington is based on the 45 nm high k process technology and is composed of 1. 9 billion transistors. It contains a 16 MB L 3 cache, is socket compatible with the Caneland platform, and is made for virtualization. Credit: Intel
Иновативна икономика в България? The two advantages of a high k gate material over the silicon dielectric and silicon oxynitrides now used are reduced gate leakage and increased drive current. It also enables future scaling, since conventional dielectrics are already critically thin, measuring only ~5 atoms thick. It’s estimated that almost half of a chip’s power consumption is due to current leakage through this thin dielectric. Intel's 45 nm transistor includes a high k metal gate (HKMG) stack.
Иновативна икономика в България? TI's 45 nm NMOS (left) and PMOS transistors use abrupt junctions and 38 nm gate lengths, while keeping leakage at a minimum. Although TI used immersion lithography for selected critical layers, it avoided costly embedded silicon germanium (e. Si. Ge) stressors or high k gate dielectrics; those technologies will be introduced at the next node for wireless ICs. The 45 nm transistors support a 55% performance increase, along with a 63% reduction in power consumption.
Иновативна икономика в България? Logic CMOS device categories. (Courtesy: K. Imai) Transistors for three different types of logic are specified in the ITRS: high-performance (HP), low standby power (LSTP), and low operating power (LOP). Figure shows the types of applications, as well as the performance and leakage range for each transistor type. LSTP is generally used for mobile consumer applications, and is driven by meeting very low leakage current requirements to preserve battery life As illustrated, it requires transistors with the lowest leakage current of the three types, and consequently the transistors have the lowest performance (i. e. , highest CV/I). The resulting LSTP chip operation frequency is the lowest of all three types. In contrast, HP is used for high performance stationary systems such as desktop PCs, servers, and routers, where system operating frequency is high and allowable leakage current is relatively high. Hence, it requires transistors with the highest performance (lowest CV/I), and as a consequence the transistors also have the highest leakage. LOP is used for mobile but higher performance applications, such as notebook PCs, so these transistors are intermediate in performance and leakage. Since HP and LSTP transistors bracket LOP, this article will concentrate on HP and LSTP.
Иновативна икономика в България? Projected timeline for key transistor innovations. Figure lists other key technological innovations that are needed to meet the transistor scaling goals. The ITRS projects 2008 implementation of high k gate dielectric and metal gate electrode. The high k reduces the gate leakage current and hence allows increased scaling of the gate dielectric thickness, while the metal gate reduces polysilicon depletion. As a result, the overall transistor scaling and in particular the SCEs can be significantly improved. Two new types of transistors, the ultra thin body fully depleted SOI (UTB FDSOI) and the multiple gate transistor (of which the fin. FET is the prime example), are projected for implementation in 2010 and 2011, respectively. Both of these transistor types typically have undoped, fully depleted channels. Because of their structure, the electrostatic integrity and hence the ability to control SCEs are generally superior to planar bulk transistors. Furthermore, the mobility should be superior because of the lack of doping. Finally, because Vt is set by the work function of the metal gate electrode, random dopant fluctuations do not impact the statistical variability of Vt for these transistor types. Because of all these advantages, the UTB FDSOI and the multiple gate transistor will significantly improve scaling.
Иновативна икономика в България? Intel's Mike Goldstein holds a 450 mm wafer. IF innovation has a heart, it’s probably a semiconductor, beating to the pace of Moore’s Law. Making chips is an improbable blend of farming, photography and baking: think of your standard 300 millimeter silicon wafer as a field where mostly metallic substances are “grown” according to patterns put in place by photolithography, and then “baked” at extremely high temperatures. It costs $3 billion to $5 billion to build a single semiconductor fabrication plant, or “fab. ” In the near future, that figure is likely to rise to $12 billion, according to Synopsys, a chip design company. In the boom and bust cycle of the chip industry, it has become harder and harder to get a return on fab investments. The remarkable progression of Moore’s Law, meanwhile, involves continually shrinking almost everything to do with the chips.
Иновативна икономика в България? Until now, as chips became smaller, they also became faster in about the same proportion. It’s still true for transistors, but it’s no longer true for the wires used to connect transistors — and that slows performance gains. I. B. M. in developing a new way to solve the problem: using “self assembling” nanotechnology to make better insulators, raising performance. In this case, self assembly involves creating so called airgaps, vacuums a few nanometers wide that keep the billions of tiny copper wires in a chip from touching one another, instead of putting down a layer of insulating material and trying to align it effectively at the nanoscale. The brownish material is copper wire. The empty spaces are the vacuums. Usually, wires are insulated with a material like glass. Credit: IBM With the self assembling nanotechnology, he also had to go beyond I. B. M. ’s walls, in part because I. B. M. in the 1990 s decided for a number of reasons — including costs and the desire to help create a Ph. D. feeder program — to work with a public private consortium to develop a modern research fab run by the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at the State University of New York at Albany. This fab features one of a kind equipment, and it is where Mr. Edelstein’s team developed its techniques before moving it to I. B. M. ’s fab in East Fishkill.
Иновативна икономика в България? Tiny Tunes A nanoradio is a carbon nanotube anchored to an electrode, with a second electrode just beyond its free end. When a voltage is applied between the electrodes, electrons flow from a battery through the nanotube, jumping off its tip to the posi tive electrode. A radio wave alternately attracts and repels the nanotube tip, causing it to vibrate in sync. When the tip is farther from the electrode, fewer electrons bridge the gap; the varying electrical signal recovers the audio signal encoded by the radio wave. Credit: John Hersey
Иновативна икономика в България? Fujitsu Achieves Breakthrough with World's First New Carbon Nanotube Composite; Features Self organizing Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene (JCN Newswire) Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. today announced the successful formation of a new nano scale carbon composite featuring a self organizing structure[1], by combining carbon nanotubes and graphene[2] which are both nano scale carbon structures. The newly discovered composite structure is synthesized at a temperature of 510º C, cooler than for conventional graphene formed at temperatures too high for electronic device applications, thereby paving the way for the feasible use of graphene as a material suitable for future practical use in electronic devices which are vulnerable to heat. Carbon nanotubes have properties including high thermal conductivity and high current density tolerance[3], while graphene is known for its high electron mobility. Carbon nanostructures combining these two materials hold the promise of creating new potential for material research and applications. Details of this technology are presented at the 34 th Fullerene Nanotubes General Symposium held from March 3 to March 5 in Nagoya, Japan. [1] Self organizing structure: Refers to a desired structure that self forms naturally, without the need for complex controls. [2] Graphene: A hexagonal lattice of carbon atoms. Graphite consists of layers of graphene stacked on top of each other. [3] Current density tolerance: The limit of high density current that can flow through a material without changing its physical structure.
Иновативна икономика в България? There’s been a lot of conjecture that graphene could be the next step in electronics after silicon can no longer support Moore’s Law, an eventuality now predicted to be 10 15 years in the future. Naysayers state that the demise of Moore’s Law has been often predicted and never realized. Even Gordon Moore finds it hard to believe how long his own "law" has endured. However, with oxide thicknesses now hovering around five to eight atomic layers, even low k dielectrics can’t save a silicon centric Moore's Law in the long term. One big problem has been obtaining single graphene sheets. Though thought to be difficult, physicist Andre Geim at the University of Manchester accomplished the trick with a very advanced tool: a strip of adhesive tape. The Science News article on graphene continues with a description of some pretty unique electrical properties, but what really caught my eye was a lengthy discussion of using graphene to make integrated circuits in the same way that we now use silicon. Unlike carbon nanotubes, you can use nanolithography to make true FETs in graphene—which rely solely on electric fields for operation, no dopants needed—and this is critical in the nanoworld where there just aren’t that many atoms involved in the first place so each dopant atom has a disproportionately big effect.
Иновативна икономика в България? Technical impact of nanomaterials for nanophotonic applications MONA_v 14_final. pdf (http: //www. ist-mona. org/pdf/MONA_v 14_final. pdf)
Иновативна икономика в България? Processes and types of equipment with high technical impact for nanophotonics MONA_v 14_final. pdf (http: //www. ist-mona. org/pdf/MONA_v 14_final. pdf)
Иновативна икономика в България? Synthesis for the application: photovoltaics MONA_v 14_final. pdf (http: //www. ist-mona. org/pdf/MONA_v 14_final. pdf)
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България? Сегашният Бил Гейтс е бледа сянка на технологичния визионер от началото на 80 те години [Reuters] Всеобщото усещане е, че на тазгодишния CES създателят на Microsoft вече не е технологичен мечтател. Той вече е един пораснал, спокоен и улегнал Бил Гейтс. 32 години по рано. . . Ако обаче върнем лентата назад, ще си дадем сметка, че в зората на дигиталната епоха Бил Гейтс до голяма степен е бил като идеалистичните хлапаци, създали Google Лари Пейдж и Сергей Брин. Когато регистрира търговската марка Microsoft през ноември 1976 г. заедно с Пол Алън, бъдещият мултимилиардер е само 21 годишен и готов да завладее технологичния свят. Първият проект на компанията е създаването на компилатор за програмния език BASIC за микрокомпютъра Altair 8800. През ранния период на Microsoft Бил Гейтс лично е контролирал и при нужда редактирал целия програмен код, създаван от фирмата.
Иновативна икономика в България? Gates: US needs H-1 B visa, education reform to stay competitive By Suzanne Deffree, Managing Editor, News -- Electronic News, 3/12/2008 “I am optimistic about the potential for technology to help us find new ways to improve people’s lives and tackle important challenges. I am less optimistic, however, that the United States will continue to remain a global leader in technology innovation, ” Gates said. “While America’s innovation heritage is unparalleled, the evidence is mounting that we are failing to make the investments in our young people, our workers, our scientific research infrastructure, and our economy that will enable us to retain our global innovation leadership. ” Gates focused his testimony on two points: First, what he called “a critical shortfall of skilled scientists and engineers” that can develop breakthrough technologies; and second, on the public and private sectors lack of investment in R&D at the levels needed to drive long-term innovation. To remedy the “dangerous” situation, Gates called for a serious commitment from and partnership between both the public and private sectors to strengthen America’s educational opportunities, revamp immigration rules for highly skilled workers, increase federal funding for basic scientific research, and provide incentives for private-sector R&D. These efforts, Gates said, will allow the US to train, attract, and maintain top scientific talent while encouraging technology innovations from US-based companies. “The United States will find it far more difficult to maintain its competitive edge over the next 50 years if it excludes those who are able and willing to help us compete, ” Gates said. “Other nations are benefiting from our misguided policies. They are revising their immigration policies to attract highly talented students and professionals who would otherwise study, live, and work in the United States for at least part of their careers. ” Gates further called on Congress to create a streamlined path to permanent resident status for highly skilled workers. “Rather than allowing highly skilled, well trained innovators to remain for only a very limited period, we should encourage a greater number to become permanent US residents so that they can help drive innovation and economic growth alongside America’s native born talent. … The current [H 1 B visa] cap is so low that it virtually assures that highly skilled foreign graduates will leave the United States and work elsewhere after graduation, ” he said.
Иновативна икономика в България? On the need for education reform, Gates called for full funding of the America COMPETES Act, which, among other things, would authorize increases in the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Graduate Fellowship Program and the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship program. The act, said Gates, would provide funding for about 1, 000 more science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) graduate students than were funded in 2007, allowing the NSF to support more than 35, 000 STEM graduate students during 2008 and approximately 41, 000 during 2009. “I want to emphasize that the shortage of scientists and engineers is so acute that we must do both: reform our education system and reform our immigration policies, ” Gates said. “This is not an either or proposition. If we do not do both, US companies simply will not have the talent they need to innovate and compete. ” Gates further testified that funding for basic scientific research should increase by 10% annually over the next seven years. “We also need to ensure that the private sector has greater visibility into the status and progress of federally funded research projects so that companies can collaborate more effectively with universities and other publicly funded researchers, ” he said. Summarizing, Gates said: “I believe this country stands at a crossroads. For decades, innovation has been the engine of prosperity in this country. Now, economic progress depends more than ever on innovation. And the potential for technology innovation to improve lives has never been greater. If we do not implement policies like those I have outlined today, the center of progress will shift to other nations that are more committed to the pursuit of technical excellence. If we make the right choices, the United States can remain the global innovation leader that it is today. ”
Иновативна икономика в България? One of the outstanding innovators under the age of 35 according Massachusetts Institute of Technology for 2007. Neil Renninger knows what it means to make big, calculated risks and see them pay off. Three years ago, he took just such a risk, c ofounding synthetic biology startup Amyris while a postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley. The company's new approach to biofuels is now generating serious buzz among investors and interest from cor porations such as Virgin, which recently opened a fuel division. Amyris started by commercializing a microbial approach to producing a precursor of artemisinin, a potent malaria drug. Artemisinin is currently derived from sweet wormwood, but Renninger outlined a way that it could be made more cheaply in bacteria elping land a share of a $42 million h grant from the Gates Foundation. He is also playing a key role in Amyris's biofuels venture. He began by identifying molecules that would work well as fuels and were compatible with existing engines and delivery infrastructures; then he found a way to combine biological and chemical processes to manufacture them. So far, Amyris has created microbes that can produce candidate replacements for biodiesel, jet fuel, and gasoline. "Now we need to tinker with the bug to squeeze out the last bit of metabolic flux that turns something from interesting to cheap enough to burn, " he says. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Copyright 2007 Technology Review, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Иновативна икономика в България? TECHNOLOGY Nanomaterial Synthesis Nanoexa has developed a variety of synthesis routes to manufacture nanomaterials for wide range of applications. Nanoexa’s core technology focus is on developing nanotechnology software design tools that enable modeling and simulation of nano materials. We have assembled a world class modeling team with the objective of improving materials in every product of every business unit. In the long run, the basic properties of new materials will be evaluated before they are synthesized, drastically reducing the development time for successful candidate materials. Innovation cannot succeed if there is not a quick transition to product development. Nanoexa's business model revolves around a marriage of quick technology development and manufacturing expertise. The technology will be developed and prototyped in house and shipped to our Asian manufacturing site for production. Nanoexa will leverage the assets in each of our business units to accelerate the product development cycle, particularly through the ability to rapidly insert our technology into current products. Computational modeling will be used to understand the electrochemistry of materials at the quantum level. For example, computational modeling will be applied to rapidly screen new cathode, anode and electrolyte materials and select only those with promise. This will enable synthesis of novel materials with higher capacity and better stability.
Иновативна икономика в България? CAREERS Nanoexa seeks the brightest and the best individuals in the fields of nanotechnology, computational modeling, chemistry, bioinformatics, and material science. You must be creative, forward thinking, approach challenges with an innovative attitude, and enjoy being part of a highly interdisciplinary team. If this is you, we would like to hear from you! We offer full benefits. If you are interested, please send your resume (. doc or. pdf preferred) to: hr@nanoexa. com TECHNOLOGY Partnership Program In an effort to bring innovative products to market quickly, Nanoexa welcomes opportunities to work with corporate, academic, and national laboratories in licensing and developing new technology. Nanoexa recognizes the wealth of knowledge and expertise that exists in these laboratories and seeks ways in which long term collaborations may be established. One of Nanoexa's key partnerships is with Argonne National Laboratory in developing commercial lithium battery technology.
Иновативна икономика в България? Milton Chang has an exceptional investment track record, and founded Incubic to institutionalize this approach in a venture capital firm. Milton has personally built two businesses from zero to successful IPO, as CEO. The proven ability to build true business from zero is distinct from operating experience, and is critical to the start up process and success. As one measure of his investment experience, Milton has provided the first capital to nearly 20 successful companies, which may be an unparalleled record. Having been on both sides of the entrepreneur/investor relationship for many years, this experience very practically helps entrepreneurs lower the risks of starting their businesses, and supports sound investment decisions for Incubic. A few of Milton's successes include Newport Corporation, which he took public a its CEO in 1971, Uniphase (later JDS Uniphase), where he provided the original seed capital and was on its Board of Directors, and New Focus (acquired by Bookham), which he founded in 1990 and took public in 2000. Milton currently sits on the Boards of Aviara. Dx, Op. Vista, and Rockwell Scientific. Milton earned a B. S. in EE with highest honors from the University of Illinois, and M. S. and Ph. D. degrees in EE from the California Institute of Technology and attended the Harvard OPM Program. He has received the Distinguished Alumni Award from both the University of Illinois and Caltech and was recently elected a member of the Board of Trustees of Caltech and an Overseer of the Huntington Library.
Иновативна икономика в България? Bill has placed hundreds of millions of dollars of high technology products in the field. The insights developed from leading fifty product developments and consistently launching the right product at the right time are not things you can pick up in a book. Bill's intuition about the potential success of a new team's proposal for a new product supports Incubic's investment rationale, and the availability of this experience to start ups and entrepreneurs can greatly enhance their likelihood of success. Bill presently serves as the interim CEO of Nellix Endovascular, a medical device company with a groundbreaking platform for aneurysm repair. Prior to this, he was interim CEO for Grandis, the pioneer in spintronics based semiconductor memory technology. He also served as the interim CEO of Greystripe, a leader in advertising supported content distribution for mobile phones, where continues to serve on its Board of Directors. He also serves as a Director on the Boards of Giga. Fin, Knowlent, Spectragenics, Nellix, and Precision Photonics. He was on LIGHTCONNECT's Board until its June 2006 acquisition by Neophotonics, and was also a Director on the Board of Lightwave Electronics until its April 2005 acquisition by JDS Uniphase. From 1990 to 1993 at the Carl Zeiss Laser Technology Center, a Zeiss funded US based start up business, he managed development and gained FDA clearance for medical devices including new surgical laser products and handpieces. Bill graduated from Brown University with a Sc. B. from the EE Honors Program and earned his Ph. D. degree from Princeton University in the EE Electronic Materials and Devices Program. He has had over twenty U. S. patents issued, with their foreign counterparts either issued or pending. Earlier in his career he authored many technical papers and conference presentations, including top ranked papers at the CLEO conferences.
Иновативна икономика в България? Nicholas J. Colella, Ph. D. joined Incubic (www. incubic. com) as a Venture Partner in January, 2007. He serves on the Science Advisory Board of Zyvex Corporation (www. zyvex. com), a nanotechnologies company. He also serves on the board of Ultracell Corporation (www. ultracellpower. com), a privately-funded company manufacturing reformed methanol fuel cell. From August 2001 through December 2006, he served on the senior executive team of Tessera, Inc. (www. tessera. com). He was a key contributor to executing a turn-around of the company, taking it public in 2003, and subsequently growing its value to over $2 B. During his nearly five-year tenure at Tessera, in roles of Senior Vice President, Dr. Colella built and led the company’s Product Miniaturization Division and contributed to corporate strategy. From April 2000 through July 2001, Dr. Colella was the Chief Technical Officer and Vice President of R&D at Poly. Stor Corporation, a lithium-ion battery company in the cell phone and hybrid electric vehicle market segments. In 1995, Dr. Colella co-founded Angel Technologies Corporation (www. angelcorp. com), a broadband, wireless communications company and, until March 2000, served as that company’s CTO and Executive Vice President. From May 1986 to October 1996, Dr. Colella held senior positions at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where he led strategic and theater missile defense programs. Dr. Colella co-founded n. Chip, Inc. in 1987, a multi-chip module electronics company later sold to Flextronics International in 1995. Dr. Colella contributed to forming and founding the National Robotics Engineering Consortium (www. rec. ri. cmu. edu) at Carnegie Mellon, during 19941995, and served for several years thereafter on its original Advisory Board. Dr. Colella received a B. A. in honors physics from Temple University and a M. S. and a Ph. D. in physics from Carnegie Mellon University. He was raised in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, and maintains an active interest in the economic future of Western Pennsylvania.
Иновативна икономика в България? E - Икономика T - Технологии Sc - Наука Appl – Приложна наука Ent - Предприемачество
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България? Състоянието в България: Финансиране в България на нови идеи е в зародишен стадий: Няма пазар за нововъведения. Конкурентност се постига главно с ниско платена работна ръка и експлоатация на природни ресурси. Само един действащ бизнесинкубатор – във Варна. Бизнесангели – практически не съществуват. Български фирми, сполучили да убедят чуждестранни бизнесангели да инвестират в тях, като Netage Solutions, Eastisoft са по скоро изключение от правилото и плод на случайност! Има няколко рискови фонда, които не финансират стартиращи фирми и проекти: Global Finance, SEAF, SEEF и други. Някои са стартирали преди години и са изчерпали фондовете си (Caresback, SEAF). Националният иновационен фонд е с ограничени финансови възможности и започва да финансира на късен етап от развитието на идеята. Покрива незначителна част от потребностите на този вид бизнес. Освен това правилата му са като на консервативна финансова институция, странно съчетана с грантова част. За разлика от САЩ, Израел, Естония и др.
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България? Проекти тип Манахатън Scientists Who Invented the Atomic Bomb under the Manhattan Project: Robert Oppenheimer, David Bohm, Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner, Otto Frisch, Rudolf Peierls, Felix Bloch, Niels Bohr, Emilio Segre, James Franck, Enrico Fermi, Klaus Fuchs and Edward Teller. An industry is always more than the sum of its parts, but considering the major players can give a convincing insight into both the state of individual companies and, by implication, the performance for the market as a whole. This discovery was a turning point for Los Alamos, the Manhattan Project, and eventually for the practice of large scale science after the war. The planned plutonium gun had to be abandoned, and Oppenheimer was forced to make implosion research a top priority, using all available resources to attack it. A complete reorganization of Los Alamos Laboratory was required. With just 12 months to go before expected weapon delivery a new fundamental technology, explosive wave shaping, had to be invented, made reliable, and a enormous array of engineering problems had to be solved. During this crisis many foundations for post war science were laid. Scientist administrators (as opposed to academic or research scientists) came to the forefront for running large scale research efforts. Automated numerical techniques (as opposed to manual analytical ones) were applied to solve important scientific problems, not just engineering applications. The dispersal of key individuals after the end of the war later carried these insights, as well as the earlier organizational principles developed at Los Alamos throughout American academia and industry.
Иновативна икономика в България?
Иновативна икономика в България? Цикълът започва отначало! Дори да стигнеш донякъде, се оказва, че всеки ден трябва да се доказваш. Трябва да си иновативен, актуален и креативен, за да останеш в икономическото пространство.
Иновативна икономика в България? Quotes About the National Competitiveness Investment Act America COMPETES Act (H. R. 2272) conference report was passed by the House and Senate in early August, and signed into Public Law by the President on August 9, 2007 The act, and law, is the result of a conference between the House and Senate on H. H. 2272 and S. 761, respectively (see below). The law focuses primarily on basic research funding for physical sciences and on science, technology, engineering and math education priorities (improving K 12 science and math teaching capabilities and attracting more students to STEM programs/careers). Senator Edward Kennedy (D MA): "Federal investment in research and development has been shrinking as a share of the economy, and government research programs at the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy all have less funding this year than they did three years ago. "At the same time, fast growing countries like China, Ireland South Korea are realizing the potential for economic growth that comes with investing in innovation. For example, China's total research and development investments rose from $12. 4 billion in 1991 to $84. 6 billion in 2003, an average increase of 17 percent a year. Over the same period, the increase in U. S. investment averaged only 4 to 5 percent annually. "Study after study tells us that we need major new investments in education and research and development to stay ahead. We cannot just tinker at the margins and expect to master our own destiny in the global economy. We have a responsibility to make the investments that are necessary to our progress a responsibility to our families, to our economy, to our Nation, and to our national security. " "Americans know how to rise to challenges and come out ahead. We've done it before and we can do it again. When we were called into action in 1957 with the Soviet Sputnik launch, we rose to the challenge by passing the National Defense Education Act and inspiring the nation to ensure that the first footprint on the moon was by an American. We doubled the federal investment in education. "We need the same bold commitment to help the current generation meet and master the global challenges of today and tomorrow. The National Competitiveness Investment Act will start to put America back on track. I look forward to working with my colleagues to improve upon the bill as it moves forward and to expand on these efforts in the months to come. “
Иновативна икономика в България? Sustaining the innovation agenda Phil Lo. Piccolo, Solid State Technology April, 2007 Despite the compelling agendas put forth in the current adminsitration’s American Competitiveness Initiative, as well as in the National Academies’ Rising Above the Gathering Storm report and the Council on Competitiveness’s Innovate America report, Congress adjourned last year without passing the widely acclaimed National Competitiveness Investment Act of 2006 (NCIA). Among its many provisions for enhancing US competitiveness through innovation, the NCIA would have doubled the NSF budget from $5. 6 billion to $11. 2 billion over the next five years. The good news is that a Continuing Appropriations Resolution was passed in February that covers government spending for fiscal year 2007 and includes, for example, an increase of more than $330 million for NSF funding beyond 2006 levels. Because the package to increase research funding was among only a handful of programs to receive budget increases, the move sends a strong signal of support for the concept that innovation is, indeed, the key to nation’s competitiveness. “There’s a certain voltage behind the innovation agenda right now, ” says Alan Hurd, director of the Materials Research Society and a leading advocate of increasing federal funding for basic research. The bad news, however, is that the recent increases are approved only for the rest of the year. And, as Hurd contends, the physical science community is at risk of losing traction, as it has in the past, after a year or two of budget upticks, especially as defending the budget is likely to be difficult every year for the foreseeable future.
Иновативна икономика в България? To avoid that, he stresses, it will be critical for researchers to keep the pressure on. Indeed, the US desperately needs to reverse a decades long trend of reduced federal funding for science, which, sadly, has occurred at the same time the nation’s economic competitiveness has relied on the kind of innovation that only basic research can bring. In fact, since the IT revolution of the 1990 s, the US has depended on disruptive technologies to drive growth. This approach was a radical departure from the corporate based economic model that had been in place since WWII. Back then, corporations’ research labs focused on productivity improvements, not on radical technologies that would disrupt their economic models. Unfortunately, science funding priorities failed to change with the times. Over the past several decades, the US has spent progressively less on the basic research that leads to revolutionary technologies and increasingly more on corporate development aimed at evolutionary gains. In fact, 40 years ago, federally funded basic research was responsible for nearly 70% of total US R&D expenditures, while corporate funded development totaled 30%, notes William Bonvillian, director of MIT’s Washington Office and a spokesperson for federally funded university research. But now those figures have reversed, as industry accounts for two thirds of total R&D spending. Moreover, the gap has been widening. During the same 40 year period, federal investment in basic research, measured as a share of total GDP, has fallen from 2% to 0. 5%. Conversely, corporate development spending grew 2% annually between 1994 and 2000, and is still rising at about 0. 3% per year. “In an innovation based economy, this is not what you want, ” warns Bonvillian. “The curves are going in the wrong direction. ”
Иновативна икономика в България? The problem for the US has been compounded by increased global competition for technological innovation. Currently, the US accounts for 34% of world R&D, which includes both federal and corporate spending. But both China and India are on track to continue increasing their basic research budgets by 10% annually and to surpass the US by the end of the decade. The recent spending increase for basic research is clearly a step in the right direction. But the solution to sustaining momentum over the long term will be to engage and equip technologists to become more effective advocates of the benefits of basic research. As Bonvillian asserts, we need to build new business and public policy courses into technical education programs to give scientists and engineers the tools they will need to better understand the political forces from which they will increasingly need support. It will also be essential in the near term for US scientists and engineers to play a more active role on Capital Hill. Grassroots efforts are particularly effective, especially when researchers can demonstrate to government representatives that new technologies can provide solutions to pressing problems as well as create jobs and economic growth, notes Hurd. Given the confluence of so many factors the globalization of science, the National Academy reports on competitiveness, the bipartisan political support means that this is a once in a career opportunity that we in the physical sciences just can’t afford to fumble.
Иновативна икономика в България? The “America COMPETES Act” is a bipartisan legislative response to recommendations contained in the National Academies’ “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” report and the Council on Competitiveness’ “Innovate America” report. The bill is similar to the “National Competitiveness Investment Act” that Senators Frist, Reid, Stevens, Inouye, Domenici, Bingaman, Enzi, Kennedy, Ensign, Lieberman, Alexander, Mikulski, Hutchison, and others introduced in September 2006. Several sections of the bill are derived from proposals contained in the “American Innovation and Competitiveness Act of 2006” (S. 2802), approved without opposition by the Senate Commerce Committee, and the “Protecting America’s Competitive Edge Through Energy Act of 2006” (S. 2197) approved without opposition by the Senate Energy Committee last year. Accordingly, the America COMPETES Act focuses on three primary areas of importance to maintaining and improving United States’ innovation in the 21 st Century: (1) increasing research investment, (2) strengthening educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics from elementary through graduate school, and (3) developing an innovation infrastructure. More specifically, the America COMPETES Act would: Increase Research Investment by: • Doubling funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) from approximately $5. 6 billion in Fiscal Year 2006 to $11. 2 billion in Fiscal Year 2011. • Setting the Department of Energy’s Office of Science on track to double in funding over ten years, increasing from $3. 6 billion in Fiscal Year 2006 to over $5. 2 billion in Fiscal Year 2011. • Establishing the Innovation Acceleration Research Program to direct federal agencies funding research in science and technology to set as a goal dedicating approximately 8% of their Research and Development (R&D) budgets toward high risk frontier research. • Authorizing the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) from approximately $703 million in Fiscal Year 2008 to approximately $937 million in Fiscal Year 2011 and requiring NIST to set aside no less than 8 percent of its annual funding for high risk, high reward innovation acceleration research. • Directing NASA to increase funding for basic research and fully participate in interagency activities to foster competitiveness and innovation, using the full extent of existing budget authority. • Coordinating ocean and atmospheric research and education at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other agencies to promote U. S. leadership in these important fields.
Иновативна икономика в България? Strengthen Educational Opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Critical Foreign Languages by: • Authorizing competitive grants to States to promote better alignment of elementary and secondary education with the knowledge and skills needed for success in postsecondary education, the 21 st century workforce, and the Armed Forces, and grants to support the establishment or improvement of statewide P 16 education longitudinal data systems. • Strengthening the skills of thousands of math and science teachers by establishing training and education programs at summer institutes hosted at the National Laboratories and by increasing support for the Teacher Institutes for the 21 st Century program at NSF. • Expanding the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program at NSF to recruit and train individuals to become math and science teachers in high need local educational agencies. • Assisting States in establishing or expanding statewide specialty schools in math and science that students from across the state would be eligible to attend and providing expert assistance in teaching from National Laboratories’ staff at those schools. • Facilitating the expansion of Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs by increasing the number of teachers prepared to teach AP/IB and pre AP/IB math, science, and foreign language courses in high need schools, thereby increasing the number of courses available and students who take and pass AP and IB exams. • Developing and implementing programs for bachelor’s degrees in math, science, engineering, and critical foreign languages with concurrent teaching credentials and part time master’s in education programs for math, science, and critical foreign language teachers to enhance both content knowledge and teaching skills. • Creating partnerships between National Laboratories and local high need high schools to establish centers of excellence in math and science education. • Expanding existing NSF graduate research fellowship and traineeship programs, requiring NSF to work with institutions of higher education to facilitate the development of professional science master’s degree programs, and expanding NSF’s science, mathematics, engineering and technology talent program. • Providing Math Now grants to improve math instruction in the elementary and middle grades and provide targeted help to struggling students so that all students can master grade level mathematics standards. • Expanding programs to increase the number of students from elementary school through postsecondary education who study critical foreign languages and become proficient. Develop an Innovation Infrastructure by: • Establishing a President’s Council on Innovation and Competitiveness to develop a comprehensive agenda to promote innovation and competitiveness in the public and private sectors. • Requiring the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study to identify forms of risk that create barriers to innovation.
Иновативна икономика в България? Липсващото звено между пазара, индустрията, капитала и науката Клъстерът катализира и организира комерсиализацията на научно технически постижения и се превръща в реален икономически субект. Той всъщност преодолява състоянието на икономиката ни в момента. Новата структура може да осъществи оптимален процес на комерсиализация, както по отношение на науката и технологиите, така и за финансирането. Тя преодолява голямата разлика между малката степен на готовност за практическа реализация на научно техническите постижения у нас в момента и липсата на инструменти на капитала да прецени техния пазарен потенциал.
Иновативна икономика в България? Механичен модел на действие на предлаганата структура. Най консервативните и неподготвени за включване в процеса на комерсиализация звена ще могат да бъдат адаптирани без големи сътресения за самите тях, запазва се тяхната работоспособност, а предлаганата структура ще буде обезпечена от възможно най компетентните специалисти, най уникалната апаратура и технологии, за да се осигури максимална ефективност на всяка започната операция.
Иновативна икономика в България? Защо клъстер, а не само бизнесинкубатори, бизнесцентрове за трансфер на технологии, бизнес иновационни центрове и т. н? 1. Голямата пропаст между нивото на научните разработки и технологиите, използвани от индустрията; 2. Липсата на предприемачи сред научните среди; 3. Липсата на стартов и рисков капитал; 4. Държавата не решава иновативно проблемите си, като така да създаде иновативна среда и пазар в страната и стартира превръщането на иновациите в капитал; 5. Индустрията също не е иновативна; 6. Тази ситуация изисква организация от комплексен и мащабен характер, за да бъде в състояние да извърши оптимално целия процес на комерсиализацията! 7. Тази организация реално създава оптимална иновативна среда, извършва съответния анализ (due diligence), осигурява оптимално моделиране и тестване. . . Това води до намаляване на разходите и сроковете за комерсиализацията на научно техническите продукти, както и риска за финансовия капитал; 8. Организацията може да: изгради собствена философия за постигане на горепоставената цел; анализира иновативните възможности за развитие на националната икономика, наука, образование, експорт; както и да оценява стратегически насоки в развитието на страната! 9. Икономическата наука е все още “сляпа” за иновативния потенциал на научните постижения! Засега теорията на иновативната икономика е всъщност практиката и философията на водещите иновативни предприемачи.
Иновативна икономика в България? Is Finnish innovation policy utilising 4 or 96 per cent of Finnish innovation potential? According to the Innovation in Europe survey, only some four percent of innovations are based on academic research. The survey also shows that the most significant sources of innovation are customer contacts, company networks and the like. These produce 96% of innovations. So, if scientific research is the initiator for only a fraction of innovations, there is reason thoroughly to consider the birth mechanisms of innovations and what methods would work best in their promotion. Innovations usually evolve from a practical need, and they are developed in a context that is far removed from the environment where scientific innovations are produced. Innovations – where and how? Recent innovation research has focused on innovation environments and systems. An innovation system comprises innovative networks, which in turn involve various social networks. The structure of these social networks has an impact on the financial outcome, since the viability of the networks modify the fluency and quality of information. What is key is the concept of strong and weak links? Strong links are marked by shared norms and close involvement in the network’s activities. People engaged in strong networks usually have a common knowledge base, and these networks also tend to be quite conservative.
Иновативна икономика в България? Is Finnish innovation policy utilising 4 or 96 per cent of Finnish innovation potential? Weak links in particular are needed for introducing new ideas. Innovations are most likely to emerge where there are structural gaps in an otherwise close-knit network. Those able to traverse a structural gap in the social network are more likely to come up with a workable idea: new ideas are born out of the new connections made at the gaps – that is, when groups and people with different backgrounds encounter each other. By definition, innovation systems have to subsystems: (i) the system creating and distributing new information, formed by universities, research institutes, technology centres etc. , and (ii) the system applying and utilising knowledge that is formed by company networks. A dialogue based on praxis is a prerequisite for the shared and open innovation processes between the two subsystems. This dialogue is not easy to establish, however, since, even within one technological field, those engaged in basic research and those focusing on the practical applications may speak a very different language. The same is true for dialogue between disciplines. A research-focused party from one field and a praxis-oriented actor from another may still want to cross a structural gap for mutual benefit. A case in point is the relationship and interaction between basic research in nanotechnology and the practical innovation processes in the metal industry.
Иновативна икономика в България? Защо сега, а не след няколко години? 1. Голямата и увеличаващата се пропаст между нивото на развитите в иновативно отношение страни и България (Следващото десетилетие ще донесе на човечеството много повече иновации, отколкото настоящото ); 2. Увеличаващата се финансова цена за стартиране на този вид политики; 3. Увеличаващата се технологична сложност на иновациите; 4. Нарастващият натиск на вътрешните проблеми в страната; 5. Глобализацията и технологичните нововъведения променят промишлеността в цяла Европа и света, водят до западане на традиционните индустрии и бърз растеж на високотехнологичните производства, банкирането и финансите, научните изследвания и бизнес услугите. Компаниите в тези сектори печелят от работата си близо едни до други! 6. Възможността, която дава членствотото ни в Европейската общност! 7. България е част от световната икономика и искаме или не искаме трябва да започнем да завоюваме своето място под слънцето!
Иновативна икономика в България? 07 March 2008 Strong clusters needed to boost economy in the Baltic Sea Region Competitive regional economic development in the Baltic Sea Region requires strong clusters based on a solid industrial base and with strong links to academic research and regional authorities. This was the conclusion of a round table discussion held 7 March in Riga, Latvia. Participants were regional and national authorities, the Nordic Council of Ministers, industries, universities and clusters within life sciences and biotechnology. The round table was organized by the Latvian Association of Biotechnology and Scan. Balt as part of an EU funded project “Bridge BSR” which over the next three years shall strengthen bridges between academic research and SME´s in order to promote commercialisation and job creation. Other partners are Steinbeis Team Northeast, Medicon Valley Alliance, Estonian Biotech Association, IPPT Pan, Bio. Forum Oulu and Bio. Con Valley. According to the coordinator of Bridge BSR, General secretary Peter Frank, Scan. Balt, the aim is to establish cross border support structures for SME´s in the Baltic Sea Region. "They need easier access to private public financing and they need support to participate in EU programs. We hope to initiate successfully the necessary structures and intend to create a widely accepted joint innovation plan. " The plan will focus on SME´s within life sciences in the Baltic Sea Region – Scan. Balt Bio. Region. "In addition we will reinforce our efforts to integrate management of Intellectual Properties in academic research in order to promote exploitation. However to be successful requires strong regional clusters throughout the region, this is a prerequisite. We work to promote this development, ” Frank says. Energy& Enviro Finland – a NEW INTERNET JOURNAL for dissemination of information on energy and environmental technologies
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