Иностранный язык для направления 23000 «Информатика и вычислительная техника» Екатеринбург 2010
Activities Автор: Ковалева А. Г. доцент кафедры иностранных языков в области экономики и управления Екатеринбург 2010
Цели: l Ознакомление с тематической терминологией l Обсуждение примеров компаний
Activity When we talk about company’s activities we normally describe the different areas that it is involved in. Activity is something that someone does to achieve the aim. Area is a particular subject, type of someone’s activity
Spheres of activity Sectors of company’s activities Production of goods Service providers (manufacturers) Merchants Media production
Definitions l Manufacturer – a company which produces large quantities of goods to be sold, using machinery. l Merchant – a person or business that buys and sells goods. l Media – radio, television, newspapers, the Internet, magazines, considered as a group.
Main activities Some companies concentrate on one main activity, while others are involved in more than one sector. For example, General Electric is a multinational company which is involved in a number of different areas.
Main activities It is involved in manufacturing technological products, offering financial services and media. (Give other examples of companies with activities in one sector and more)
Types of activity It is possible to classify business activity into three sections: Primary - Secondary - Tertiary -
Primary business activity describes extractive areas such as agriculture, mining, fishing, etc. This type of activity generally focuses on extracting and utilising resources provided by nature. Give examples.
Secondary business activity includes manufacturing and construction industries (those that make, build or assemble products, e. g. car production). Give examples.
Tertiary activity includes businesses that provide services (e. g. banking, public transport, consultancy, web design, etc. ). Services can be divided into: - direct services - commercial services
Types of services Direct services are offered directly to the general public. l Commercial services deal with other businesses. However, many businesses (e. g. banking) offer services which are used by the public as well as by other commercial companies. l
Business Activity & Humour
Business Activity & Humour
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