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INIS Training Seminar 2 -6 June 2003 Electronic Records Voluntary Input Preparation Alexander Nevyjel INIS Training Seminar 2 -6 June 2003 Electronic Records Voluntary Input Preparation Alexander Nevyjel Subject Control Unit INIS Section, IAEA June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 1

INIS Liaison Officers’ Meeting 2002 Actions and Recommendations Ø Agenda Item 6. 4 Electronic INIS Liaison Officers’ Meeting 2002 Actions and Recommendations Ø Agenda Item 6. 4 Electronic Journals And Voluntary Input Ø agreed that co-operative contributions of all Members on a voluntary basis are urgent and necessary to ensure comprehensive coverage of core journals in the INIS Database; Ø appreciated the work done by those Members who contributed input on a voluntary basis, recognised and strongly appreciated the co-ordinating role of the INIS Secretariat, and urged the INIS Secretariat to send as soon as possible the questionnaire on areas of expertise to assist in the distribution of records; June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 2

INIS Liaison Officers’ Meeting 2003 Actions and Recommendations Ø Agenda Item 4. 1 Acquisition INIS Liaison Officers’ Meeting 2003 Actions and Recommendations Ø Agenda Item 4. 1 Acquisition of electronic records and voluntary input Ø acknowledged and appreciated the efforts of the INIS Secretariat and the Members who contributed voluntary input during 2002, and urged all Members to participate in this task; June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 3

Voluntary Contributions 2002 IAEA 11428 Australia 188 Bulgaria 104 Germany 598 Argentina 178 Estonia Voluntary Contributions 2002 IAEA 11428 Australia 188 Bulgaria 104 Germany 598 Argentina 178 Estonia 70 India 369 Austria 165 Colombia 52 Syria 337 Romania 156 Ecuador 51 Belarus 277 Belgium 146 Portugal 44 Ukraine 247 Israel 113 Guatemala 39 Turkey 229 Canada 112 Ghana 34 China 212 Brazil 110 Kenya 8 June 2003 INIS Training Seminar Total 15267 4

Voluntary Contributions 2002 June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 5 Voluntary Contributions 2002 June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 5

Voluntary Contributions 2003 Done, Status 30 May 2003 Australia Azerbaijan Germany Ghana 96 IAEA Voluntary Contributions 2003 Done, Status 30 May 2003 Australia Azerbaijan Germany Ghana 96 IAEA 1 Members 12115 1123 585 31 Hungary 142 Kazakhstan 102 Pakistan 132 Thailand 18 Total MS 1123 June 2003 Total INIS Training Seminar 13238 6

Voluntary Contributions 2003 In Process, Status 30 May 2003 Argentina 149 Iran Austria 71 Voluntary Contributions 2003 In Process, Status 30 May 2003 Argentina 149 Iran Austria 71 Ireland Azerbaijan 30 Jordan Bulgaria 96 Kazakhstan Colombia Ecuador Egypt Estonia 201 Slovenia 48 256 South Africa 257 20 Syria 200 185 Tajikistan 26 49 Korea 29 Thailand 19 37 Mexico 50 Uganda 19 50 Uruguay 26 100 Philippines 52 Portugal 200 Uzbekistan Germany 211 Russian Fed. 34 India 215 Singapore 12 Total 50 June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 2692 7

Electronic Records Processing Status 30 May 2003 Publisher Total On stock Sent Received Deleted Electronic Records Processing Status 30 May 2003 Publisher Total On stock Sent Received Deleted Outsta nding IOPP 3196 233 2963 2648 310 0 Elsevier 19901 13575 6326 2978 405 2943 Expect AIP June 2003 11000 INIS Training Seminar 8

Voluntary Contributions Ø Ø Ø Assign the descriptors in tag 800 Check the subject Voluntary Contributions Ø Ø Ø Assign the descriptors in tag 800 Check the subject category in 008 TRN should not be changed Tag 610 in the A-level carries the copyright statement Tag 610 in the S-level carries the country of input Tag 620 carries free terms, where available Ø Tag 800 could carry proposed descriptors – please delete and add as appropriate June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 9

Voluntary Contributions June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 10 Voluntary Contributions June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 10

Voluntary Contributions 001^NL 03 S 1164 008^S 46/01/J/AS 009^A 100^Krizan, Peter. , E-mail: peter. Voluntary Contributions 001^NL 03 S 1164 008^S 46/01/J/AS 009^A 100^Krizan, Peter. , E-mail: peter. krizan@ijs. si 200^Recent progress in ring imaging Cherenkov counters with vacuum-based photon detectors 500^p. 28 -35 600^(EN) 610^PII: S 0168900202021538; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B. V. , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All r reserved. 620^85. 60. Ha; 29. 40. Ka; Cherenkov detectors; Multi-anode photomultiplier tubes; Hybrid photodetectors; 009^S 229^Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Dete and Associated Equipment 320^ISSN 0168 -9002 321^NIMAER 403^(11 Apr 2003) 500^v. 502(1) 610^Country of input: India 009^9 800^ 009^X/EN 860^The paper reviews the status of ring imaging Cherenkov counters with vacuum-based photon detecto first discussing the main motivation, the physics case. It then presents the results from the counters em in the Ba. Bar, HERA-B, SELEX and Hermes experiments, status of the next generation of precision B ph experiments BTe. V and LHCb, and possible solutions for the upgrades of existing spectrometers Ba. Bar June INIS Training Seminar 11 Belle. 2003

Voluntary Contributions 001^NL 03 S 1164 008^S 46/01/J/AS 009^A 100^Krizan, Peter. , E-mail: peter. Voluntary Contributions 001^NL 03 S 1164 008^S 46/01/J/AS 009^A 100^Krizan, Peter. , E-mail: peter. krizan@ijs. si 200^Recent progress in ring imaging Cherenkov counters with vacuum-based photon detectors 500^p. 28 -35 600^(EN) 610^PII: S 0168900202021538; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B. V. , Amsterdam Netherlands, All rights reserved. 620^85. 60. Ha; 29. 40. Ka; Cherenkov detectors; Multi-anode photomultiplier tubes; Hybrid photodetectors; 009^S 229^Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Dete and Associated Equipment 320^ISSN 0168 -9002 321^NIMAER 403^(11 Apr 2003) 500^v. 502(1) 610^Country of input: India 009^9 800^ 009^X/EN 860^The paper reviews the status of ring imaging Cherenkov counters with vacuum-based photon detecto first discussing the main motivation, the physics case. It then presents the results from the counters em in the Ba. Bar, HERA-B, SELEX and Hermes experiments, status of the next generation of precision B ph June 2003 INIS solutions for the 12 experiments BTe. V and LHCb, and possible Training Seminar upgrades of existing spectrometers Ba. Bar Belle.

Voluntary Contributions 001^NL 03 S 1164 008^S 46/01/J/AS Check, and if necessary change subject Voluntary Contributions 001^NL 03 S 1164 008^S 46/01/J/AS Check, and if necessary change subject category 009^A 100^Krizan, Peter. , E-mail: peter. krizan@ijs. si 200^Recent progress in ring imaging Cherenkov counters with vacuum-based photon detectors 500^p. 28 -35 600^(EN) 610^PII: S 0168900202021538; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B. V. , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All r reserved. 620^85. 60. Ha; 29. 40. Ka; Cherenkov detectors; Multi-anode photomultiplier tubes; H photodetectors; Lenses 009^S 229^Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Dete and Associated Equipment 320^ISSN 0168 -9002 321^NIMAER 403^(11 Apr 2003) 500^v. 502(1) 610^Country of input: India 009^9 800^ Please assign descriptors 009^X/EN 860^The paper reviews the status of ring imaging Cherenkov counters with vacuum-based photon detecto first discussing the main motivation, the physics case. It then presents the results from the counters em June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 13 in the Ba. Bar, HERA-B, SELEX and Hermes experiments, status of the next generation of precision B ph experiments BTe. V and LHCb, and possible solutions for the upgrades of existing spectrometers Ba. Bar

PACS Codes Ø Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme® Ø American Institute of Physics (AIP) PACS Codes Ø Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme® Ø American Institute of Physics (AIP) Ø Assigned in Journals of Ø AIP Ø IOPP Ø Elsevier Ø 3732 Classification Codes June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 14

PACS Codes 11. 15. -q Gauge field theories S 72 FIELD THEORIES; GAUGE INVARIANCE PACS Codes 11. 15. -q Gauge field theories S 72 FIELD THEORIES; GAUGE INVARIANCE 11. 15. Bt General properties of perturbation theory S 72 PERTURBATION THEORY 11. 15. Ex Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetries S 72 SYMMETRY BREAKING; GAUGE INVARIANCE 11. 15. Ha Lattice gauge theory S 72 GAUGE INVARIANCE; LATTICE FIELD THEORY 11. 15. Kc Classical and semiclassical techniques S 72 SEMICLASSICAL APPROXIMATION 11. 15. Me Strong-coupling expansions S 72 STRONG-COUPLING MODEL 11. 15. Pg Expansions for large numbers of components S 72 CALCULATION METHODS 11. 15. Tk Other nonperturbative techniques S 72 CALCULATION METHODS 11. 25. -w Strings and branes S 72 STRING MODELS; SMOOTH MANIFOLDS 11. 25. Db Properties of perturbation theory S 72 PERTURBATION THEORY June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 15

Voluntary Contributions 001^GB 03 P 0133 008^S 71; S 72/01/J/AS 009^A 100^Ma, Shukchuen (Department Voluntary Contributions 001^GB 03 P 0133 008^S 71; S 72/01/J/AS 009^A 100^Ma, Shukchuen (Department of Mathematics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Hong Kong)) 200^Conformal and Lie superalgebras motivated from free fermionic fields 500^p. 1759 -1787 600^(EN) 610^PII: S 0305 -4470(03)32465 -5 611^Available online at http: //stacks. iop. org/0305 -4470/36/1759/a 30618. pdf 620^11. 25. Hf Conformal field theory, algebraic structures; 02. 20. Sv Lie algebras of Lie groups; 11. 30. Pb Supersymmetry; 009^S 229^Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General 320^ISSN 0305 -4470 321^JPHAC 5 403^(14 Feb 2003) 500^v. 36(6) 610^Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 009^9 800^FIELD THEORIES; SUPERSYMMETRY; ALGEBRA; GROUP THEORY; LIE GROUPS 009^X/EN 860860^In this paper, we construct six families of conformal superalgebras of infinite type, motivated from free quadratic fermonic fields with derivatives, and we prove their simplicity. ……… June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 16

Voluntary Contributions 001^GB 03 P 0133 008^S 71; S 72/01/J/AS Check, and if necessary Voluntary Contributions 001^GB 03 P 0133 008^S 71; S 72/01/J/AS Check, and if necessary change or delete category 009^A 100^Ma, Shukchuen (Department of Mathematics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Hong Kong)) 200^Conformal and Lie superalgebras motivated from free fermionic fields 500^p. 1759 -1787 600^(EN) 610^PII: S 0305 -4470(03)32465 -5 611^Available online at http: //stacks. iop. org/0305 -4470/36/1759/a 30618. pdf 620^11. 25. Hf Conformal field theory, algebraic structures; 02. 20. Sv Lie algebras of Lie groups; 11. 30. Pb Supersymmetry; 009^S 229^Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General 320^ISSN 0305 -4470 321^JPHAC 5 403^(14 Feb 2003) 500^v. 36(6) 610^Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 009^9 800^FIELD THEORIES; SUPERSYMMETRY; ALGEBRA; GROUP THEORY; LIE GROUPS Add / delete descriptors 009^X/EN June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 17 860860^In this paper, we construct six families of conformal superalgebras of infinite type, motivated from free quadratic fermonic fields with derivatives, and we prove their simplicity.

Production Statistics 2003 June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 18 Production Statistics 2003 June 2003 INIS Training Seminar 18