- Количество слайдов: 73
Ingo Rechenberg The future becomes more biological A Bionik World in the year 2099 Technische Universität Berlin Shanghai Institute for Advanced Studies
1 Protoplasm lump in the primordial ocean
2 From this the fish developed
3 Life peeks out of the water and spreads over the country
4 Our ancestors climb the treetops
5 Finally we admire ourselves in the mirror
Bionik: The study of the results of biological evolution from the engineering point of view
Biology Bionik Tech nics Rip -Tie Rip. Wrap™
Bionik 2099
The view into the future ?
Havier-than-air flying machines are impossible L. K. Kelvin Lord (1895)
My prognoses !
Bionik manufacturing in the year 2099
Bionik extreme: The matured automobiles will be harvested
2099 The new age of manufacturing Crude metal arf cutting Sw 2007 Manufacturing by growth 2099 Bionik-bath
From „Macro“ to „Nano“ Scaling substance Dwarf growth Scale reduction of a growing gearweel
Replionik Science of self reproducing structures Auxonik Science of growing structures Two new fields of Bionik at the end of the 21 th century
Nutrition molecules Starting molecule Self reproducing molecules, which produce copies of themselves
Self reproducing molecules, which produce copies of themselves
Dissoziation Self reproducing molecules, which produce copies of themselves
Self reproducing molecules, which produce copies of themselves
Self reproducing molecules, which produce copies of themselves
Seed-gearweel Breeding bath Mass-manufacturing 2099
Future of functional and smart materials
Self-alignment of the spongy bone microstructure Ossit ® Alignment of rodlike crystalls in the direction of the stress trajectories
Ossit ®-bridge at the 40 days later 20 60 opening day 2099 2 0, 0 t 55 Self-structuring of an Ossit ®-bridge with increasing load
Advancem ent of Ossit ® Novo. Ossit ® Additional feature of self healing
Novo. Ossit Road 2099 Road damages become overgrown Self healing guarantees a road durability of 50 years
Energy production technologies in 2099
2099: Hydrogen era io n Hydrogen will be produced by artificial photosynthesis Ph o t o s y n t h q s. E esi at u H 2
Explosive gas Nostoc muscorum The two compartment technology of Nostoc muscorum
1990 Photo-bioreactor in the desert Erg Chebbi (South Morocco)
2099 „Heliomites“ in the Sahara View of a 100 k. W solar hydrogen farm
Electrode Electrod e Painting Formation Harvesting 2099: The self breeding solar paint BRESOPAN ® illuminated
Traffic and mobility in the future world
Airliner in the year 2099 80% less fuel than 100 years ago through: Multi-winglets (example bird) Micro longitudinal grooves (example shark) Compliant surface (example dolphin) Integral propulsion (example flapping wings)
Submarine ocean liner in the year 2099 90% less fuel than 100 years ago through: Elastic- damping skin (example dolphin) Micro longitudinal grooves (example shark) Micro bubble vain (example penguin) Integral-propulsion (example jelly fish)
Propeller (Thrust production) Sieve (Drag production) The propeller sieve model
Two propeller sieve vehicles cross a room with still air
Integral propulsion in nature Bird Fish Paramecium Eel Jellyfish Manta
Froth whipping 2000 on the ferry from Gibraltar to Africa … an absurd propulsion wasted energy
Biologically inspired waste disposal
Eye Everything is In Spider lens of the same made biology thread material. Nerve cell ? 2007 200 7 2099: Development of the protein mimicry PROMIM® Traction rope
Accelerator substance 2099: Everything comes on a heap Decomposition of PROMIM - products to their elementary compon
Computation and the Global Neural Net
The world wide web (www) 2007 ma nn ma eu n. N Vo ine ch
The Global Neural Net (GNN) 2099 om lc ura Ne ter pu
k bac Feed „The second brain in the trousers pocket 2099“ A Parallel Neural Net (PNN), which is wired to antropomorphic sense organs events
Fill in the morphofluid Put in the morpho-germ 2099: 3 D printer Instructions for the Morpho. Jet 7 Select product in the GNN Take out the phenoduct
Cochloids and roboflies
Artificial Ladybug Example for a cleaning bug
Cochloid cleaning the window 2099
It helps you everywhere 99 ll 20 e od M B & E Company Advertisement of an all-purpose artificial dragonfly
An autonomous swarm of artificial dragonflies on an environmental inspection
Artificial dragonflies examine a sewer
Electric sense of a shark Animals hidden under the sea ground Humens hidden under the snow masses Artificial dragonflies form a smart antenna to detect avalanche victims
Nano-biosensors and „the supersense“
Molecule „fishing net“ ! Pheromone Single molecule dedection by the male of the silkworm moth
10 000 Catalycer 100 Signal molecule Catalyzer 1 Catalizer Receptor Single molecule detection through a catalytic cascade 2099 start event
Artificial dragonfly with a single molecule sensor eliminating a potato beetle Le af ar om a Potato field attract
Bionik in civil engineering
Termite building 2099: Not top down but bottom up Robotermites establish the columns of a motorway bridge
Tamarisk: Maximum root depth 60 meter 2099: Radifores establish the foundations of the tower blocks Latin: radix = root forare = bore
Self replicating vehicles in space missions
Von Neumann probes are biologically inspired space vehicles, which are able to reproduce themselves on planets with suitable resources. 2099: Von-Neumann-Probes are sent into the universe
Von-Neumann-Probes roam about in the Universe
Terra-life expands Von-Neumann-Probes replicate on a planet with resourses
Terraforming Venus in the year 2099 Venus atmosphere 96. 5% CO 2 complex 3. 5% N 2 Venus balloon sprays ABOs (Artificial Balloon Organisms)
Sports and games in the Bionik era
Kenguru jumping Imitating the performance of animals Diving with Axolotl gills Murrobil championchip
MAV Demonstration
9. 5 cm 9. 5 cm Size comparision Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) Megaloprepus coerulatus
Thank you www. bionik. tu-berlin. de/institut/shanlect