
  • Количество слайдов: 36


“SIMPLE PAST TENSE” (-) (+) I didn’t go to school. She didn’t make the “SIMPLE PAST TENSE” (-) (+) I didn’t go to school. She didn’t make the beds. They didn’t like coffee. I went to school yesterday. She made the beds last night. They liked coffee. SIMPLE PAST (? ) Did you go to school? Did she make the beds? Did they like the coffee? What did you do yesterday? Yes, I do No, she didn’t Yes, they did I went to the cinema www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

“SIMPLE PAST TENSE” www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs “SIMPLE PAST TENSE” www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

“SIMPLE PAST TENSE” 1919 1938 2006 Atatürk went to Samsun in 1919. He started “SIMPLE PAST TENSE” 1919 1938 2006 Atatürk went to Samsun in 1919. He started the War of Independence there. He died in 1938 because of an illness. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

“SIMPLE PAST TENSE” 1453 1481 Fatih Sultan Mehmet opened a new age. 2006 conquered “SIMPLE PAST TENSE” 1453 1481 Fatih Sultan Mehmet opened a new age. 2006 conquered İstanbul in 1453. He He died in 1481. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

“SIMPLE PAST TENSE” 1452 1519 Leonardo Da Vinci 1876 1879 today lived between 1452 “SIMPLE PAST TENSE” 1452 1519 Leonardo Da Vinci 1876 1879 today lived between 1452 and 1519. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

“SIMPLE PAST TENSE” 1903 Wright Brothers 1986 today invented the first plane in 1903. “SIMPLE PAST TENSE” 1903 Wright Brothers 1986 today invented the first plane in 1903. Space Shuttle Challenger had a terrible accident in 1986. Seven scientists died. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

“SIMPLE PAST TENSE” V 2 Atatürk went to Samsun in 1919. He started the “SIMPLE PAST TENSE” V 2 Atatürk went to Samsun in 1919. He started the war of independence there. Fatih Sultan Mehmet conquered İstanbul in 1453. He V 2 opened a new age. V 2 Wright Brothers invented the first plane in 1903. V 2 Space Shuttle Challenger had a terrible accident 1986. V 2 Seven scientists died. V 2 Leonardo Da Vinci lived between 1452 and 1519. V 2 www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

“SIMPLE PAST TENSE” NEREDE KULLANILIR Geçmişte tamamlanmış bir işi anlatmak için; I saw a “SIMPLE PAST TENSE” NEREDE KULLANILIR Geçmişte tamamlanmış bir işi anlatmak için; I saw a movie yesterday. I didn't see a movie yesterday. Last year, I traveled to Japan. Last year, I didn't travel to Japan. She washed her car. She didn't wash her car. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" NEREDE KULLANILIR Geçmişte ardı sıra meydana gelen olayları anlatırken; I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim. He arrived from the airport at 8: 00, checked into the hotel at 9: 00, and met the others at 10: 00. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" NEREDE KULLANILIR Geçmişte belli bir zaman aralığını anlatırken; I lived in Brazil for two years. Shauna studied Japanese for five years. They sat at the beach all day. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" NEREDE KULLANILIR Geçmişte alışkanlık halinde yapılan işleri anlatmak için; I studied French when I was a child. He played the violin. She worked at the movie theater after school. They never went to school, they always skipped. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" GEÇMİŞTEKİ ZAMANA İŞARET ETMEK İÇİN BELLİ ZAMAN ZARFLARI KULLANILIR. BUNLAR: LAST YEAR TWO YEARS AGO ……. . LAST WEEKEND 6 5 4 3 TWO DAYS AGO They went on a holiday two years ago. He saw a film last weekend. Maria and Jim met yesterday. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs YESTERDAY TODAY


"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" DÜZENLİ FİİLER VE İKİNCİ HALLERİ PRESENT PAST stayed listened worked rained loved cry cried carry carried washed started helped stopped study studied wanted asked lived played opened watched enjoyed hated stayed www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" DÜZENSİZİ FİİLER VE İKİNCİ HALLERİ PRESENT PAST buy bought forget forgot run ran come came get (up) got(up) see saw do did give gave shut drink drank go went swim swam find found have had take took drive drove know knew think thought fly flew leave left understand understood www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ANSWER THE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. What did they think about the lecture yesterday? They ____ it was interesting. A. though B. thought C. think D. thank www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ANSWER THE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 2. Where did you buy that bracelet? I _______ it at Nordstrom's. A. buys B. buying C. bought D. buy www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ANSWER THE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 3. How long did the soldier stand at attention? He ____________ at attention for an hour. A. stand B. standed C. stode D. stood www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ANSWER THE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 4. When did you last go to a movie? _____________ A. Two weeks ago. B. Twice a week. C. Every week. D. Next week www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ANSWER THE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 5. ______________________? He broke it by accidentally knocking it over with his elbow. A. Why did he break the vase? B. How did he break the vase? C. Did he break the vase accidentally? D. What did he do yesterday? www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ANSWER THE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 6. Why was the teacher angry with you? He was angry because …… A. I helped everyone in the class yesterday. B. I come to school by bus everyday C. I didn’t do my homework yesterday. D. He doesn’t like me anymore. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ANSWER THE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 7. Watch watched read see saw A. rose B. rise C. rase D. risen www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs rise __? __

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ANSWER THE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 8. If she ______ the answer, she would tell us. A. known B. knew C. can know D. knows www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ANSWER THE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 9. My family stayed in Europe ________ months. A. last B. next C. for six D. every six www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ANSWER THE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 10. I _____ French when I ______ a child. But I couldn’t learn it. A. studied/ was B. studied/ were C. study/ am D. studies / am www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" METNİ OKU VE ‘Simple Past’ YAPILARI NOT ET Hi! My name is Caner. Today, I will tell you about my life. I was born in 1976 in Burdur. Between 1976 and 1979, we lived in Erzincan. We moved to Antalya in 1980. I started primary school in Antalya in 1982. I graduated from this school in 1987. I started Antalya Anatolian High School at the end of 1987. In 1992, in graduated from this Antalya in 1982. I graduated from this school I 1987. I started school and attended. High School at theexaminations. Then, I 1992, to Antalya Anatolian university entrance end of 1987. In went I METU and I became a civil engineer. graduated from this school and attended university entrance examinations. Then, I went to METU and I became a civil engineer. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" ŞİMDİ CANER İLE İLGİLİ CÜMLELER YAPALIM: Caner was born in 1976 in Burdur. He lived in Erzincan for 3 years. His family moved to Antalya in 1980. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" CANER HAKKINDA CÜMLELER YAPMAYA DEVAM EDİYORUZ He went to primary school between 1982 and 1988. He started Anatolian High School in 1987 Caner graduated from METU in 1998. He became a civil engineer. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" CANER HAKKINDAKİ SORULARI CEVAPLAYIN Was Caner born in Antalya? No, he wasn’t born in Antalya. He was born in Burdur ___________________________. Did he live in Cyprus with his family? ____________________________. No, he didn’t live in Cyprus. He lived in Erzincan and Antalya. Did he go to primary school in 1976? _____________________________. No, he didn’t go to primary school in 1976. He was born in 1976 He went to Anatolian High School in Erzincan. ________________________. No, he didn’t go that school in Erzincan. Did he become a civil servant? _____________________________. No, he didn’t become a civil servant. He became a civil engineer www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" AŞAĞIDA VERİLEN SORULARI YAZIN VE CEVAPLAYIN BİLEMEDİKLERİNİZİ ARAŞTIRIN: Who invented the first bike? When did first people on Earth live? Why did Ataturk die in 1938? When did we have an earthquake in the Marmara Region? Where were you born? Which schools did you graduate from? When did you see your parents last? What did you do last night? www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" EKRANDA BELİRECEK OLAN CÜMLELERİ İNGİLİZCE NASIL SÖYLERSİN? Bir elma yedim. I ate an apple. Dün bir elma yedim. I ate an apple yesterday. Dün mutfakta bir elma I ate an apple in the kitchen yedim. yesterday. Dün mutfakta arkadaşlarımla elma yedik. We ate apples in the kitchen with my friends yesterday. Dün mutfakta arkadaşlarla elma yemedik, ama portakal yedik. We didn’t eat apple, but ate orange in the kitchen with my friends yesterday. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" EKRANDA BELİRECEK OLAN CÜMLELERİ İNGİLİZCE NASIL SÖYLERSİN? Bir film izledi. He watched a film. İki hafta önce bir film izledi. He watched a film two weeks ago. İki hafta önce çok güzel bir He watched a very beautiful film izledi. two weeks ago. İki hafta önce sinemada çok güzel bir film izledi. He watched a very beautiful film at the cinema two weeks ago. İki hafta önce sevgilisiyle sinemada çok güzel bir film izledi. He watched a very beautiful film with his girlfriend at the cinema two weeks ago. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" EKRANDA BELİRECEK OLAN CÜMLELERİ İNGİLİZCE NASIL SÖYLERSİN? Ne getirdiler? What did they bring? Geçen ay ne getirdiler? What did they bring last month? Geçen ay buraya ne What did they bring here last getirdiler? month? Geçen ay buraya ders için ne getirdiler? What did they bring here for lessons last month? Geçen ay buraya ders için ne getirdiklerini biliyor musun? Do you know what they brought here for lessons last month? www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

"SIMPLE PAST TENSE" EKRANDA BELİRECEK OLAN CÜMLELERİ İNGİLİZCE NASIL SÖYLERSİN? Hiçbir şey giymedi. He didn’t wear anything. Yeni ayakkabılarını bugün giymedi. He didn’t wear his new shoes today. Hiçbir şey içmedi çünkü hastaydı. He didn’t drink anything because he was sick. Üç ay Amerika’da yaşadı ve geri geldi. He lived in the USA for three months and came back. Dört yıl önce evlendi ve şimdi üç çocuğu var. She married four years ago and she has got three children now. www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs

THE END DERSİN SONU. TEKRAR İÇİN BURAYI TIKLA: www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense THE END DERSİN SONU. TEKRAR İÇİN BURAYI TIKLA: www. ekolayingilizce. com Simple Past Tense Verbs