- Количество слайдов: 25
Infrasonic Technology Workshop November 3 -7, 2008, Bermuda, U. K. Session 6: Infrasound from Geophysical Sources Presentation: INFRASOUND FROM 2008 TC 3 ON 7 OCTOBER 2008 D. O. Re. Velle EES-17, Geophysics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 USA P. G. Brown, W. N. Edwards and E. A. Silber Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada N 6 A 3 K 7
Summary of Presentation • Introduction and Overview § Some recent bolides § The Meteor-Bolide Interaction Spectrum • Astronomically Predicted Impact Location of 2008 TC 3: N. Sudan • U. S. Government Public Release: Satellite Detection of 2008 TC 3 § Geographic location and breakup height details § Amount of light radiated in the optical, etc. • Entry Dynamics Modeling Summary § Direct and Inverse Entry Modeling Approaches • Direct TPFM Entry Modeling Summary and Results • Inverse Entry Modeling Results Summary and Results • Summary and Conclusions
Bolide Diversity: Recent Polish fireball, Moravka and Tagish Lake Polish fireball: 13 June 2006; 17: 15 UTCPersistent Smoke Trail Moravka – Janov Video Tagish Lake smoke trail with solar illumination
Telescopic Image from Elginfield Observatory
Meteor-Atmosphere Interaction Spectrum Brightness Sun ? ? ? Faintest stars Venus Full moon 100. 0 Continuum fluid flow Mass Loss (%) and Free molecule flow meteoroids Shooting stars Super-bolides Shock waves Ordinary bolides Micrometeoroids 0. 0 Velocity dependent No light from ablation and no sound Light, light and but no weak sound infrasound at the ground 1 m Intense Impact and explosive cratering Electrophonic sounds Tsunami formation following oceanic impact Intense light and strong infrasound and internal atmospheric gravity and Lamb waves 1 m Size Tektite strewnfields Dinosaur Extinction (Tertiary. Cretaceous Boundary) Climate change 10 km
Projected Impact Spot
Courtesy of Euromet: Meteosat Image of Impact of 2008 TC 3: Near-IR channel at 3. 90 m
US Government Public Announcement of Satellite Detection of 2008 TC 3 • US Government Official Announcement: Public Release of satellite information for Asteroid 2008 TC 3 and Bolide Detection • Sensors aboard US satellites detected the impact of a bolide over Africa on 7 October 2008 at 02: 45: 40 UT. The initial observation put the object at 65. 4 km altitude at: § 20. 9 deg N. latitude, 31. 4 deg E. longitude. • The object detonated at an altitude of approximately 37 km at: § 20. 8 deg N. latitude, 32. 2 deg E. longitude. • The total radiated energy was approximately 4. 0 1011 joules. This is equivalent to approximately 0. 10 k. T of radiated optical energy (assuming a 6000 K black body). • This event origin time is completely confirmed by infrasonic array detections made at I 32 in Kenya and at I 31 in Kazakhstan.
Entry Information and Key Modeling Assumptions Made for 2008 TC 3 • Entry into the sensible atmosphere from a westerly direction and terminated over eastern Africa: September 7, 2008 § Predicted Impact: Latitude 20. 855 N; Longitude 31. 697 E • Entry angle of radiant: 70. 9 from the zenith (Observed) • Entry velocity: 12. 82 km/s (Observed) • Initial radius 2. 0 meters (from astronomical/astrometric data) • Hypersonic Aerodynamic Entry Modeling: § DIRECT (Top-down) solutions § INVERSE (Bottom-up) solutions § Modeling: Homogeneous or Porous Meteoroid Structure § Spherical unchanging shape ( 2/3) assumed throughout § In TPFM DIRECT Entry Model runs, 64 fragments allowed § In INVERSE Entry Model runs- No fragmentation allowed
Entry Modeling Approaches-I • DIRECT TPFM (Triggered Progressive Fragmentation Model)Entry modeling (Re. Velle, 2005, 2007) § Top-down Approach § Initial size, velocity, entry angle, shape change, bulk density (Bolide group designation for homogeneous bodies- Discrete designation or porous meteoroids within a continuum of possible bulk density values), etc. assumed and: § Detailed stagnation point heat transfer calculations performed using: • Radiation, convection/conduction § Mechanical, stagnation point progressive fragmentation model utilized for either homogeneous or porous meteoroids with differing “breaking” strengths assigned for each type.
Entry Modeling Approaches- II • INVERSE entry modeling (Mc. Intosh, 1970; Re. Velle, 1979, 2005) § Bottom-Up Approach § Mean shape, entry angle, ablation parameters specified with each group- NO fragmentation parameters utilized § Bolide groups- Homogeneous with only discrete bulk density values with heating parameters specified for each group § Using either (all parameters observed at or near the end of the luminous flight): • Crater field size at a specified height above the surface used and/or: • End height (as in this case): • Initial parameters iterated in order to determine if solutions exist: § Initial velocity and initial radius (spherical unchanging shape) § Wave drag coefficient shape factor product, including errors
2008 TC 3 Direct Entry Inputs • • • • 1. 00 RINF Initial bolide/meteor radius (m) [= 0. 000001 - 1000. 0] 12. 82 VINF Initial velocity (km/s) [=11. 2 - 73. 0] 70. 90 ZR Entry angle to vertical at top of atmosphere: deg [=0. 0 - 80. 0] 32. 0 NBMX Maximum number of pieces of fragmentation [=1 - 1000] 1. 209 SFINF Shape factor (area/ volume**2/3) 1. 209= sphere [1. 209 - 2. 0] 0. 6667 MU Shape change factor 2/3= no change [-3 to 2/3] 4. 605 D Kinetic energy left at end height [2. 303 - 4. 605] i. e. [10 - 1%] 1. 0 BRKTST Allow breakup 0= no; 1= yes [0 or 1] 1. 0 FRGTST Fragments in wake 0= remain; 1= stay with body [0 or 1] 1. 0 PORTST Allow porous materials 0= no-porosity; 1= porous [0 or 1] 1. 0 SIGTEST Ablation parameter 0= no change; 1= full change [0 or 1] 0. 0 MUTEST Shape change factor 0= constant; 1= variable [0 or 1] 1. 0 ISTHRM Vertical structure 0= isothermal; 1= non-isothermal [0 or 1] 0. 0 RHOTST Atmospheric density profile 0= winter; 1= summer [0 or 1] 0. 70 POR [0 to 1]
TPFM Entry Modeling Results- Summary • Modeled as either porous (P) or homogeneous (H) body • Modeled as either a collective wake (CW) behavior or as non-collective wake behavior (NCW) • BEST FIT so far (End height fit and not a light curve fit): • CW § P = 70 %; 2 m diameter spherical; = 2/3 Bolide Group IIIA (Strong cometary material), but the implied luminous efficiency compared to released satellite data is ~100 % (However, our very well calibrated differential luminous efficiency prediction for this case is ~1 %).
Entry modeling: Sphere; = 2/3 2 m diameter 70 % porous chondritic asteroid
Entry modeling: Sphere; = 2/3 2 m diameter 70 % porous chondritic asteroid
Entry modeling: Sphere; = 2/3 2 m diameter 70 % porous chondritic asteroid
Entry modeling: Sphere; = 2/3 2 m diameter 70 % porous chondritic asteroid
Entry modeling: Sphere; = 2/3 2 m diameter 70 % porous chondritic asteroid
Entry modeling: Sphere; = 2/3 2 m diameter 70 % porous chondritic asteroid
Entry modeling: Sphere; = 2/3 2 m diameter 70 % porous chondritic asteroid
Entry modeling: Sphere; = 2/3 2 m diameter 70 % porous chondritic asteroid
Entry modeling: Sphere; = 2/3 2 m diameter 70 % porous chondritic asteroid
Inverse Entry Modeling Iterations • Solution Search Parameters: § 1 km/s < V < 20 km/s (Higher velocities not applicable) § 0. 01 m < R < 100 m (Larger and smaller sizes not applicable) § Bolide groups searched: I (Ordinary chondrite), II (Carbonaceous chondrite), IIIA (Strong cometary material), IIIB (Weak cometary material) § Nominal ablation parameters, , and bulk densities, m, for each group (Ceplecha et al, 1997): Homogeneous meteor model, Porosity limit = 0 % § Number of fragments = 1 (Only the original body without fragments). § Wave drag coefficient, CD = 0. 92, Spherical unchanging shape § Isothermal, hydrostatic model atmosphere utilized § Observed end height with a specified error bar
Inverse Entry Modeling Summary Observed Entry velocity
Summary and Conclusions • For the first time an astronomical object (in this case a small asteroid or a large meteor-fireball) was observed with telescopes prior to its entry into the atmosphere. The primary purpose of such telescopic systems is to search for the potential “killer” bolides that could end life on Earth as we now know it. • Official U. S. Government satellite detection data announced • Modeling using LANL entry modeling codes § DIRECT: Consistent with a Group IIIA bolide (Strong cometary material) § INVERSE: Consistent with a Group IIIA or Group IIIB bolide • Detected by the CTBT IMS (International Monitoring System) infrasonic pressure wave arrays in Kenya and in Kazakhstan. § Great circle bearing intersection confirms astronomical impact location predictions. § Great circle bearing intersection confirms event origin time.