Скачать презентацию Information Technology ITIL Infrastructure ITIL Aliant Telecom Services Скачать презентацию Information Technology ITIL Infrastructure ITIL Aliant Telecom Services


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Information Technology ITIL Infrastructure ITIL Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions Library Information Technology ITIL Infrastructure ITIL Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions Library

ITIL Scope ã Developed by the British Government - 1989 ã Public Domain ã ITIL Scope ã Developed by the British Government - 1989 ã Public Domain ã Best Practices ã Covers IT Services u Organization and Processes u IT Infrastructure í í ã Hardware, Software, Networks, Application Software 1996 – Launched in North America Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

ITIL Aims ã Facilitate Quality Management of IT Services ã Improve Efficiency ã Increase ITIL Aims ã Facilitate Quality Management of IT Services ã Improve Efficiency ã Increase Effectiveness ã Reduce Risk ã Codes of Practice Supporting Total Quality ã ISO 9001 Compliant Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

ITIL – How It Works ã Provides guidance books on strategic, tactical and operational ITIL – How It Works ã Provides guidance books on strategic, tactical and operational management of IT infrastructure ã Provides a systematic, process-based approach, supported by procedures ã Suggests implementation strategies ã Acts as a training aid ã Complies with requirements for ISO 9001 quality standards Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

IT Infrastructure ã Hardware ã Software ã Communications ã Procedures ã Documentation ã People IT Infrastructure ã Hardware ã Software ã Communications ã Procedures ã Documentation ã People Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

ITIL is … The application of the science of management to information technology infrastructures, ITIL is … The application of the science of management to information technology infrastructures, written down in a (semi-) structured manner in a series of books. Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

ITIL Principles ITIL is all about which processes need to be realized within the ITIL Principles ITIL is all about which processes need to be realized within the organization for management and operation of the IT infrastructures to promote optimal service provision to the customer at justifiable costs. Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

ITIL in Context Service Management Systems Integration Operations Projects Methodology - ITIL Methodology - ITIL in Context Service Management Systems Integration Operations Projects Methodology - ITIL Methodology - PMBOK Certification - ISO Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

ITIL & ISO ITIL ã Processes in Place ã Documentation ã Documented ã Training ITIL & ISO ITIL ã Processes in Place ã Documentation ã Documented ã Training ã Trained ã Integrated ã Followed ã Best Practice ã Corporate Certification ã Individual Certification Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

The Service Model SERVICE VISION PROCESSES PROCEDURES TASKS Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions The Service Model SERVICE VISION PROCESSES PROCEDURES TASKS Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Definitions ã QUALITY is the totality of features & characteristics of a product or Definitions ã QUALITY is the totality of features & characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to meet a stated or implied need (ISO 8402) ã A PROCESS is a series of cohesive activities geared to achieving a certain objective. ã IT SERVICE is a logical package of services that an IT organization offers, supplies and supports inorder to satisfy the client’s needs. ã IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT is the sum total of management and commercial operation of the IT infrastructure, i. e. , the delivery and support of IT services. Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

ITIL Modules SERVICE DELIVERY SERVICE SUPPORT Tactical Management Operational Management ã Service Level Management ITIL Modules SERVICE DELIVERY SERVICE SUPPORT Tactical Management Operational Management ã Service Level Management ã Configuration Management ã Capacity Management ã Help Desk ã Availability Management ã Problem Management ã Contingency Planning ã Change Management ã Cost Management ã S/W Control & Distribution Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Service Level Management Service level management is a process aimed at achieving the optimum Service Level Management Service level management is a process aimed at achieving the optimum level of IT Services through a good working relationship between the provider and the consumer. ã Activities Comprising Service Level Management u u u Identify client’s requirements Verify their feasibility Propose, negotiate, agree on & set down service levels Determine, draft and finalize standards Check service standards and report on service Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Service Level Management Ensures continual identification, monitoring and reviewing of the optimally agreed levels Service Level Management Ensures continual identification, monitoring and reviewing of the optimally agreed levels of IT service as required by the business. This is done in close co-operation between the IT services providers and the customers (or their representatives. A Service Level Agreement specifies the services, the service levels, specific conditions and the parties involved. Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Service Level Agreement ã The SLA u u u ã Definition of the pertinent Service Level Agreement ã The SLA u u u ã Definition of the pertinent operational services Service levels agreed upon Conditions under which the services are provided Costs of providing the services Identification of the parties involved Service Levels u u u Costs Continuity Availability Performance Flexibility Stability Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Capacity Management Capacity management is the process that ensures optimum utilization of IT resources, Capacity Management Capacity management is the process that ensures optimum utilization of IT resources, in order to achieve the level of performance agreed upon with the client. ã Capacity Management Activities u u u u Capacity planning Modeling Performance management Resource management Demand management Workload management Application sizing Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Capacity Management Supports the optimum and cost effective provision of IT services by helping Capacity Management Supports the optimum and cost effective provision of IT services by helping organizations to match their IT resources to the business demands. Capacity Management Database (CDB): a collection of technical, business and organizational data, in order to provide capacity forecasts and plans. Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Availability Management Availability management is the process that ensures the optimum utilization of resources, Availability Management Availability management is the process that ensures the optimum utilization of resources, methods and techniques to achieve the level of IT services agreed upon with the client. ã Availability Management Activities u u u u Compiling an availability plan Meeting availability requirements Monitoring availability Monitoring maintenance obligations Control / Security Vulnerability / Risk Reporting on the level of availability Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Availability Management To systematically identify availability and reliability requirements against actual performance and, when Availability Management To systematically identify availability and reliability requirements against actual performance and, when necessary, introduce improvements to allow the organization to achieve and sustain optimum quality IT services at a justifiable cost. Availability Maintainability Resilience Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions Reliability Serviceability

Contingency Planning Contingency planning ensures that there adequate technical, financial and organizational safeguards to Contingency Planning Contingency planning ensures that there adequate technical, financial and organizational safeguards to protect the continuity of the IT services agreed upon in the SLA in the event of disasters. ã Activities Comprising Contingency Planning u u u Risk assessment Risk management Contingency plan testing Reporting and communication Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Contingency Planning To develop and maintain plans for coping with and recovering from an Contingency Planning To develop and maintain plans for coping with and recovering from an IT crisis (i. e loss of service for a protracted period) and, where possible, to prevent IT crises from occurring. To “cope” means that work is moved to an alternate system in a non-routine way. Contingency: Unplanned situation in which it is expected that the period during which one or more IT services will be unavailable will exceed threshold values agreed to with the customer. Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Cost Management Cost management is the process which yields relevant financial data to achieve Cost Management Cost management is the process which yields relevant financial data to achieve a sound balance between price and performance at every level of operation. ã Activities Comprising Contingency Planning u u u Risk assessment Risk management Contingency plan testing Reporting and communication Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Cost Management To monitor and provide insight into the costs of providing and supporting Cost Management To monitor and provide insight into the costs of providing and supporting IT services; and if necessary (depending on the executive policy) recover the costs from customers in a fair and equitable manner. Cost Centre Accounting: costs are allocated to departments. Activity Based Costing: costs are allocated to Activities. Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Configuration Management Cost management is the process which yields relevant financial data to achieve Configuration Management Cost management is the process which yields relevant financial data to achieve a sound balance between price and performance at every level of operation. ã Activities u u u Identification Control Status Accounting Verification Management Information Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Configuration Management Managing the IT infrastructure by recording all Items. Configuration Items (CIs): Components Configuration Management Managing the IT infrastructure by recording all Items. Configuration Items (CIs): Components of the IT infrastructure that are (or are to be) under control of Configuration Management: hardware, software, procedures, documentation and people. CIs may vary widely in complexity, size and type – from an entire system to a single module or a minor hardware component. Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Helpdesk Cost management is the process which yields relevant financial data to achieve a Helpdesk Cost management is the process which yields relevant financial data to achieve a sound balance between price and performance at every level of operation. ã Activities u u u Communications & Promotion Accessibility to Users Managing Incident Control Provide Continuity: Restore Service ASAP Management Information Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions

Helpdesk An incident is any event that deviates from the (expected) standard operation of Helpdesk An incident is any event that deviates from the (expected) standard operation of a system. Such an event influences the system, even though the influence may be small or even transparent to the users of the system. Aliant Telecom Services & Solutions