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Information Society Technologies in the 6 th Framework Programme Instruments, Electronic Submission, Call 4 & 5, Publication on Cordis Dr. Evangelos Ouzounis Directorate C DG Information Society European Commission
Outline of presentation l. Instruments – New Instruments (IP, No. E) – Old Instruments (STREP, CA, SSA) l. Electronic Submission l. IST Work Programme 2005 -2006 – Call 4 and 5 – roadmap of calls and budgets – objectives l. Publication on Cordis l More information, Help and Advice l Annex
Instruments for the IST priority l Integrated Projects - IPs – Objective driven l Networks of Excellence - No. Es – Exploratory research NEW l +Article 169 l Targeted research projects - STREPs – (address specific issues) l Co-ordination actions - CAs l Specific Support Actions - SSAs No longer available …. . - Individual Take-up Actions - SME Exploratory Awards
Integrated Projects - IPs l integrate together critical mass of – activities, stakeholders, disciplines, resources l achieve – ambitious scientific, technological, societal and business goals – innovative and exploitable world class technologies, products/services, new standards …. even spin-offs and new markets l key characteristics – holistic & multidisciplinary approach addressing user needs – integrating various activities · RTD, take up, pilots, socio-economic analysis, technology transfer, development and/or contribution to standards, training, dissemination, exploitation, international co-operation – flexible project management
Integration along the innovation cycle Adoption Best practice Take-up, trials IP Industry driven research Basic research Time
Networks of Excellence - No. Es l To aggregate fragmented European research efforts – – integrating a critical mass in expertise, knowledge, talent and resources creating new research areas and building up scientific momentum providing the basis for new innovations and more applied research capitalising on national RTD programs l key characteristics – joint and integrated research activities (jointly pursued research agendas, practices, infrastructures and working culture) – continuous analysis of the state of the art – dissemination and contributions to standardisation – training and education of researchers – flexible project management
Joint Programme of Activities l Joint research activities: a programme of joint research to support the network’s goals – development of new research tools and platforms for common use – generate new knowledge to fill gaps in – extend the collective knowledge portfolio l Common Activities include – – – – activities to spread excellence training researchers and other key staff dissemination and communication activities networking activities to help transfer knowledge to trams external to the network where appropriate, promoting the exploitation of the results generated within the network where appropriate, innovation-related activities management Activities
STREPS - Objectives and Activities l Designed to generate knowledge required to improve European competitiveness and to meet the needs of society or Community policies: – by improving existing or developing new products, processes or services and/or – by proving the viability of new technologies offering potential economic advantage l May combine any of the following types of activities: – Targeted, well defined and precisely focused research and technological development – Demonstration component(s) as appropriate – Project management
STREPs - main characteristics l STREPs compared to IPs: – The STREP scale of ambition is much more limited than that of IPs, consequently : – Different: Value of activities, Duration, Size of the consortium, Types of activities, Types of Calls (EOI-Calls), Evaluation process/key issues (partly), Negotiation, Consortium agreement, Implementation (partly), Foolow-up (partly) l STREPs compared to FP 5 RTD projects : – Similar: Objectives, Scale of ambition, Value, Duration, Size of consortium, Types of participants, Calls, Evaluation, Negotiation, Follow-up, Audits – Different: Financial regime, Simplified Proposals, Contractual aspects, Consortium agreement, Collective responsibility, Implementation, IPR
CAs - Objectives and Activities l Designed to promote and support the networking and co-ordination of research and innovation activities at national, regional and European level. l May combine the following two types of activities – Co-ordination activities – Project management activities l Each CA shall consist of a work plan, incorporating all or some of the following types of mid/long term collaborative activities: · Organisation of conferences, meetings; · Performance of studies, analysis; · Exchange and dissemination of good practice; · Setting up of common information systems · Setting up of expert groups; · Definition, organisation, management of joint or common initiatives
SSAs - Objectives and Activities l Designed to – underpin the implementation of the programme – help in preparations for future Community research and technological development policy activities and – stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of SMEs, small research teams, newly developed and remote research centres, as well as those organisations from the Candidate Countries in the activities of the priority thematic areas l May combine the following two types of activities – Support activities – Project management activities l Typical activities · · · Conferences, seminars, working groups and expert groups; Studies, analysis, fact findings and monitoring; Trans-national technology transfer and take-up related services; Development of research or innovation strategies; High level scientific awards and competitions; Operational support and dissemination, information & communication activities
EPSS in IST Proposals are submitted electronically via the Internet l Online preparation via your normal Internet interface l Offline preparation using EPT tool l But always online submission Proposals are prepared and submitted under password protection l Confidentiality assured l No signatures required
Online preparation (recommended) 1. Coordinator registers for the correct call and instrument, and obtains passwords by return email 2. Consortium completes the Part A online – – Coordinator completes A 1 and A 3 form Each partner completes his own A 2 3. Consortium writes the Part B – . pdf file 4. Coordinator uploads the Part B and signals the proposal is submitted 5. Coordinator receives an acknowledgement of receipt by email
Offline preparation 1. Coordinator registers for the correct call and instrument, and obtains a password by return email 2. Coordinator downloads the EPT tool 3. Coordinator completes the Part A and B on his own PC using the EPT tool 4. Coordinator packages the Part A and B together using the EPT tool, and using his password goes online and submits the proposal 5. Coordinator receives an acknowledgement of receipt by email
EPSS - Errors and problems l l l Registering for the wrong instrument Registering for the wrong call Mixing online and offline preparation Not reading the manual; leaving it till the last day Virus infected files Excessively long files (> 10 Mb) Providing a Part B as other than a. pdf file Waiting till too late to call for help Calling for help in the wrong place Failing to press the “submit” button Leaving uploading till the last minute !
EPSS – Two things to remember 1. “Submission” is when you press the submit button, not when you commence uploading your proposal 2. Each new submission over-writes the previous one Make a trial submission well in advance, so you practice the procedure and have plenty of time to correct your problems l Submit a refined proposal each day in the last days of the call l Aim to submit your final proposal at mid-day on the last day l
IST WP 2005 -06: Focussing l Sharper descriptions for each SO l Precisions on the use of the instruments within each SO l Customised per SO Budget distribution between instruments l A dedicated Strategic Objective: “Strengthening the integration of the ICT research effort in an enlarged Europe” – Calls for STREPs in four areas e. Gov, e. Bus, e. Learning and e. Health – These are also areas of common interest to the research constituency in ICT in all the member states – An indicative budget of 63 MEuro
Call 4 & 5 Budget Distribution l Total budget for WP 2005 -06: 1, 8 B€ l Starting point: WP 2003 -04 distribution ; changed according to modification of substance l Pre-allocation of 90% of budget l Indicative budget distribution between Instruments: per SO
Call 4: Open 16 November 2004, Close 23 March 2005 Strategic Objectives Inst. Budget Nano-electronics 80/20 74 Technologies and devices for micro/nano-scale integration 60/40 75 Towards a global dependability and security framework 70/30 63 Broadband for all 65/35 65 Mobile and wireless systems and platforms beyond 3 G 65/35 138 Networked audio-visual systems and home platforms 80/20 63 Semantic-based knowledge systems 80/20 112 Cognitive systems 65/35 45 ICT Research for Innovative Government 50/50 46 Technology-enhanced learning 60/40 54 Integrated biomedical information for better health 75/25 75 e. Safety of road and air transport 60/40 82 Integration of research in an enlarged Europe 0/100 63 FET Proactive Initiatives 100/0 54
Call 4 Nanoelectronics 74 MEuro l. Process and device technologies l. Design technologies – Design complexity and productivity of systems-on-chip – Technological shortcomings (e. g unreliable device behaviour, leakage currents) – High value design and test competencies (e. g. high frequency and RF circuits) l. Complementary measures – “Access services” for industrial design tools – “Stimulation actions” to improve the quality of education in So. C design – “Use actions” to promote the integration and use of reconfigurable systems in SME products
Call 4 Technology and Devices for Micro/nano Scale Integration 75 MEuro l Key Objectives – Push limits of integrated micro/nano systems – Research on mixed technologies – Integration for very high density l Focus – Heterogeneous technologies and devices for mixed-technology micro/nano systems (eg bio/ICT/micro-nano, …. ) – Technology for very high density hybrid integration (e. g. e-dust) – – Integrating micro/nano devices in various materials and/or in large surfaces Manufacturing and design of mixed technology-based micro/nano systems – Validation and demonstration of networked micro/nano systems (environment, home, food, agriculture, healthcare) – Roadmaps and research agenda
Call 4 Strengthening the Integration of the ICT research effort in an Enlarged Europe l Key Objectives 63 MEuro – Innovative and efficient ICT-based systems and services in key application areas – Strengthening of integration of the IST European Research Area l Focus – e. Learning (ICT-based systems for teaching and learning) – e. Health (ICT-based e. Health systems and services) – e. Government (ICT-based systems for delivery of key public services) – e. Business (e-collaboration for SME clusters - B 2 B and B 2 C ecommerce)
Call 4 Integrated biomedical information for better health 75 MEuro Objectives ICT based systems that process and integrate all possible relevant process and integrate biomedical information from different levels and from many different places with the purpose to improve places – Health knowledge discovery and understanding – Improve disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment Focus – Methods and systems for improved medical knowledge understanding – Innovative systems and services for disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment based on integrated biomedical information – Roadmaps (Specific Support Measures)
Call 4 e. Safety – Co-operative Systems for road transport l Key Objectives & Focus 82 MEuro – Co-operative systems for road transport – Open interoperable and scalable systems – Research in consistent accident causation analysis – Assessment of potential impact and socio-economic cost/benefit, of stand-alone and co-operative intelligent vehicle safety systems – Support of the e. Safety Forum – Support for international co-operation, training, dissemination and SMEs participation
Call 4 ICT research for innovative government l Key Objectives – Modernise and innovate public administrations – Foster good governance, – Contribute to easing mobility of European l Focus – – l 46 MEuro Innovative ICTs for democratic involvement Intelligent, inclusive and personalised e. Government services Adaptive and proactive e. Government support systems. Secure pan-European e. Government. Complementary measures – Roadmapping for agenda 2020 – Transfer of e. Government R&D technologies & linking with the “e. Europe - e. Government Good Practice Framework”, – Knowledge building on digital divide – Clustering national and European e. Government projects on electronic identity
Call 5 : Open 17 May 2005, Close 21 September 2005 Strategic Objective Inst Budget Photonic components 65/35 47 Micro/nano based sub-systems 70/30 58 Embedded Systems 60/40 68 Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services 70/30 62 Open Platforms for software and services 70/30 67 Research networking testbeds 65/35 18 Multimodal Interfaces 60/40 54 ICT for Networked Businesses 55/45 46 Collaborative Working Environments 75/25 40 Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources 40/60 36 e. Inclusion 50/50 29 ICT for Environmental Risk Management 60/40 40 FET Proactive Initiative 0/100 9
Publications on CORDIS l IST Workprogramme 2005 -2006 It covers the technical description of the SOs, but also details the evaluation criteria and thresholds, and gives the details of all calls foreseen in 2005 -2006 l IST call 4 text Announces the call, and indicates where and when to submit l Guides for Proposers call 4 Five Guides, one per instrument. Tells you how to write and submit a proposal
Publications on CORDIS (2) l Guidelines on proposal evaluation and project selection procedures Legal basis of FP 6 evaluations l IST Handbook IST’s ground rules of evaluation l IST Guidance notes for evaluators Instructions for the external experts in the IST evaluation l Other useful proposal material List of NCPs, List of Commission contact persons, FAQs, links to legal background information…. .
Also on CORDIS (3) l Access to Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS) Pre-registration for an EPSS password, for on or offline proposal preparation with online submission
More Information EPSS Further Information Manuals http: //www. cordis. lu/fp 6/find-doc. htm#userguides EPSS Helpdesk support@epss-fp 6. org tel + 32 2 233 3760
Help and advice Commission contact person for each objective open in call link from call page on Cordis A help desk for proposers´ questions ist@cec. eu. int tel +32 2 296 8596 A help desk for electronic submission problems support@epss-fp 6. org tel: +32 2 233 3760 (Don’t wait till it’s too late to call for help!)
Help and advice Partner search facilities http: //www. partners-service. cordis. lu/ http: //www. ideal-ist. net A help desk on IPR issues http: //www. ipr-helpdesk. org Economic and Technological Intelligence ETI projects (SME support) http: //sme. cordis. lu/economic/eti_projects. cfm A network of National Contact Points http: //www. cordis. lu/ist/ncps. htm
ANNEX – SOs in Call 4 & Instruments IP No. E STREP CA SSA 2. 4. 1 Nanoelectronics X X 2. 4. 2 Micro/nano integration X - X X X 2. 4. 3 Global security X X X 2. 4. 4 Broadband for all X X X - X 2. 4. 5 Mobile beyond 3 G X X X - X 2. 4. 6 AV systems & home platforms X X X 2. 4. 7 Semantic-based systems X X X - X 2. 4. 8 Cognitive systems X X - 2. 4. 9 e. Government X X X - X 2. 4. 10 e. Learning X X - 2. 4. 11 Integrated biomed info X - X X X 2. 4. 12 e. Safety X X X - X 2. 4. 13 Research in enlarged Europe - - X - -
Call 4 ANNEX - Towards a global dependability and security framework 63 M Euro l Key Objective – – – l build on EU technical and scientific excellence on security, dependability and resilience meet EU demands for privacy and trust strengthen the interplay between research and policy Research Focus – – – integrated frameworks and technologies for resilience, dependability and security modelling/simulation techniques and synthetic environments for interdependencies, recovery and continuity technologies and architectures for secure computing and interoperable management and trustworthy sharing of digital assets secure and interoperable biometrics security and privacy technologies and architectures for future wireless and mobile scenarios security assurance and certification of complex networked systems and infrastructures
Call 4 ANNEX - Broadband for all l 65 MEuro Network technologies and architectures for broadband access – Optimised access technologies for less developed regions, and for the enlarged Europe in line with e. Europe - a European consolidated approach for standardized solutions, regulation and best practices l Low-cost access and edge network equipment (optical fibre, fixed wireless access, interactive broadcasting, satellite access, x. DSL and power line networks) l Network management, new protocols, inter-domain routing and traffic engineering for end-to-end delivery of new added-value services, with Qo. S and security. l Service-enabling technologies and platforms based on convergence and interoperability of Telecom and Internet Infrastructure (resilience, multicasting, flexibility) l Increased bandwidth capacity, in the access network as well as in the underlying optical core/metro network (optical burst and packet switching)
Call 4 ANNEX - Mobile & Wireless systems beyond 3 G Realise the vision of "Optimally Connected Anywhere, Anytime" supported by all system levels from access methods and networks to service platforms and services Ø Generalised access network (novel air interfaces, common, flexible and seamless all IP infrastructure supporting scalability and mobility) Ø Advanced resource management techniques allowing optimum usage of spectrum Ø Global mobility through different access networks, with end to end quality of service, including security Ø Advanced interworking access technologies. New architectures for composite, meshed, PANs, ad hoc networks… Ø Advanced technologies and architectures for reconfigurability Ø Wireless network technologies for ad hoc, sensors and adaptive communication networks. Advanced signal and antenna processing Ø Enabling technologies for mobile service creation and interoperability 138 MEuro
Call 4 ANNEX - Semantic based Knowledge & Content Systems 112 MEuro l Develop semantic-based and context-aware systems to acquire, organise, personalise, share and use the knowledge embedded in web and multimedia content – – l “Add semantics” Maximise automation of the knowledge lifecycle Achieve semantic interoperability between heterogeneous information resources and services – l “Exploit semantics” Pioneer intelligent content, which is self-describing, adaptive to context and user needs, and exhibits a seamless interaction with its surroundings and the user
Call 4 ANNEX - Cognitive Systems 45 MEuro Develop artificial systems that: • Can interpret data arising from real-world events and processes • Acquire situated knowledge of their environment • Act, make or suggest decisions and communicate with people on human terms Focus • Artificial systems with high-level cognitive capabilities • Enabling technologies • Systems that develop their reasoning, planning and communication faculties through grounding in interactive and collaborative environments (part of, or connected to the real world)
Call 4 ANNEX - Networked Audio Visual Systems and Home Platforms 63 MEuro “Audio Visual” systems and applications in converged and interoperable environments encompassing broadcasting, communications, mobility and IP Ø Optimised audiovisual network architectures and interoperability Ø Middleware architectures for optimised content adaptation and delivery Ø Synchronisation of different delivery channels Ø Control issues associated with service delivery in both intra and inter-domain operators’ environments. Ø Audio Visual data handling (representation and coding) Ø Audio visual data access and rendering through low power and affordable terminals Ø Comprehensive, upward compatible, interoperable architecture for end to end content protection and rights management; Ø Evolution towards advanced applications (3 D-TV, on-line mobile gaming, distributed storage devices (including portable devices), electronic cinema, virtual/tele presence or future mixed reality services) Ø Roadmaps and research agenda
Call 4 ANNEX - Technology-enhanced learning 54 MEuro l Objectives for FP 6 focus on the learning process: – Reinforce learning as a social process through new collaborative models – Customise learning to individual needs - at school, work, throughout life, ubiquitously – Build competence - by linking organisations’ objectives and learning goals of individuals – Support (new) pedagogical approaches that ‘blend’ new and old ways of learning l Technologies: knowledge management, cognitive systems, integration into new services/systems, adoption leading edge technologies to new learning systems.
FET OPEN Scheme 60 MEuro l Research implemented through STRe. Ps / Specific Targeted Research Projects – 2 -step process • a short anonymous proposal submitted first, at any time • full proposal only if short proposal was successful l Support for research communities through CAs / Coordination Actions and SSAs / Specific Support Actions – 1 -step process l Three evaluation cut-off dates per year – 5 January 2005, 10 May 2005, 20 September 2005 and 14 February 2006.
FET Proactive Initiatives : Call Planning 63 MEuro l 4 th Call: Publication: 16 November 2004 ; Deadline: 22 March 2005 – – – Advanced Computing Architectures Presence and Interaction in Mixed Reality Environments Situated and Autonomic Communications l 5 th Call - Publication: 17 May 2005 ; Deadline: 21 September 2005 – Simulating Emergent Properties in Complex Systems