- Количество слайдов: 9
Information Security Prof. David Zhang Department of Computing Hong Kong Polytechnic University Tel: 2766 -7271 PQ 809 csdzhang@comp. polyu. edu. hk http: //www. comp. polyu. edu. hk/~csdzhang
Lecturer q Academic Position Chair Professor: Since 2005 in COMP Founding Lecturer (COMP 5525): ~10 years q Professional Honors IEEE Fellow/ IAPR Fellow Selected as a Highly Cited Researchers in Engineering by Thomson Reuters in 2014, 2015 and 2016, respectively. (http: //highlycited. com/) q Research Interests Biometrics, Information Security, Image Processing & Pattern Recognition q Publication >400 International Journal Papers, >15 Books and >40 Patents from USA/HK/Japan/China
Teaching Method l Management Lectures: 18: 30 -20: 30 Wednesday R 602 Tutorials: 20: 30 -21: 30 Wednesday R 602 TA: Jinxing Li lijinxing 158@gmail. com l Assessment Assignment Exam l 45% 55% Two Parts – – Network security: Technologies & applications security Biometrics security: Technologies & system security
Network Security l Aim: Understand the basic technologies – cryptograph and various applications l Main topics l Conventional encryption – Classical technologies – Modern technologies l l l Public-key cryptograph Message authentication Watermarking by internet
Biometrics Security l Aim: Introduce biometrics computing knowledge and methods for security l Main topics l l l Best privacy tool: Biometrics Privacy biometrics technologies Typical physical biometrics Typical behavioural biometrics Biometric Security applications
Background Knowledge Except Internet and Computer System, the main background is needed as follows: l Number Theory Prime numbers l Modular arithmetic l Number theorems l l Pattern Recognition & Image Processing One- and two- dimension signal/image processing l Feature extraction, classification and matching l Statistics pattern recognition l
Assignment l Case Study: – Network & System Security l l Electronic mail security IP security and Web security Intruders and viruses Firewalls – Biometrics Based Security l l l Soft biometrics 2 D/3 D biometrics Head based biometrics Hand based biometrics Project Output l l Report Presentation
Recommended Texts l Network Security: William Stallings, Cryptograph and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, 1999/2003. – http: //williamstallings. com/Security 2 e. html (Winner of the 1999 Award for the best Computer Science and Engineering textbook, awarded by the Text and Academic Authors Association, Inc. ) l Biometrics Security: D. Zhang, Automated Biometrics: Technologies and Systems, Kluwer Academic Publisher, USA, 2000. D. Zhang, X. Jing and J. Yang, Biometric Images Discrimination (BID) Technologies, IRM Press, USA, 2005. D. Zhang, F. Song, Y. Xu and Z. Liang, Advanced Pattern Recognition Technologies with Applications to Biometrics, IGI Global, USA, 2008.
Reference Books l D. Zhang, Y. Xu and W. Zuo, Discriminative Learning in Biometrics, Springer, Singapore, 2016 l W. Stallings, Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standard, Prentice Hall, 2000. l C. P. Pfleeger, Security in Computing, (2 Second Edition), Prentice Hall, 1997. l A. K. Jain, et al. (eds), Biometrics: Personal Identification in Networked Society, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. l D. Zhang (ed. ), Biometrics Solutions for Authentication in an EWorld, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. l G. W. Awcock, Applied Image Processing, Mc. Graw-Hill, 1996. l M. Nadler and E. P. Smith, Pattern Recognition Engineering, Wiley Interscience, 1993.