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Informal Meeting of African Institutions on Livestock Policy Making for Africa West Africa working group Rome, 8 and 9 March 2005 A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
Selected themes 1. 2. 3. Pastoralism Intensification Trade A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
Protection of pastoral systems • Valorisation of pastoral system and involvement of pastoralists in decision making • Drought preparedness early warning system, traditional systems • Conflict management Legislation, Land-tenure/reserves, Code pastoral, management of transhumance (direct involvement of livestock keepers), new groups involved some intensification evolving (dairy production), marketing • Health service delivery, re-emerging diseases privatisation, CAHW, sustainable sanitary mandate all levels (remuneration clarified), legislation adapted A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
Institutions • • Link between livestock ministries between countries CEDEAO ALG FAO • - Activities; awareness creation good examples, management of processes, privatisation (OIE, PACE) A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
Recommendation • • Need to address Pastoralism (political and economical issues) Pastoralism included explicitly in CAADP/NEPAD AU develops a vision for pastoralism at Panafrican level ALG ongoing programme for interventions (LEAD/PPLPI) CEDEAO/UEMOA/FAORAF transboundary movement UEMOA/ enable privatisation/sanitary mandate through harmonised legislation PPLPI/LEAD information/experience collection and dissemination (early warning) A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
Intensification of mixed crop-livestock systems • • • Different stages of intensification (intensification vs. industralisation) Large number of small-holders vs. large commercial producers peri-urban areas issue of competitiveness, consumer preference minimum investment needed availability of resources, inputs and markets delivery health services at basis, access to credit constraint of animal feed discussion on genetic resources (local-improved) producer organisation and their reinforcement A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
Institutions • • FAO-RAF-AGAP technical interventions, microproject models ECOWAS/UEMOA agricultural policies NEPAD integration of livestock BAD/ADB financing A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
Recommendations • • • Examples of micro-project and credit provision Need to identify production poles Market access UEMOA/Banque regional de solidarite (BRS) NEPAD-approach on intensified mixed croplivestock systems A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
Trade in livestock and livestock products • • • • “Rules of the game” of international trade Problem of equity Regional and intra-regional trade Negotiation capacity needed Much information available Implementation of harmonised legislation? High transportation and transaction costs Importance of local markets, respond to local consumer demands Improve quality and safety of local products (standards) Capacity building for inspection, standards Increase transformation for value adding Access to credit for small traders needed Mind-set: willingness to sell animals, favour consumer or producer? Competitiveness, promotion of specific products (e. g. guinea-fowl) A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
Institutions • • UEMOA/ECOWAS partnership UEMOA/CILSS control of unusual practices, problem of implementation Professional organisation on livestock and meat (created by UEMOA) FAO (proposal for tariffs) Pressure groups for negotiation (example cotton) Banks support value adding of livestock products PPLPI (structure information and facilitate activities) A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
Recommendations • • Institutions can improve trade, need for political will for regional trade. Marketing (transaction) costs need to be reduced (corruption) Good governance to create favourable environment Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Commerce consider livestock trade Creation of pressure group for equitable exchange (poultry, beef, dairy) West Africa adapt tariffs, concrete proposals Adapt norms and standards (capacity building) Information dissemination (trade, legislation, standards) A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative
• Thank you! A Living from Livestock Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative