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Influenza Laboratory Network under IDSP
INFLUENZA LAB NETWORK UNDER IDSP • Network of 12 laboratories – 10 labs functional – 2 new labs being strengthened • One national reference laboratory at NCDC
INFLUENZA LAB NETWORK UNDER IDSP JIPMER Pondicherry IGMC Shimla SGPGI Lucknow Haffkines Mumbai NCDC, Delhi CRI Kasauli NIMHANS Bangalore IPM Hyderabad BJ Medical College Ahmedabad Manipal Medical College NEi. GRIHMS PGI partially functional, being strengthened. NEIGRIHMS being established
Financial component For 10 existing labs 2 new labs Total (in INR) Non- Recurring grant towards procurement of lab equipments from CSU For each lab Rs. 2. 6 lacs For 10 labs - Rs. 26 lacs For each lab Rs. 40. 6 lacs For 2 labs - Rs 81. 2 lacs 107. 2 lacs Recurring grant towards purchase of kits and reagents from CSU (proprietary items and difficult to procure) For each lab Rs. 12. 16 lacs For 10 labs - Rs. 121. 6 lacs For each lab Rs. 12. 16 lacs For 2 labs - Rs. 24. 32 lacs 145. 92 lacs Recurring grant towards operating expenditure and staff salary to be released to the labs For each lab Rs. 11. 2 lacs For 2 labs - Rs. 112 lacs For each lab Rs. 11. 2 lacs For 2 labs - Rs. 22. 4 lacs 134. 4 lacs Total 387. 52 lacs
Current status • Mo. U with 12 laboratories signed • Annual contingency funds (Rs 11. 2 lakhs) released to 12 labs including salary of 1 lab technician) • Procurement of equipment and reagents under process • ILI and SARI surveillance plan approved, communications sent to SSOs of 11 states involved in this surveillance plan (Andhra Pradesh, UP, Puducherry, Meghalaya, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat, HP, Chandigarh, Punjab) • Training for all 12 labs held at National reference lab at NCDC from 25 -29 April 2011
Laboratory based Influenza (SARI/ILI) Surveillance Plan India: Under IDSP AI Lab Network
Goal: To set up a sustainable surveillance system for influenza in India Specific Objectives: – To provide data for better informed action regarding national and local influenza prevention and control efforts, including vaccination campaigns. These include data on: • epidemiology and seasonality data of influenza; • groups at high risk for severe outcomes, including hospitalization and deaths; – To provide influenza virus isolates for monitoring changes in viral antigens, antiviral susceptibility and for the development of new vaccines; – To provide a platform for surveillance that includes additional common respiratory pathogens (e. g. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Adenovirus, Para influenza viruses, and Rhinovirus);
Selection of Sentinel Sites • All the AI labs under the network will identify three sentinel sites on the basis of the following criteria : -- Feasibility --Patient representativeness • The facility (ies) should provide care for patients of all ages presenting with a wide range of medical conditions including infectious diseases and chronic medical conditions.
Selection of cases for surveillance • Pediatric and /or medical depts of the sentinel site will be included for sample (Throat swab /nasal swab) collection. • Routine ILI or ARI surveillance: outpatient department • SARI surveillance: hospitalized respiratory illness
SARI surveillance Sentinel site nodal person medical / pediatric ward Microbiology division of the sentinel site will store it in optimum required temperature. Collect samples (Throat swab /nasal swab) of all admitted SARI patients of one week and store in microbiology division of the hospital on daily basis. Influenza lab technician will collect the SARI samples stored in the sentinel site for the previous week on a weekly basis Influenza laboratory will conduct further testing Report and feedback from influenza laboratory to NCDC, SSO, and the sentinel site on weekly basis
ARI/ILI surveillance Influenza lab technician will collect samples (throat swab & nasal swab) from the OPD Visit to each sentinel site medical or pediatric OPD once in a week Collect First 5 samples (throat swab & nasal swab) of ILI cases from the OPD. Collect P form data of ARI /ILI of previous week ILI Samples along with SARI samples of the previous week sent to / brought to Influenza laboratory will conduct further testing Report and feedback from influenza laboratory to NCDC, SSO, and the sentinel site on weekly basis
Thank you
Procurement status Equipment: • Shopping: Total 12 equipment (14 packages) – 5 equipment (UV spectrophotometer, Lab refrigerator, high speed microcentrifuge, CO 2 incubator, - 85 degree deep freezer) (7 packages) - Purchase committee approval done, purchase order being issued – 2 equipment (Fully auto. TC glassware system & water purification system) – 3 technically compatible quotations received, only 2 commercially compatible, comments form WB awaited – 3 equipment (3 packages)- Being put up to Purchase committee for approval – 2 equipment (2 packages): < 3 technically compatible quotations received, comments from WB awaited • NCB: (Total 4 equipment) Will be advertised by July last week
Procurement status-2 Reagents: • Direct Contracting: (Total 6) – – • 2 reagents – high value, being procured by Procurement cell, Mo. HFW 4 reagents (Direct contracting)- All approvals done, Purchase order issued and reagents delivered Shopping: (Total 9) – – – 1 reagent- Purchase committee approval obtained, Purchase order being issued 5 reagents- Despite retender < 3 quotations received, comments form WB awaited 3 reagents - Bid evaluation done, being put up to purchase committee for approval
Procurement status-3 • Printing of manuals – All approvals done, Purchase order being issued • SHOC – high value purchase, being procured by Procurement cell, Dte GHS, Bidding document sent to World Bank for no objection