Скачать презентацию Influencing Change to Implement a More Effective Editing Скачать презентацию Influencing Change to Implement a More Effective Editing


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Influencing Change to Implement a More Effective Editing Strategy • Sarah Green, • Office Influencing Change to Implement a More Effective Editing Strategy • Sarah Green, • Office for National Statistics

Aim of Presentation To provide an overview of the steps taken to manage the Aim of Presentation To provide an overview of the steps taken to manage the change of culture created by the new editing approach and underlying philosophy

Overview of Presentation • The Concept - Potential Benefits - Potential Barriers • Creating Overview of Presentation • The Concept - Potential Benefits - Potential Barriers • Creating a Project That Can Succeed - Kotter’s 8 Steps for Change • Moving Forward

The Concept • The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) faced demands for more: - The Concept • The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) faced demands for more: - timely, coherent and relevant data • Developed a new editing strategy: - selective editing at micro level - allowed staff to form expectation of data • Editing strategy delivered: - efficiencies and improved quality with limited resources and existing systems • Office for National Statistics faced similar demands. - Could a similar approach be implemented?

Potential Benefits • The key outcomes ABS expected were: - a common theoretical framework Potential Benefits • The key outcomes ABS expected were: - a common theoretical framework for editing across ABS; - improved provider relations and reduced provider load - significant operating efficiencies; - improved statistical leadership and better National Statistical Service; - a culture where people are actively encouraged to improve editing and analysis practices; and - an environment which provides increased opportunities for staff.

Potential Barriers in ONS • Number of barriers that could prevent the successful implementation Potential Barriers in ONS • Number of barriers that could prevent the successful implementation in ONS - Costs - Technology • Recognise it is not a purely methodological change - To realise full benefits then underpinning processes need to be changed • Processes depend on people - Vital to have a willingness to accept the change - Cannot be planned for in the same way as other barriers

Issues Preventing Cultural Change • Lack of understanding of new culture • Competing with Issues Preventing Cultural Change • Lack of understanding of new culture • Competing with other organisational changes • “We’ve been here before” - Some selective editing methodology already in place

Creating a Project That Can Succeed Kotter’s 8 Steps to Change 8. Make change Creating a Project That Can Succeed Kotter’s 8 Steps to Change 8. Make change stick 7. Don’t let up 6. Create short-term wins 5. Empower action 4. Communicate for buy-in 3. Get the vision right 2. Build the guiding team 1. Increase urgency

Creating an Appetite • Need to motivate people to want to change - Use Creating an Appetite • Need to motivate people to want to change - Use ABS as a success story and use their expertise • Workshops run by ABS in ONS 8. Make change stick - Involve & engage all - Demonstrate benefits 7. Don’t let up 6. Create short-term wins 5. Empower action 4. Communicate for buy-in 3. Get the vision right 2. Build the guiding team 1. Increase urgency

Building a Project Team • Create a central team - Situated where impact would Building a Project Team • Create a central team - Situated where impact would be felt • Variety of expertise - not just methodological 8. Make change stick • Engagement with key suppliers 7. Don’t let up • Facilitate the process and implement strategy consistently 6. Create short-term wins 5. Empower action • Clear and effective governance 4. Communicate for buy-in 3. Get the vision right 2. Build the guiding team 1. Increase urgency

Pitching the Vision • Communicate - Plan of work to deliver the anticipated benefits Pitching the Vision • Communicate - Plan of work to deliver the anticipated benefits • Start with top-level management - Project can get off the ground • Ensure consistency with Office environment - Economic climate requires efficiencies 8. Make change stick 7. Don’t let up • Build on this in the future - Wider quality benefits added bonus 6. Create short-term wins 5. Empower action • Create quick wins - Show savings as soon as possible 4. Communicate for buy-in 3. Get the vision right 2. Build the guiding team 1. Increase urgency

Buy-in & Engagement: Staff • Address fears: - Efficiencies would mean job losses - Buy-in & Engagement: Staff • Address fears: - Efficiencies would mean job losses - Move to value added work - Demonstrated by quick wins - Lack of skills to move to new way of working - Include teams in development - Value previous work - Build on frustrations as opportunities - Offer training 8. Make change stick 7. Don’t let up - Quality of work decreased 6. Create short-term wins - Involve staff in testing 5. Empower action 4. Communicate for buy-in 3. Get the vision right 2. Build the guiding team 1. Increase urgency

Buy-in & Engagement: Customers • Concerns over output quality • Need engagement & involvement Buy-in & Engagement: Customers • Concerns over output quality • Need engagement & involvement - Inclusion from start - Collaborative workshops - Compromise at which level to set thresholds 8. Make change stick 7. Don’t let up 6. Create short-term wins 5. Empower action 4. Communicate for buy-in 3. Get the vision right 2. Build the guiding team 1. Increase urgency

Promoting Success from Short-Term Wins • Retail Sales Inquiry & Monthly Business Survey - Promoting Success from Short-Term Wins • Retail Sales Inquiry & Monthly Business Survey - Savings - No adverse impact on output quality - Improved process quality - No job losses • Further roll-out & momentum to continue 8. Make change stick • Focus on wider process quality improvements 7. Don’t let up - Output editing processes 6. Create short-term wins 5. Empower action 4. Communicate for buy-in 3. Get the vision right 2. Build the guiding team 1. Increase urgency

Anchor Changes into Corporate Culture • Underlying principles to work - Holistic approach - Anchor Changes into Corporate Culture • Underlying principles to work - Holistic approach - Sound methods - Optimise use of resources - Process quality - Contextualised & informed data - Continuous quality improvement 8. Make change stick • Apply across UNECE Generic Statistical Business Process Model 7. Don’t let up 6. Create short-term wins • Link with future vision of ONS - Flexible workforce - Accept and anticipate change 5. Empower action 4. Communicate for buy-in 3. Get the vision right 2. Build the guiding team 1. Increase urgency

Moving Forward • Disseminate principles • Further work on output editing • Continue to Moving Forward • Disseminate principles • Further work on output editing • Continue to lead & influence change - Not a one-off process - Build at each stage to achieve vision 8. Make change stick 7. Don’t let up 6. Create short-term wins 5. Empower action 4. Communicate for buy-in 3. Get the vision right 2. Build the guiding team 1. Increase urgency