Vliyanie_interneta_na_detey Англ.ppt
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Influence and the importance of the Internet Выполнил ученик 9 А класса – Никитюк Артур!
• We live in the modern XXI-st century in which are constantly carried out modernize and technical progress. Now it is impossible to do without new technologies in all spheres of life. One of such breaks in technologies is general availability of a network the Internet. With introduction of new technologies arise not only positive sides, but also negative. One of such examples shows Internet dependence. In the majority it is shown at children and teenagers.
Concerning dependence on the Internet foreign psychologists have started to beat alarm still in the midnineties. Its main sign named "persuasive desire to enter in Internet and inability from it to leave". The Internet named a conditioning agent from a reality;
• Dependence on the computer begins, when work on it replaces rest, brings discomfort to associates and provokes illnesses. The physical condition suffers also. In hard cases the person is switched from real life on virtual, spending at the screen till 20 o'clock daily. If there is no possibility to use the Internet, the person is depressed. Ceases even to watch itself – doesn't wash, on street leaves only in a special emergency, doesn't communicate almost with the house.
Ведь что может быть лучше прогулки в лесу или в парке? Создайте It is possible to allocate some types детям альтернативу сидению за компьютером… the dependence Internet. All of them share on the basis of that the person with Internet dependence does on the Internet: Dialogue. The person constantly communicates in the different ways on the Internet. Ways of dialogue can differ, for example social networks, forums, chats, email. Entertainments. Here it is possible to carry viewing of any content in a network. It can be various pictures, films, online games, network games. The separate category of people tries to earn money on the Internet
About 49 % of the interrogated people are ready to starve and not to buy new clothes if only to use the world information web. Only 17 % of users can freely do without the computer and the Internet Almost 52 % by means of the Internet communicate and get acquainted. Only 42 % of users are compelled to use the world information web because of work Any expert with confidence can't tell, the Internet well or badly influences people. Certainly, the advantage rendered to us by an information web is indisputable, but at excessive using the Internet for the person there come negative consequences in the form of loss of sight, nervous breakdowns and so on
Without the Internet now it is impossible to imagine high-grade existence of a modern society, therefore it is necessary to search for alternative to the decision to the developed problem of Internet dependence at children. .
• For today the Internet very significant and important thing for many people. On the Internet the important information which would be useful for various affairs is put a lot of: reports, news, games, and so on. Some people use the Internet for information search, as a rule it is people which business and simply occupied, some for games, as a rule it is children or teenage generation. The Internet is a world wide web where is put very much, it is a lot of all. Some people live the Internet, earn on it, do the business. Now it is a lot of sites for acquaintances, dialogue, searches of the former friends or schoolmates, and there are sites for information search, news for today. Through the Internet network games are carried out many, that is people from every corner of the globe can play what or game together, or with each other. The Internet on importance and the importance in what doesn't concede to television where as tell about news, and show films.
The Internet has allowed to get access practically to any information. The Internet has united users from every corner of the globe, having given free of charge to communicate, find friends on interests etc. Земля 1. 9 млрд 23. 6% 1 Китай 300 млн 22. 8% - Европейский союз 297 млн 60. 7% 2 США 227 млн 74. 7% 3 Япония 94 млн 73. 8% 4 Индия 81 млн 7. 1% 5 The Users of Internet is made 2 billion by person. — Бразилия 67, 3 млн 34. 4% 6 Россия 62, 7 млн 43. 6% 7 Германия 55 млн 67. 0% 8 Великобритания 43, 8 млн 71. 8% 9 Франция 40, 9 млн 65. 7% 10 Республика Корея 36, 8 млн 76. 1%
The Internet, undoubtedly important invention of mankind which has helped a society to step far forward. The whole world turns round the Internet.
Positive lines of the Internet Earnings in a network; Economy of time; Way to show, prove, To find work, Old friends whom for a long time has lost, Possibility to call by phone, To shop, To order air tickets and numbers in hotels, To advertize the goods and firms; Presence of huge libraries of the every possible literature; Possibility to much to learn, receive a trade; To receive the latest news
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