ineficacia FBI Department.pptx
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ineficacia FBI Department
The Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI), division of the justice Department, which reports directly to the head of this Department, who is the attorney General of the USA. It combines the functions of espionage, political police and criminal investigation. In this respect, the FBI is unique among intelligence agencies around the world. It can be compared only with headed by Heinrich Himmler RSHA, which was also combined the fight against external and internal enemies of the Reich to investigate purely criminal offences. In accordance with these functions FBI performs activity in three directions: • ensure national security, • providing internal security, • fighting the criminality.
Under the internal security of the means of the fight against «internal enemies» of the USA, i. e. individuals and organizations, whose goal is to overthrow the American government, damage to the interests of the United States, a violation of the constitutional rights of American citizens. In the framework of this task, beginning in 1936, the FBI engaged in the so-called internal intelligence, collecting information about the activities of extremist organizations of the right and the left, in order to determine the degree of danger to the political system of the USA and to establish to what extent they are related to foreign powers. As usual, struggling with the «unreliable element» , attempts on the constitutional rights of American citizens, the FBI often violate these rights. As the most egregious examples of such unlawful practices Brovtsev you can lead a secret searches in the offices of a number of public and national organizations, widely implemented in 50 -s - 60 -ies. Since 1982, the FBI became the leading authority on the fight against terrorism in territory of the USA, and since 1984 the FBI investigate all acts of terrorism, victims are Americans outside the United States.
FBI Director is appointed to his post by the President of the USA, while his candidacy is approved by Senate. in the top leadership of the Bureau composed of 14 assistant Director of the FBI. 11 of them are the heads of the administration, the FBI, the other three are the chiefs of the largest offices in Washington, new York and Los Angeles. The headquarters of the FBI is located in Washington. In addition, in the U. S. there also 56 regional (literally translated as «field» ) offices (plus an office in Puerto Rico) and about 400 branches of the FBI. In the largest of them - new York, employs 2, 000 people, including 1100 special agents. In 24 cities of the USA, there are special units for fighting organized crime. The main part of the structure of the FBI consists of 11 departments:
In addition to offices, the FBI includes: Departаment of General counsel. Subordinate directly to the Director of the FBI. The Department of professional responsibility. Investigating crimes and serious offences committed by FBI Department of equal service capability (Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Affairs). • Department for relations with the public and Congress. Responsible for working with the legislature, the media, and the General public.
the presentation was prepared by Daniel Kryukov I hope my presentation was interesting for you to thank you for your attention !!!
ineficacia FBI Department.pptx