Industries and Agriculture Great Britain.pptx
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Industries and Agriculture Great Britain
England is a highly developed industrial country. London is the biggest financial centre in Europe The Bank of England is the commercial pulse of the city. London is a great port with many docks.
К северо-западу от Лондона, является очень важным промышленным районом, который известен как "черная страна". Крупнейший угля и железной руды в Британии расположены в Среднегорье. East of Manchester is the city of Sheffield, well. Манчестер является одним known for its manufacture of high quality steels, из основных центров для tools and cutlery. A short railway journey to the north-east will take you from Manchester to электротехнического и Bradford, the commercial centre of the wool trade. тяжелого машиностроения, Newcastle is situated on the North Sea coast, a Manchester Ship Canal city famous for its shipbuilding yards and its ссылки Манчестер с export of coal. Ливерпулем, один ведущих британских портах.
What is remarkable about the second half of the 20 th century is the accelerating pace of change. The Scottish economy has moved away from the tradi¬tional industries of coal, steel and shipbuilding. North-east Scotland is now the centre of offshore oil and gas industries. There has been a significant development in high-technology industries, such as chemicals, electronic engineering and in¬formation technology. In Scotland, the richest part is that of the Lowlands. Here there are coal and iron fields. Glasgow is the largest city, seaport and trading centre of Scotland. Recent decades have seen fundamental changes in the Welsh economy. Wales is an important centre for consumer electronics, information technology, chemicals, and food and drink. Although Britain is a densely populated, industrialized country, agriculture is still one of its most important indus¬tries. Dairying is most common in the west of England, where the wetter climate encourages the growth of good grass. Sheep and cattle are reared in the hilly and moorland areas of northern and south-western England. agriculture is also well-developed. Four fifth of the land is devoted to agriculture. About one million people work on farms. Britain produces nearly two-thirds of its total food requirements. It is self-sufficient in milk, eggs, meat, potatoes and wheat.
Although Britain is a densely populated, industrialized country, agriculture is still one of its most important indus¬tries. Dairying is most common in the west of England, where the wetter climate encourages the growth of good grass. Sheep and cattle are reared in the hilly and moorland areas of northern and south-western England agriculture is also welldeveloped. Four fifth of the land is devoted to agriculture. About one million people work on farms. Britain produces nearly two-thirds of its total food requirements. It is self-sufficient in milk, eggs, meat, potatoes and wheat.
The climate of Great Britain and soils are not very favourable for the development of agriculture. It is developing thanks to modern technology and scientific research. The most productive area is Lowland Britain. In England Wales the chief crops are wheat and barley. In Scotland the leading crop is oats. In Northern Ireland vast area is under oats and flax. The potatoes crop is widespread all throughout the country. Horticulture produces a wide variety of fruit, vegetables and flower crops. Strawberries are the most popular soft fruit in Britain. 60 per cent of full-time farms are devoted mainly to dairy or beef cattle and sheep. Pig production is carried in most areas but it is particularly important in eastern Yorkshire and southern England, north-east Scotland Northern Ireland. Poultry industry is growing rapidly and is becoming more important. Britain’s second major source of food is the surrounding sea (the fishing industry). At present most farms in Britain are large, commercial farms. There is a number of traditional family farms, but they are not characteristics. (1200)
In England Wales the chief crops are wheat and barley. In Scotland the leading crop is oats. In Northern Ireland they grow oats and flax. The potatoes crop is widespread all throughout the country. Horticulture produces a wide variety of fruit, vegetables and flower crops. Dairy or beef cattle, sheep and pig raisings are the most popular branches. Poultry industry is becoming more important. At present most farms in Britain are large, commercial farms. (600)
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Industries and Agriculture Great Britain.pptx