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Industrial relations Jackie MORIN European Commission Industrial relations Jackie MORIN European Commission

From 6 to 27 members and beyond Increase in EU Population during past enlargements From 6 to 27 members and beyond Increase in EU Population during past enlargements

Potential further enlargements Potential further enlargements

Averages for the diverse EU enlargements EU 6 1960 -71 EU 9 1972 -84 Averages for the diverse EU enlargements EU 6 1960 -71 EU 9 1972 -84 EU 12 1985 -94 EU 15 1995 -03 EU 25 2004 -06 Union density (%) 29. 5 39. 1 31. 6 27. 8 24. 4 Union centralisation (0 -1) 0. 483 0. 445 0. 409 0. 471 0. 369 Sectoral bargaining (0 -2) 1. 5 1. 4 1. 3 1. 5 1. 2 Bargaining coverage (%) 74. 7 74. 5 74 75. 9 62. 5 Wage coordination (1 -5) 3. 1 3. 3 3. 1 3. 4 2. 8 Works councils (0 -2) 1. 4 1. 6 1. 5 Consultation (0 -2) 1. 1 1. 2 1. 0 1. 3 0. 9 Social pacts (% MS with pacts) 0. 0 17. 1 27. 5 31. 9 16. 7

The Europeanisation of industrial relations The Europeanisation of industrial relations

Social Agenda Social Agenda

Social realities – Facts EU per capita € 23. 000 6. 5 million new Social realities – Facts EU per capita € 23. 000 6. 5 million new jobs in the last two years. An increase in productivity growth for the first time in 10 years. Unemployment the lowest in 25 years. Unemployment among 25 to 64 -year-olds just 4. 7%, compared with 11. 2% for those with only a lower secondary education. Millions of vacancies in Europe are unfilled because there are not enough people with the right skills to fill them. New workforce and skills from EU 12

Social realities - Challenges 78 million people at risk and 8% working poor Unequal Social realities - Challenges 78 million people at risk and 8% working poor Unequal access to schooling, training, health care, housing, quality jobs 40% of all contracts “a-typical” and this concerns most jobs created since 2000 especially for young people, women and/or migrants Limited mobility

Unemployment in Europe 2010 Unemployment in Europe 2010

MS’ policies towards workers from NMS Restrictions Free access EU 10 MS’ policies towards workers from NMS Restrictions Free access EU 10

Resident foreign nationals from EU 10 (% of total population) Resident foreign nationals from EU 10 (% of total population)

A contrasted reality Median age of the EU will increase between 2004 and 2050 A contrasted reality Median age of the EU will increase between 2004 and 2050 from 39 to 49 Old-age dependency ratio, will rise from 25% presently up to 53% in 2050 Dürers mother with 63 years Sophia Loren with 63 years

Perception & citizens concerns ● Focus on personal well being (health, family, friends), less Perception & citizens concerns ● Focus on personal well being (health, family, friends), less on collective interest (helping others, religion, politics) ● Future concerns: unemployment, environment, education, pensions ● People’s lives in 20 years’ time? Worse according to 49% EU respondents (38% better)

The EU in the world GDP in millions of euro, 2005 Population in millions, The EU in the world GDP in millions of euro, 2005 Population in millions, 2005

Médailles d’Or 2008 Médailles d’Or 2008

European Social Policy Legislation European Social Dialogue Mobility Gender equality Working conditions Health and European Social Policy Legislation European Social Dialogue Mobility Gender equality Working conditions Health and Safety Social Agenda European Social Funds Open Method of Coordination Employment Social protection European Commission

New Social Agenda Directives European Works Council Principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective New Social Agenda Directives European Works Council Principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation Maritime Labour Convention Application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare Communications Non-discrimination and equal opportunities Solidarity in the face of change: The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) in 2007 Improving competences for the 21 st Century Working documents The role of transnational company agreements Restructuring and Employment Report on the implementation of the European social partners' Framework Agreement on Telework First biennial report on the situation of social services of general interest in the EU

European action on IR European action on IR

Role and importance of social dialogue at EU level ART 138 of the Treaty Role and importance of social dialogue at EU level ART 138 of the Treaty The Commission has a responsibility to promote consultation of the social partners at community level and to take every useful measure to facilitate their dialogue, taking care to ensure a balanced support of both sides. The Commission consults social partners first Social partners can engage into a dialogue ART 139 of the Treaty The Community level dialogue between the social partners can lead, if they wish it, to contractual relations, including agreements. The implementation can be made either by an EU instrument or through national channels New Article 152 The Union recognises and promotes the role of the social partners at its level, taking into account the diversity of national systems. It shall facilitate dialogue between the social partners, respecting their autonomy. The Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment shall contribute to social dialogue.

Tripartite Social Summit Macroeconomic dialogue Dialogue on education Dialogue on employment Autonomous BIPARTITE TRIPARTITE Tripartite Social Summit Macroeconomic dialogue Dialogue on education Dialogue on employment Autonomous BIPARTITE TRIPARTITE What forms does the European Social Dialogue take? High level groups “Val Duchesse” Social Dialogue Sectoral social dialogue committees Cross industry Sectoral Transnational agreements Company European Commission

The different roles of the social partners Member States EU a. lobbying Pressure of The different roles of the social partners Member States EU a. lobbying Pressure of main employers organisation VNO-NCW to change existing EPL in NL ETUC campaign to change draft Service Directive b. social pacts for example in IE, SI or FI a. autonomous Danish collective agreements, including “social plans” and EPL elements; Dutch collective agreements over flexicurity and agency work Framework Agreements on Telework; Work-Related Stress; Violence and Sexual harassment b. sponsored (and as a weaker form: joint guidelines / benchmarking) 2003 Agreement on Vocational Training and Individual Training Rights in FR Framework Agreements on Parental Leave, Part-time and Fixed-Term c. dependent Belgian biennial agreements since 1997; national agreements to implement the EU Framework Agreement on Telework (Union Guidelines for coordinated bargaining agenda’s in context of EMU) 3. Implementation a. co-management Swedish Labour Market Board b. advise Consultation over setting of minimum wages in most Member States I. Veto power 2. Collective bargaining Social Partner advisory role in EU social security coordination for migrants

ncil Cou EBC COM Macro-economic dialogue ETUC BE Since 1999 – Forum for synchronizing ncil Cou EBC COM Macro-economic dialogue ETUC BE Since 1999 – Forum for synchronizing wage policy with monetary policy

ncy Preside COM Sectors UE AP ME Tripartite social Summit CEC Euro cadr es ncy Preside COM Sectors UE AP ME Tripartite social Summit CEC Euro cadr es ETUC BE Since 2003 – Lisbon Strategy CEEP

ns Unions Union s Bipartite dialogue Empl Since 1985 – Val Duchesse Empl ns Unions Union s Bipartite dialogue Empl Since 1985 – Val Duchesse Empl

SSDC – Quantitative evolution Football Hospitals Steel Shipbuilding Gas Local government Audiovisual Chemical industry SSDC – Quantitative evolution Football Hospitals Steel Shipbuilding Gas Local government Audiovisual Chemical industry Catering

36 Sectoral SD Committees Sea transport Road transport Civil aviation Inland navigation Railways Personal 36 Sectoral SD Committees Sea transport Road transport Civil aviation Inland navigation Railways Personal services Cleaning industry Private security Telecommunications Postal services Temporary agency work Live performance Audiovisual Horeca Catering Agriculture Extractive Industry Sea fishing Sea Ports Textile/clothing Tanning/leather Footwear Steel Shipbuilding Automobile Non ferrous metal Metal sector Construction Woodworking Furniture Sugar Electricity Gas Banking Insurance Chemical Commerce Sport Football Professional cycling Hospitals Local government Central administration Education

Main issues at sectoral level Inland waterways Negotiation on Working time Multi sectoral 1/3 Main issues at sectoral level Inland waterways Negotiation on Working time Multi sectoral 1/3 parties violence Public procurements Mobility passports Hairdressers Discussion on Skills certificate Tanning Agreement on social reporting Chemical Industry Emission trading Regim FIA’s Steel Joint position on Climate change Hospitals Needle stick injuries Agriculture Agripass / Mobility

4 Agreements establishing minimum standards implemented by Council decision ● European agreement on the 4 Agreements establishing minimum standards implemented by Council decision ● European agreement on the organisation of working time of seafarers, 1998 ● European agreement on the organisation of working time of mobile workers in civil aviation, 2000 ● Agreement on certain aspects of the working conditions of mobile workers assigned to interoperable cross-border services, 2005 ● Agreement on the maritime labour convention, 2008 European Commission

2 Autonomous Agreements establishing minimum standards implemented by the procedures and practices specific to 2 Autonomous Agreements establishing minimum standards implemented by the procedures and practices specific to management and labour and the Member States • Agreement on the European licence for drivers carrying out a cross-border interoperability service, 2004 • Social Dialogue Agreement on Crystalline Silica, 2006 Implementation reports by the social partners

Main issues at cross-industry level Seminars on restructuring Implementation of previous agreements Stress at Main issues at cross-industry level Seminars on restructuring Implementation of previous agreements Stress at work Capacity Building programme Harassment and violence Framework of Action on employment Negotiation 2008 Revision of Parental Leave Agreement / Directive Negotiation 2008 Inclusive labour market (autonomous agreement)

3 Agreements establishing minimum standards implemented by Council decision ● Framework agreement on parental 3 Agreements establishing minimum standards implemented by Council decision ● Framework agreement on parental leave, 1995 ● Framework agreement on part-time work, 1997 ● Framework agreement on fixed-term work, 1999 ● Parental leave revision European Commission

3 Autonomous Agreements establishing minimum standards implemented by the procedures and practices specific to 3 Autonomous Agreements establishing minimum standards implemented by the procedures and practices specific to management and labour and the Member States • Framework agreement on telework, 2002 • Agreement on Stress at work, 2004 • Harassement and violence at work, 2007 • Inclusive Labour Markets Implementation reports by the social partners

Telework First autonomous agreement (July 2002) ● Reference to Article 139 ● General framework Telework First autonomous agreement (July 2002) ● Reference to Article 139 ● General framework of rules for telework (equal rights, voluntary character, data protection, privacy, equipment, health and safety, training etc. ) ● Implementation by members of signatory parties (3 year period) ●

The process on telework Promotion phase Implementation phase July 2008 – Commission working paper The process on telework Promotion phase Implementation phase July 2008 – Commission working paper on telework 28 June 2006 - Adoption of the report on the implementation of the agreement 2003 - 2005 - Implementation & regular reporting 16 July 2002 - Signature of the framework agreement on Telework Negotiation phase 12 Nov. 2001 - Opening of the negotiations 20 Sept 2001 - Social partners announced their intention to start negotiations Consultation phase 16 March 2001 – Launch of the 2 d phase of consultation 20 June 2000 – Launch of the first phase of consultation by the Commission

Choice of instruments Collective agreements (incl. sectoral – DK) Other agreements (recommendations to lower Choice of instruments Collective agreements (incl. sectoral – DK) Other agreements (recommendations to lower levels) Guidelines, recommendations Legislation Other No implementation

Variations across the member States Models or clusters of Industrial relations « North » Variations across the member States Models or clusters of Industrial relations « North » Organised corporatism « Centre » Social partnership « South » State centred « West » Liberal « Transit » Mixed Union density (%) 74. 7 35. 4 20. 2 33. 9 22. 8 Centralisation 0. 476 0. 538 0. 370 0. 318 Bargaining coverage (%) 86. 8 82. 8 75. 4 35. 3 34. 5 Employer density 58. 0 72. 7 65. 8 47. 5 28. 4 Sectoral organisation (0 -2) 2. 0 1. 8 1. 2 0. 5 0. 7 Employee representation 2. 0 1. 6 0. 8 0. 9 Concertation 1. 3 1. 4 1. 0 0. 5 0. 8

EU Support tools EU exchanges – link between european and national Levels – Expertise, EU Support tools EU exchanges – link between european and national Levels – Expertise, information, training Budget lines 04. 03. 01 and 04. 03. 02 National capacity reinforcement ESF – Article 5. 3 http: //ec. europa. eu/employment_social/esf/index_en. htm

More Information … EUROPA website for social dialogue http: //ec. europa. eu/socialdialogue European Commission More Information … EUROPA website for social dialogue http: //ec. europa. eu/socialdialogue European Commission