Скачать презентацию INDUSTRIAL AMERICA Industrialization increased the standard of living Скачать презентацию INDUSTRIAL AMERICA Industrialization increased the standard of living


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INDUSTRIAL AMERICA Industrialization increased the standard of living and the opportunities of most Americans, INDUSTRIAL AMERICA Industrialization increased the standard of living and the opportunities of most Americans, but at what cost?

In less than 125 years, America became the leading industrial power of the world. In less than 125 years, America became the leading industrial power of the world. Major reasons for this quick rise to power include: 1. RAILROADS!!!!! 2. Resources ® ® 3. Government policy towards business ® ® 4. An abundance of natural resources An abundance of human resources ® unskilled & semi-skilled labor Willing to help at all levels to stimulate growth Market growing as U. S. population increased. Entrepreneurs – talented group of businessmen & advisors with abundant capital 5. New inventions & technology

RAILROADS The factor MOST responsible for growth of American Industry. ® The Railroad fueled RAILROADS The factor MOST responsible for growth of American Industry. ® The Railroad fueled the growing US economy: ® First big business in the US. ® A magnet for financial investment. ® The key to opening the West. ® Aided the development of other industries. ® Became a consumer of other industries. ®

Railroad Construction Railroad Construction

“The Big Four” Railroad Magnates Charles Crocker Collis Huntington Mark Hopkins Leland Stanford “The Big Four” Railroad Magnates Charles Crocker Collis Huntington Mark Hopkins Leland Stanford

Transcontinental Railroad (During Civil War – to connect CA with the Union) ® RACE Transcontinental Railroad (During Civil War – to connect CA with the Union) ® RACE – Pacific Railway Act, 1862: ® Received 20 sq. mi. of land for every mile of track laid ® $16, 000 loan for every mile on flat land ® $48, 000 loan for every mile over mountains ® Union Pacific: building west from Omaha, NE ® Irish immigrants ® Central Pacific: building east from Sacramento, CA Leland Stanford & the Big Four ® Chinese immigrants used ® Most difficult time – Sierra Nevada Mtns. ® ® Union lays 1, 086 miles & Central 689


® Improvements in RRs will increase their profitability: ® Standardization & Consolidation: ® Binds ® Improvements in RRs will increase their profitability: ® Standardization & Consolidation: ® Binds all sections of country together into one market ® Cornelius Vanderbilt: ® “The Commodore” – steamboat fleet ® Consolidates NY railroads into NY Central RR Company ® Eventually leaves his RR empire to his son, William H. Vanderbilt

® Improvements in service: ® 4 track main line ® Standard gauge track ® ® Improvements in service: ® 4 track main line ® Standard gauge track ® Use of Westinghouse air brake – allows all cars to stop simultaneously…can then carry heavier loads on longer trains ® Pullman Palace Cars – luxury cars ® Time Zones develop due to RR: ® Develop because needed for RR scheduling ® Originally 4 in U. S. ® How many in U. S. now? ® Eventually spreads worldwide

How did the RRs impact: ® National unity? ® Industry? ® Mining & agriculture? How did the RRs impact: ® National unity? ® Industry? ® Mining & agriculture? ® Growth of cities and urban areas? ® Immigration? ® The Environment? ® Wealth?

Corruption in the Railroad Industry: ® Stock Watering ® ® Bribery ® ® An Corruption in the Railroad Industry: ® Stock Watering ® ® Bribery ® ® An anti-competitive combination – group of RR companies agree to divide business in a geographic area and share the profits Rebates and Kickbacks ® ® Of judges, legislature; free passes to politicians The “pool” ® ® Exaggerating RR assets; selling stock at higher prices than it’s worth Reward powerful shippers for steady & assured traffic Price Gouging ® Rates are low on competing lines, but jacked up on noncompetitive lines

Government Regulation of RR: ® State regulation – 1870 s ® Encourages farmers to Government Regulation of RR: ® State regulation – 1870 s ® Encourages farmers to protest & organize (the Grange) & pressure state legislatures into passing regulations to control RR monopolies ® Federal regulation ® 1886 – Wabash v. Illinois ® ® Sup. Ct. rules that states CANNOT regulate interstate commerce 1887 – Interstate Commerce Act ® Prohibits rebates, pools, requires that rates be published, establishes ICC to enforce ® Impact of the ICC ® Provides forum for resolution of conflicts ® A good first step, but not very powerful

Resources: ® Natural Resources: ® Coal – amount mined doubles each decade between 1840 Resources: ® Natural Resources: ® Coal – amount mined doubles each decade between 1840 & 1890 ® Iron Ore – Great Lakes, PA, AL ® Oil – Western PA; to TX by 1900 ® Human Resources: ® Population doubles between 1860 & 1890 ® IMMIGRATION – 14 million immigrants to U. S. during this time (“new immigrants” from S & E Europe)

Favorable Government Policy Towards Business ® LAISSEZ-FAIRE!! ® The ideology of the industrial age Favorable Government Policy Towards Business ® LAISSEZ-FAIRE!! ® The ideology of the industrial age ® Individuals should compete freely in the marketplace. ® No room for government in the market! ® Industry has very few government regulations and restrictions ® ENTREPRENEURS ® One who takes the risk of organizing and beginning a new business ® Received help from the U. S. government: ® High protective tariffs ® Cheap land ® Liberal immigration laws – cheap labor

JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER ® OIL REFINING (Standard Oil Co. ) ® Consolidated 40 oil JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER ® OIL REFINING (Standard Oil Co. ) ® Consolidated 40 oil refining companies – a nationwide monopoly – controlled 95% of all refineries by 1877 ® Believed in “economies of scale” ® Ruthless in business! (dubbed “Reckafellaw”) ® “American Beauty” rose analogy – pluck off the early buds… ® Used rebates, drawbacks, spies & secret info from RR to learn about competitors & force them out of business ® Stock or Cash Buyouts

® Treated his workers well – the first to offer old-age pensions & tried ® Treated his workers well – the first to offer old-age pensions & tried to protect them in bad times ® Hated waste! ® Personally: Ambitious ® Abstemious ® Parsimonious ® ® Devout churchgoer and Sunday School teacher “GOD GAVE ME MY MONEY. ” John D. Rockefeller Strong family man ® ® Only the strong survive

Standard Oil Refinery Standard Oil Refinery

® The Octopus, 1904 ® The Octopus, 1904

® Gave away dimes to children on the street ® Retired at age 40 ® Gave away dimes to children on the street ® Retired at age 40 ® Spent rest of his life giving away money ® Gave away over $520 million to charities $78 million to colleges ® $60 million to medicine ® $18 million to African American education ® Lots more to education & research ® University of Chicago ®

®Died at age 98 ®at Ormond Beach , FL ®Died at age 98 ®at Ormond Beach , FL

ROCKEFELLER EXPOSED BY JOURNALIST IDA TARBELL ®A lifelong Rockefeller hater (her father took the ROCKEFELLER EXPOSED BY JOURNALIST IDA TARBELL ®A lifelong Rockefeller hater (her father took the cash buyout) ® Exposed Rockefeller’s unethical business dealings with RR, etc.

ANDREW CARNEGIE ® STEEL (U. S. Steel Corporation) ® Hired the best technical & ANDREW CARNEGIE ® STEEL (U. S. Steel Corporation) ® Hired the best technical & scientific experts ® Used new process & made steel so cheaply it forced competitors into bankruptcy & then he bought them

® Did not treat his workers as well as Rockefeller ® Drove wages down ® Did not treat his workers as well as Rockefeller ® Drove wages down & hours up for the common laborers & constantly fought unionization ® But, made upper level management & experts partners in the business

Poor Scottish immigrant who went from “rags to riches” – a true Horatio Alger Poor Scottish immigrant who went from “rags to riches” – a true Horatio Alger story ® Began work in 1848 as bobbin boy $1. 20/wk ® By 1900 produces half of nation’s steel – $25 million/year takehome pay ® Ambitious, energetic, a “gambler” ® Deeply believed that if “The first man gets the oyster, one worked hard, saved $ The second man gets the shell. ” & invested wisely, anyone could become Andrew Carnegie wealthy ®

® “Gospel of Wealth” – Wealthy are blessed with greater talent and wealth and ® “Gospel of Wealth” – Wealthy are blessed with greater talent and wealth and have a duty to help those who would try to help themselves. ® ® Inequality is inevitable and good. Wealthy should act as “trustees” for their “poorer brethren. ” Retired at 66 (bought out by J. P. Morgan – becomes U. S. Steel) ® Lived to be 84 ® Gave away over $350 million “The man who dies to charities rich, dies disgraced. ® ® ® Mostly to libraries Carnegie Hall & Museum, NY

New Financial Businessman ® The Broker Wall Street – 1867 & 1900 New Financial Businessman ® The Broker Wall Street – 1867 & 1900

Beliefs defending class distinctions: SOCIAL DARWINISM Philosophy that applied Darwin’s biological theory of “survival Beliefs defending class distinctions: SOCIAL DARWINISM Philosophy that applied Darwin’s biological theory of “survival of the fittest” to human society & those who succeeded ® Wealth no longer looked upon as bad; viewed as a sign of God’s approval. ® Yale professor William Graham Sumner: “millionaires are a product of natural selection. ” ® ® Individuals must have absolute freedom to struggle, succeed or fail. Therefore, state intervention to reward society and the economy is futile! Both Rockefeller and Carnegie were strong believers in this philosophy ® Believed it was a method better than elections for selecting leaders ® Only the strong survivors will control industry and wealth ®

RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM ® Equates to contempt for the poor ® Many of nouveau riche RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM ® Equates to contempt for the poor ® Many of nouveau riche had “pulled themselves up by their bootstraps” ® The poor are only poor because of their laziness and lack of initiative ® Rev. Russell Conwell Christian duty to accumulate wealth ® Should not help the poor. ® “Acres of Diamonds” speech: ® “There is not a poor person in the U. S. who was not made poor by his own shortcomings. ” ® ® 1/10 of people own 9/10 of all the wealth by 1900


INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATES: ® J. P. MORGAN ® “Banker’s banker” ® Put officers of his INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATES: ® J. P. MORGAN ® “Banker’s banker” ® Put officers of his own banking syndicate on Board of Directors of rival businesses ® Made millions financing reorganization of RRs, banks, insurance companies

Due to huge sums required to build railroads, corporations become major business form in Due to huge sums required to build railroads, corporations become major business form in U. S. ®A corporation is a company formed by a group of investors who get a share of ownership in proportion to the amount of money they invest ® Corporate investors enjoy LIMITED LIABILITY … which means that investors risk ONLY the amount of their investment (stock cost) and can’t be held personally liable for debts of the corporation

ADVANTAGES OF CORPORATIONS OVER OTHER TYPES OF BUSINESSES: ® Viewed as a legal “person” ADVANTAGES OF CORPORATIONS OVER OTHER TYPES OF BUSINESSES: ® Viewed as a legal “person” under the law – can make contracts, sue and be sued, etc. ® PERMANENCE - they continue forever ® EASY TO RAISE LARGE SUMS OF MONEY ® Small amounts of $ from many individual investors can be pooled into huge sums of $ need to start or expand a large company ® LIMITED LIABILITY

Advantages of “Big Business? ” ® Can produce more and better goods at a Advantages of “Big Business? ” ® Can produce more and better goods at a lower cost ® created jobs ® Can afford to pay high salaries to get the best experts ® increased efficiency by establishing separate departments in business

What are the disadvantages of “Big Business? ” ® Methods they used to get What are the disadvantages of “Big Business? ” ® Methods they used to get “Big” ® Demanded, & got, volume discounts from shippers ® Underselling & forcing competitors out of business ® Raising prices to the consumer ® Bribing of public officials ® Destruction of the environment ® Why would people put up with this?

U. S. Corporate Mergers U. S. Corporate Mergers

The ‘Robber Barons’ of the Past The ‘Robber Barons’ of the Past

Images of the new elite (from left to right) John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Images of the new elite (from left to right) John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and J. P. Morgan Jay Gould – the Archtype of the Robber Baron Dr. Thomas C. Durant, Vice. Pres. , Union-Pacific Railroad

Henry Flagler An American tycoon who worked with John D. Rockefeller to establish Standard Henry Flagler An American tycoon who worked with John D. Rockefeller to establish Standard Oil. He helped develop Florida as the vacation land it is today. Moves to St. Augustine ® Founder of Palm Beach ® “Father of Miami” ® Founds the Florida East Coast Railway ® By 1912 Florida Overseas Railroad was completed to Key West ® Flagler County, Flagler Beach, Flagler College ®

Flagler Resort Flagler College Whitehall - 1 st big mansion in West Palm –--- Flagler Resort Flagler College Whitehall - 1 st big mansion in West Palm –--- history museum

Distribution of wealth in the Gilded Age Distribution of wealth in the Gilded Age

Regulating the Trusts 1877 Munn. v. IL – okay for states to regulate RR Regulating the Trusts 1877 Munn. v. IL – okay for states to regulate RR rates 1886 Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Company v. IL – overrules Munn; federal gov’t controls RR interstate commerce 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act § § § Forbids combinations in “restraint of trade” No real means of enforcement First lawsuits all decided in favor of the trusts & against labor unions – restraining trade 1895 US v. E. C. Knight Co. – Fed. gov’t using Sherman Act to get rid of sugar monopoly but lost. Ct. held that manufacturing industries not subject to fed. gov’ts interstate commerce control

NEW INVENTIONS & TECHNOLOGY: ® Bessemer and open hearth process ® Created a lighter, NEW INVENTIONS & TECHNOLOGY: ® Bessemer and open hearth process ® Created a lighter, stronger, rust-free metal – STEEL ® U. S. producing 1/3 of world’s supply by 1890 ® Refrigerated RR cars ® Edison ® light bulb ® phonograph ® motion pictures.

Thomas Alva Edison “Wizard of Menlo Park” Thomas Alva Edison “Wizard of Menlo Park”

The Light Bulb Birth of the Night Shift! Industrial production now possible 24 hrs. The Light Bulb Birth of the Night Shift! Industrial production now possible 24 hrs. per day.

The Phonograph (1877) The Phonograph (1877)

The Ediphone or Dictaphone The Ediphone or Dictaphone

The Motion Picture Camera The Motion Picture Camera

Alexander Graham Bell Telephone (1876) Alexander Graham Bell Telephone (1876)

CHRISTOPHER LATHAM SHOLES ® THE TYPEWRITER ® Along with the telephone, leads to feminization CHRISTOPHER LATHAM SHOLES ® THE TYPEWRITER ® Along with the telephone, leads to feminization of the work place ® Women make up 5% of all office workers in 1870; 40% by 1910

Alternate Current Air Brake George Westinghouse Alternate Current Air Brake George Westinghouse

The Airplane Wilbur Wright Orville Wright Kitty Hawk, NC – December 7, 1903 The Airplane Wilbur Wright Orville Wright Kitty Hawk, NC – December 7, 1903

U. S. Patents Granted 1790 s 276 patents issued. 1990 s 1, 119, 220 U. S. Patents Granted 1790 s 276 patents issued. 1990 s 1, 119, 220 patents issued.

® Problems of workers in the Industrial Age: ® Less value placed on skills ® Problems of workers in the Industrial Age: ® Less value placed on skills ® Depersonalized relations with corporate employers ® Technological unemployment – machines replace men ® Glutted labor market –IMMIGRANTS! ® Begin to look to unions for help ® Corporate resistance to Labor Unions: ® Pressure politicians ® Buy out the press ® Import scabs, use of troops (Pinkertons) to break up strikes ® File for injunctions ® Lockouts ® Yellow Dog Contracts & ironclad oaths ® Blacklists ® Company-owned towns – Pullman, IL

LABOR UNIONS ® Had difficulty organizing: ® Extreme opposition from Employers ® Courts & LABOR UNIONS ® Had difficulty organizing: ® Extreme opposition from Employers ® Courts & police favored Employers over workers ® Too many immigrant laborers ® Several major unions form in late 1800 s: National Labor Union ® Knights of Labor ® American Federation of Labor ® American Railway Union ®

NATIONAL LABOR UNION ® Formed 1866 - 600, 000 workers at height ® General NATIONAL LABOR UNION ® Formed 1866 - 600, 000 workers at height ® General union with skilled & unskilled workers, and farmers ® Sought social reform – 8 hr. day ® Get 8 hr. day for gov’t workers but 1870 s depression destroys union ® RR wage cuts in 1877 led to massive strikes, federal troops called in & violence erodes support for unions among Americans

® Led by Terrence Powderly KNIGHTS ® Originally a secret organization OF LABOR, ® ® Led by Terrence Powderly KNIGHTS ® Originally a secret organization OF LABOR, ® ALL workers welcome: unskilled 1869 and skilled ® Recruited women & blacks ® Sought broad reforms: Health and safety codes ® 8 hour day ® end to child labor, etc. ® ® Used political activity first; preferred NOT to use strikes ® Successful strike against Gould’s Wabash RR in 1885 ® Association with anarchy & violence (Haymarket Square Riot) causes end of Knights by 1890 s

AFL, 1886 ® Led by Samuel Gompers ® A CRAFT Union ® ONLY skilled AFL, 1886 ® Led by Samuel Gompers ® A CRAFT Union ® ONLY skilled workers - why? ® (better bargaining power) ® Kept out blacks and women ® A “federation” “All I want is more ® Sought “bread and butter” reforms: ® Higher Wages ® Shorter Hours ® Better/safer working conditions ® Also sought “closed shops” (union workers only) ® Relied on economic pressure: walkouts, strikes and boycotts – collective bargaining

AMERICAN RAILWAY UNION ® Led by Eugene V. Debs ® Later became a socialist AMERICAN RAILWAY UNION ® Led by Eugene V. Debs ® Later became a socialist while in jail after arrest in Pullman Strike ® “INDUSTRIAL” union ® All workers in same industry, regardless of their craft or skill level, in the same union ® Sought less violence/confrontations but winds up in it anyway

THE MAJOR STRIKES: ® Great RR Strike of 1877 ® Baltimore & Ohio RR THE MAJOR STRIKES: ® Great RR Strike of 1877 ® Baltimore & Ohio RR – cut wages during a depression ® Striking & violence spread; Employers called on federal gov’t for help ® Pres. Hayes sent in troops to restore order

HAYMARKET SQUARE RIOT 1886 q On May 1, 1886, unions called for national strike HAYMARKET SQUARE RIOT 1886 q On May 1, 1886, unions called for national strike in support of an 8 hour work day q Thousands of workers demonstrated in U. S. cities but Chicago was the center, with 40, 000 demonstrators q After bomb thrown into crowd, police fired upon strikers killing an unknown number of workers – 12? q Several anarchist labor leaders arrested and tried and hanged without supporting evidence q Association between unions & violence leads to demise of Knights of Labor

Images from Haymarket Riots, May 3, 1886 Haymarket Memorial, Chicago Images from Haymarket Riots, May 3, 1886 Haymarket Memorial, Chicago

® Homestead Strike, 1892 ® Carnegie Steel – Homestead Plant ® Carnegie’s partner (Frick) ® Homestead Strike, 1892 ® Carnegie Steel – Homestead Plant ® Carnegie’s partner (Frick) cut wages; workers strike ® Pinkerton Detectives called in to break strike ® Led to deaths of 9 strikers & 7 detectives ® Anarchist tried and failed to assassinate Frick ® Strike called off – managemen wins ® unions’ association with violence continues

Pullman Strike, 1894 US cavalry breaks up 1894 Pullman Car workers strike Pullman Strike, 1894 US cavalry breaks up 1894 Pullman Car workers strike

® Pullman Strike, 1894 ® Pullman Palace Car Company ® Company Town ® Laid ® Pullman Strike, 1894 ® Pullman Palace Car Company ® Company Town ® Laid off workers & cut wages after Panic of 1893 ® BUT didn’t cut rent & food prices ® Refused to bargain; shut down plant ® First true nationwide strike! ® Caused interference with mail delivery ® Pres. Cleveland got injunction to force end to strike and sent in troops to enforce it – sets a precedent ® Debs refused, arrested, jailed … socialist