- Количество слайдов: 21
Indoor Environmental Criteria for Design and Calculation of Energy Performance of Buildings – EN 15251 Bjarne W. Olesen International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy Technical University of Denmark bwo@byg. dtu. dk Contract: EIE/07/069/SI 2. 466698 Duration: October 2007 – March 2010 Version: July 7, 2009
Outline • The EU CENSE project • Scope of the Standard • Design Criteria • • • Energy calculations Long term indicators Measurements Classification Annexes slide 2
The EU CENSE project (Oct. 2007 - March 2010) Aim of the project: To accelerate adoption and improved effectiveness of the EPBD related CEN- standards in the EU Member States These standards were successively published in the years 2007 -2008 and are being implemented or planned to be implemented in many EU Member States. However, the full implementation is not a trivial task Main project activities: A. To widely communicate role, status and content of these standards; to provide guidance on the implementation B. To collect comments and good practice examples from Member States aiming to remove obstacles C. To prepare recommendations to CEN for a “second generation” of standards on the integrated energy performance of buildings slide 3
Brief introduction A brief introduction to the CENSE project and the CEN-EPBD standards is provided in a separate presentation: slide 4
More information and downloads: www. iee-cense. eu Disclaimer: CENSE has received funding from the Community’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/07/069/SI 2. 466698. The content of this presentation reflects the authors view. The author(s) and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Moreover, because this is an interim result of the project: any conclusions are only preliminary and may change in the course of the project based on further feedback from the contributors, additional collected information and/or increased insight. slide 5
Categories Category Explanation I High level of expectation and is recommended for spaces occupied by very sensitive and fragile persons with special requirements like handicapped, sick, very young children and elderly persons II Normal level of expectation and should be used for new buildings and renovations III An acceptable, moderate level of expectation and may be used for existing buildings IV Values outside the criteria for the above categories. This category should only be accepted for a limited part of the year slide 7
Design Criteria Design criteria for the indoor environment shall be documented by the designer. Design criteria for the indoor environment can also be displayed along with the energy certificate Design values for the indoor temperature for heating load and cooling load calculations shall be specified at national level. As a default a method is recommended for establishing criteria slide 8
Recommended categories for design of mechanical heated and cooled buildings Type of building/ space Cate- Operative temperature o. C gory Minimum for heating (winter season), ~ 1, 0 clo Residential buildings: living spaces (bed rooms, drawing room, kitchen etc) Sedentary ~ 1, 2 met Single office (cellular office) Landscaped office (open plan office) Conference room Sedentary ~ 1, 2 met Maximum for cooling (summer season), ~ 0, 5 clo A 21, 0 25, 5 B 20, 0 26, 0 C 19, 0 27, 0 slide 9
Temperature ranges for hourly calculation of cooling and heating energy in three categories of indoor environment slide 10
Recommended temperature ranges for buildings without mechanical systems slide 11
Recommended ventilation rates for non-residential buildings for three categories The total recommended ventilation rate is calculated as the sum of the ventilation rate required to dilute emissions from people and building according to the following equation Where qtot= total ventilation rate of the room, l/s n = design value for the number of the persons in the room, qp = ventilation rate for occupancy person, l/s, pers A= room floor area, m 2 q. B = ventilation rate for emissions from building, l/s, m 2 slide 12
Recommended ventilation rates for non-residential buildings for three categories Type of building or space Cate-gory Floor area m 2/per-son qp q. B qtot l/s, m 2 for occupancy Single office l/s, m 2 for very low-polluted building for non-low polluted building 0, 5 1, 0 2, 0 3, 0 10 0, 7 0, 3 1, 0 0, 7 1, 4 2, 1 10 0, 4 0, 2 0, 6 0, 4 0, 8 1, 2 I 15 0, 7 0, 5 1, 2 1, 0 1, 7 2, 0 2, 7 II 15 0, 3 0, 8 0, 7 1, 2 1, 4 1, 9 III 15 0, 3 0, 2 0, 5 0, 4 0, 7 0, 8 1, 1 I 2 5, 0 0, 5 5, 5 1, 0 6, 0 2, 0 7, 0 II 2 3, 5 0, 3 3, 8 0, 7 4, 2 1, 4 4, 9 III Class room 1, 0 III Confe-rence room 10 II Land-scaped office I 2 2, 0 0, 2 2, 2 0, 4 2, 4 0, 8 2, 8 I 2, 0 5, 0 0, 5 5, 5 1, 0 6, 0 2, 0 7, 0 II 2, 0 3, 5 0, 3 3, 8 0, 7 4, 2 1, 4 4, 9 III 2, 0 0, 2 2, 2 0, 4 2, 4 0, 8 2, 8 slide 13
Ventilation for Residential Buildings Category Air change rate Living room and Exhaust air flow, l/s bedrooms, mainly outdoor air flow l/s, m 2 ach (1) l/s, pers 2) (2) l/s/m 2 (3) Kitchen (4 a) Bathroom Toilets s (4) (4 b) I 0, 49 0, 7 10 1, 4 28 20 14 II 0, 42 0, 6 7 1, 0 20 15 10 III 0, 35 0, 5 4 0, 6 14 10 7 slide 14
Deviations • The different parameters for the indoor environment of the building meets the criteria of a specified category when: – The parameter in the rooms representing 95% of the occupied space is not more than 3% (or 5%) of occupied hours a day, a week, a month and a year outside the limits of the specified category (Annex A and B). • Examples of methods to evaluate long term performance of building are given in Annex F 3% / 5% of period Daily Min. Weekly Hours Monthly Hours Yearly Hours 3% 5% Working hours 15 24 1 2 5 9 61 108 Total hours 43 72 5 9 22 36 259 432 slide 15
Indicators for the indoor environment 1. Design indicators 2. Measured indicators 3. Calculated indicators slide 16
Classification slide 17
Classification based on occupants responses Percentage People finding thermal environment acceptable 85 People finding the indoor air quality acceptable 80 Distribution of thermal sensation votes -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 0 Distribution of temperature preference -3 5 10 53 20 2 10 Colder Unchanged Warmer 20 75 5 slide 18
Classification based on categories slide 19
Conclusions • Criteria for indoor thermal environment and ventilation rates are most important for the calculated energy performance • As the calculated energy requirements for new buildings are significantly depending on the used criteria for the indoor environment (room temperature, ventilation rates, lighting levels), the energy declaration (certificate) must include information on the indoor environment. • Difficult to express the quality of the indoor environment with one factor • More knowledge needed on the relative importance of thermal environment, indoor air quality, noise and light for peoples comfort and performance slide 20
More information and downloads: www. iee-cense. eu Disclaimer: CENSE has received funding from the Community’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme under the contract EIE/07/069/SI 2. 466698. The content of this presentation reflects the authors view. The author(s) and the European Commission are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Moreover, because this is an interim result of the project: any conclusions are only preliminary and may change in the course of the project based on further feedback from the contributors, additional collected information and/or increased insight. slide 21