Individual work.pptx
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Individual work On the subject: University Education Paper on the topic: «Adaptation period in the university and its features
Adaptation period is very important for normal educational process. Nowadays, the problem of adaptation is very serious. Most freshmen students transfer extremely difficult the period of adaptation and accordingly, at the first stage of training, there are many problems that can lead to serious consequences. In addition, this issue has great trouble to ptofessors on whose shoulders rests the task to solve this problem.
Since the early days of presence in university students are in an unusual socio-cultural, linguistic, national environment to which they must adapt as soon as possible.
Adaptation of the students is a complex process caused by the interaction of psychological, social and biological factors, such as : - problems with studding; conflicts with other students; psychological difficults; starting independent life ( for somebody); - problems connected with socialisation in new socisty;
There are three types of adaptation: YES – maladjustment PA - passive adaptation AA - active adaptation YES PA
To determine what are the reasons of problems connected with the adaptation it is necessary to answer the following questions: - what are the factors that reflect the level of preparation of students for academic and non academic activity; - what are the factors that characterize the development of individual abilities to adaptation; - what factors indicate pedagogical influence on the process of adaptation; what are the factors associated with learning and living;
For students in the process of social adaptation in university includes four basic stages: The first stage-subcultural adaptation (special student subculture understanding of their new social status, assimilation philosophical, behavioral, communicative etc. ) The second stage - academic adaptation (Formation of a new style of scientific thinking, the reassessment of thinking, reassessment of values, focus on academic standards in the assessment of knowledge, the development of self-style to receive and generating a knowledge). The third stage - the social and public adaptation (formation of political orientations, obtaining the right to vote, involvement in social and political activities, party formations). The fourth stage - individual adaptation period (formation of a new self-assessment and an adequate level of social and political sphere).
For the more efficiently adaptation process of students, it is necessary : üProvide individual attention to students and their capabilities, not to weaken the nervous system, not underestimated the self-esteem and motivation for learning. ü To help students develop and implement skills. ü Promote in their cognitive motivation. ü Promote sustainable values and ideals.
Methods for adapting to the educational process at the university: v Development programs designed to acquaint students with the educational process; v Conducting cultural events; v Organization of cultural and developmental activities;
It is very popular in our time to provide this process in the game form. In the first day of the study some universities organize the competition for each group. Their task is to find some things with the help of the maps and get the prize. They also play in other pleasure games.
As a result students learn the university, become to oriented better in it, get to know the pedagogical staff end other students. This method also help to unite them and to create a friendly collective.
For quick adaptation in our yniversity , first-year students can: join to the student theater; Participate in different performances, concerts, feasts. . . Join to the festivals; to devote the care of the aesthetic and spiritual growth of students; communicating with artwork;
join to the music and dance departments; Join to the university newspaper "Vagant"; Join different clubs;
Attend sports sections in various sports; In short, become a member of the cultural life of the university !!!
Conclusion So, adaptation of first-year students is a complex dynamic process which is determined by the mutual influence of their own constituents. Be sure to respect their peers and seniors, do not create and sustain conflicts. If you do not know or can`t find something, ask not embarrassed because you one shot kill two birds with one stone: get the right information and might find friends. And most important- be yourself and try to find a balance between learning and fun!
Individual work.pptx