- Количество слайдов: 21
Individual and group reading Pages 590 -593 n Each group will read one section and take notes ( I will tell you which reading you will read) n Each person will individually read the section and take notes on what we will discuss below. n n after 15 minutes you will come together as a group, and … n n Iran - page 590 Egypt – Page 590 Latin America (Cuba) – Page 591 discuss the impact the CIA and the U. S. involvement had on the country in your reading Discuss the impact on the U. S. Also, try to include the impact on the country today and the US. Choose one person to present basic info to class.
Tuesday 3/29 n RAP What was Eisenhower’s foreign policy called? n How was Eisenhower and Truman different when it came to conflicts? n n Today: n n Read Ch. 17. 4 A New Battleground-587 -589—as a class and take notes Cuba missile crisis readings CIA readings Watch US propaganda film “Atomic Café”
The U. S. government should secretly get involved in foreign issues to protect business interests and human rights violations. AGREE SOMEWHAT AGREE DISAGREE SOMEWHAT DISAGREE Explain.
CIA Ch. 17. 4 pages 587 -593 SWBAT describe CIA involvement in areas around the world by analyzing involvement through readings and research.
Popcorn Read pages 587 -589 Title notes: A New Battleground Ch. 17. 4 n New worlds to conquer— CIA Joins the Fight n Terms to know: n emerging nations —emerging nations in Asia, Latin America, and Africa—who were shaking off colonial rule and taking charge of their futures. n CIA – Central Intelligence Agency was established to promote the allegiance of newly independent nations. n Covert operations –CIA spied and conducted undercover missions. n Nationalization – In 1951, Prime minister of Iran, Dr. Mohammad Mossadeg pushed through a bill authorizing the nationalization of the oil fields—declaring them the property of Iran.
n n n Iran, after WWII, was led by a monarch (the Shah, Mohammad Pahlavi) and had a two house parliament. Most of Iran’s oil industry was controlled by the British n This drained the country of great wealth. 1951, Dr. Mohammad Mossadeg became Prime Minister and wanted to nationalize the oil fields. n The British refused to accept the payment by Mossadeg. n British shut down their refineries. n Iran’s economy slipped towards bankruptcy.
Iran cont. n n Eisenhower steps in to protect the oil supply for the West. CIA sent in with Kim Roosevelt. n AJAX – plan to get rid of Mossadeg and put the Shah in power. n Organize public and military support for the Shah and the Shah would sign a decree deporting Mossadeg. n 400 people were killed in the clash between Mossadeg and the Shahs supporters. n Mossadeg was jailed. n The Shah and his western supporters were able to make an agreement on the oil where both became wealthy. n Planted the seeds for Iranian hatred towards the U. S. n Iranian Hostage Crisis 1979.
n n n n n 1953, Egypt independent. Egypt and Suez Canal 75 % of Western Europe’s oil imports were shipped through the Suez Canal. Nasser, Egyptian leader wanted the $25 million annual profits from the canal. Controversy over the arms deal with Soviets. US canceled loan to help build dam on Nile R. Israel, Britain, and France invaded in 1956. No U. S. support, so others pulled out. Soviets helped fund building of dam. Eisenhower Doctrine– promise of aid, both economic and military to pro Western governments in the region.
Latin America n Mid 50 s, U. S companies controlled more than $70 bil in oil, mineral, and agricultural resources in Latin America. n U. S. companies virtually controlled the island nation of Cuba. n Nearly 90% of mines, ranches and oil, half of its sugar crop, and 3 million acres of its land belonged to Americans. n 1952, Fulgencio Batista overthrew the government and installed himself as dictator, friendly towards the U. S.
n 1958, Fidel Castro a young lawyer led a coup against Batista. n Castro demanded control of Cuba’s properties. n U. S. refused– so they turned to the Soviets. n Eisenhower ordered the CIA to train a secret force – La Brigada that could be used to overthrow Castro. n By 1961, when Eisenhower left office, Castro had seized all American businesses and signed a trade agreement with the Soviets.
Cuba Missile Crisis page 592 n 1961, Kennedy becomes President. n Ordered La Brigada to land in Cuba secretly on April 17, 1961 to sweep Castro out of power. n n Failed Castro’s forces killed several hundred members of La Brigada and captured nearly all the rest.
Read Overview of President Kennedy and Cuba n Read Options for how to handle missile crisis. n n Pairs will write your response (On a separate piece of paper) and turn in. Cuba missile crisis Please write in your notes a response to one of the following areas. . n I feel the U. S. involvement in Latin America, Iran, or Egypt was … n This involvement has had / not had an impact today because … n Title this CIA involvement
Cuba and Turkey
Missile Launch at San Cristobal
Cuban blockade
n After the Crisis U. S. and Soviet accepted each others power and admitted the importance of negotiation. n Both continued to stockpile arms. n A direct link between – hotline between Soviet Union and the U. S. n Secretly, the U. S. , agreed to take missiles out of Turkey. n
Covert Operations around the World Popcorn read the CIA covert operations. n Extra Credit option!!!! n n Pick a covert operation and create a PPT to present to class. n Explain what happened n why did the covert operation take place n impact of operation n U. S. relation with that country today. Up to Two bathroom passes (40 points). n Due Friday or next Monday, depending on when you have this class. n
XC CIA PPT Mainly pictures and bullets. n Should use note cards to give additional information to class. n Discuss CIA involvement n Where? n Why? n When? n Impact? n Today’s impact? n Add your personal thoughts to your PPT. n
Atomic Cafe
Tuesday 3/31 n RAP What was the Eisenhower Doctrine? n How had US foreign relations changed after WWII? n n Explain. n Today: Finish Cuba n Read President Kennedy’s Response n Cuban missile Crisis video clip n CIA Actions XC n
Tuesday 3/31 RAP n What is a covert operation? Today: CIA operations n Cuban missile crisis n