Indices BEL 20 BEL 20 the benchmark stock

Indices BEL 20

BEL 20 the benchmark stock market index of Euronext Brussels consists of a min. of 10 and a max. of 20 companies traded at the Brussels Stock Exchange The composition is reviewed annually based on closing prices at the end of the calendar year

Criteria a company must be a "representative of the Belgian equity market“; at least 15% of its shares must be considered free floating order to qualify for the index; must possess a free float market capitalisation of at least 300000 times the price of the index on the last trading day of December.

The min. requirement for an existing constituent to remain in the index is a market cap of 200000 times the index value.


founded in 1880 as a dredging company active in four key sectors: dredging and construction, real estate, financial services, and private equity investing Chairman - Luc Bertrand

a Belgium-Dutch multinational insurance company Belgium's largest insurer operates in 14 countries worldwide

the largest telecommunications company in Belgium primarily state owned, with the Belgian state holding 53.3% + 1 share Belgacom Group offerings include fixed line communication through the Belgacom brand, mobile communications through the Proximus brand and ICT services to the professional market under the Telindus brand.

a Belgian family owned retail corporation founded in 1925 by Franz Colruyt most significantly known for its eponymous discount supermarket chain

KBC Bank is a Belgian universal multi-channel bank, focusing on private clients and small and medium-sized enterprises active in European debt capital markets, domestic cash equity markets and in the field of corporate banking, leasing, factoring, reinsurance, private equity

a Belgian chemical company founded in 1863 Union chimique belge a multinational biopharmaceutical manufacturing company