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Independent regulators, the Department of Health and data collection from the NHS Independent regulators, the Department of Health and data collection from the NHS

PMETB • PMETB was established by the General and Specialist Medical Practice (Medical Education, PMETB • PMETB was established by the General and Specialist Medical Practice (Medical Education, Training and Qualifications) Order 2003 to develop a single, unifying framework for postgraduate medical education and training. It began operations on 30 September 2005.

The order and data for PMETB • Under the new Medical Order, approval of The order and data for PMETB • Under the new Medical Order, approval of specialty training programmes, posts and GP trainers rest with the PMETB: – “The Board shall cause to be published from time to time (electronically or otherwise) a list of the education and training it has approved” – “(a) any course or programme (or part of such a course or programme), training post…” • Information to be provided to the Board – 9. - (1) This article applies to any hospital, institution, general practitioner or other person that may be visited by a visiting panel pursuant to article 7(1). (2) Whenever required to do so by the Board, any person or body specified in paragraph (1) shall give to the Board such information as the Board may reasonably require in connection with the exercise of its functions under or by virtue of this Order.

DH census (England only) • Uses pay scales to determine grade of staff and DH census (England only) • Uses pay scales to determine grade of staff and does not collect data on whether the Dr is an educationally approved post: – Registrar group: Refers to the combined grouping of specialist registrars, senior registrars and other staff working at equivalent grades that are not in an educationally approved post. – Doctors in training and equivalents (previously known as Junior doctors): Registrar group, senior house officer, foundation programme doctors, house officers and other staff working at equivalent grades that are not in an educationally approved post.

Concordat • Signatories to the concordat are meant to reduce the burden of data Concordat • Signatories to the concordat are meant to reduce the burden of data collection where possible by sharing data.

ROCR • ROCR (Review of Central Returns) is the Information Centre's way of ensuring ROCR • ROCR (Review of Central Returns) is the Information Centre's way of ensuring that information collections on behalf of Ministers for the DH and ALBs are streamlined, targeted and proportionate • Concordat members need to demonstrate they are collecting data in the least burdensome way. ROCR process provides a framework for that • Therefore 'ROCR-lite' process was designed by the Concordat signatories: key difference is that responsibility for approving certain stages rests with the collecting body

Other activity: MMC • MMC census to show existing pool of SHO, Sp. R Other activity: MMC • MMC census to show existing pool of SHO, Sp. R and trust doctor posts will fit into new model. • Included non-approved posts: – “For any posts that we haven’t identified, and you would like to include, please add these to the relevant spreadsheet. This will mainly be the Trust-grade doctors and non-training posts. Please ensure that the completed list is as accurate a record as you can provide of doctors at your Trust. ”

Conclusion • Conflicting objectives and currently no shared medical workforce data across regulators and Conclusion • Conflicting objectives and currently no shared medical workforce data across regulators and DH • Definition problems (posts and headcount) • Potentially enormous duplication if DH and other nations’ information departments won’t release data (up to 6 months from census to obtain it)

References • Concordat Working in partnership (May 2006) Getting the best from inspection, audit, References • Concordat Working in partnership (May 2006) Getting the best from inspection, audit, review and regulation of health and social care http: //www. concordat. org. uk/_db/_documents/Concordat__version_(May_06). pdf • Statutory Instrument 2003 No. 1250. The General and Specialist Medical Practice (Education, Training and Qualifications) Order 2003: http: //www. opsi. gov. uk/SI/si 2003/20031250. htm • ROCR-Lite - http: //www. ic. nhs. uk/rocrlite • Information Centre Census: Hospital and Community Health Services Medical and Dental staff in England: 1995 -2005 http: //www. ic. nhs. uk/pubs/nhsstaff/medicaldentalintro/file