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Incorporation of Migration into Development Programs: Moldova’s Experience Valentina UNGUREANU, Labor Migration Department Head, Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family Saint-Petersburg, 2013 1
Policy Documents • National Strategy on Migration and Asylum (2011 - 2020); • Action Plan for 2011 -2015 on introducing National Strategy on Migration and Asylum (2011 - 2020); • Law No. 102 -XV of March 13, 2013 on employment and on social protection of job-seekers; • Law No. 180 of July 10, 2008 on labor migration; • Government Resolution No. 605 of May 31, 2007 On Approving National Strategy on Employment Policies for 2007 -2015; • Annual employment action plans • 2
Key Objectives of Migration and Asylum Strategy 1 • Promotion of a return migration model with a focus on positive implications for the returnee, receiving community and Moldovan society as a whole; • Prevention of unregulated employment-oriented emigration through improved measures at every stage of the way: pre-departure, throughout emigration and upon return: • Strengthening links with the Moldovan diaspora and help in transfer of “social remittances” 3
Key Objectives of Migration and Asylum Strategy 2 • Strengthening positive implications of return migration through sharing of new expertise and competencies by returnee migrants, diversification of opportunities and simplification of procedures for migrants’ investment in own businesses in the real economic sector, • encouragement of the launch of new joint ventures by migrants with support from businessmen/employers from host countries. • Strengthening contacts with the Moldovan diaspora and assistance in the transfer of “social remittances”: MOMID (Mainstreaming of Migration into Development), a joint project of the Government, IOM and UNDP 4
MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT • Component Objectives: • Ensuring compatibility of migrants’ talents and skills; • Balancing out the interests of government, business community and individual migrants; • Creating opportunities for the growth of migrants’ business activities 6
Ensuring Compatibility of Migrants’ Talents and Skills • • • Government Resolution No. 952 of December 16, 2011 approved a Methodology of Development and Revision of Employment Standards for Worker Occupations as the legal framework for designing employment standards in different occupations, whereby: o Responsibility has been assigned to the Industry Occupational Training Committee for drafting employment standards in respective occupations; The National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining has approved the Operational Statute of Industry Committees; New industry committees have been set up under said regulations and the process of designing and approving draft employment standards has been initiated. Order No. 18 of the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family of February 1, 2013, and Order No. 64 of the Ministry of Education of February 11, 2013, approved four employment standards: plumber and house painter in the construction industry and confectioner and grape grower in the agroindustry, published in the Official Monitor. Work is under way to develop a number of other standards 7
• Government Resolution No. 97 of February 1, 2013 approved a Strategy for Development of Occupational Training and Technical Education for 20132020 and Action Plan to introduce it, with a focus on: - Provisions for personnel training in the system of vocational technical education on the basis of developing competencies and meeting labor market demand through: - Setting up industry committees in 12 key national economic sectors for participation in developing standards of vocational technical education; - Development of employment standards; o. Development of a system for assessing informal education on the basis of a methodology for recognition of informal education; • A draft Concept of Informal Education Assessment and an Informal Education Assessment Methodology are being finalized; they will be the key documents guiding the assessment the competencies and skills acquired by migrants while abroad 8
Draft Law on Worker Occupations • The purpose is regulation of relations between the labor market and occupational training • Includes provisions on occupations, correlation of vocational education and the labor market, the role of government and social partners, including industry committees, in regulating occupations; forms of education, qualifications, obtaining, recognition and conferral of qualifications, tools and methods used to regulate worker occupations: employment standards, the National Qualifications Schedule, methodologies, etc. • Industry committee – a non-profit organization with the legal entity status, which has a technical secretariat and is financed: - out of the government budget for the operating expenditures of the technical secretariat; – out of the funds set aside by business entities for occupational training as per the Labor Code; – out of such other sources as donations or sponsors’ contributions. • Employment standards – a regulation reflecting labor market requirements and best practices of national economic sectors; it is drafted by industry committees on the basis of the socioeconomic development of the state. 9
Key Activities under the Plan to Introduce National Strategy on Migration and Asylum • Drafting of programs to encourage Moldovan migrants working abroad and their re-integration (Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family jointly with other competent authorities) • Introduction and assessment of the PARE 1+1 pilot program to identify investments (with support from the IOM Project “Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EUMoldova Mobility Partnership. ” • Introduction of voluntary return programs and assistance to migrants in re-integration 10
PARE 1+1 Objective: Mobilization of the human and financial resources of Moldovan migrant workers to support Moldova’s sustainable economic development. Goals: • Better informing migrants and remittance recipients about business opportunities in Moldova; • Enhancing business skills of migrants and remittance recipients; • Encouraging the launch and growth of SMEs by migrants and remittance recipients; • Easing access for migrants and remittance recipients to financial resources needed to launch/grow SMEs in Moldova.
PARE 1+1 COMPONENTS Informing and communication Training and entrepreneurial support Business financing/1+1 rule Monitoring, post-financing and Program assessment
Origin of remittances in PARE 1+1 total 52% Ита 3% с Р ос 9% 5% Великобрит ания я и ец Гр 5% р ту г ал ия я По 4% па ни 3% ия ия нд рла Ис И лия 5% С Ш А 13
Spheres of activities of PARE 1+1 recipients Agriculture ü Crop farming/modernization of agrarian technology pool ü Hothouse construction (vegetables, fruit, flowers) ü Livestock breeding/construction or modernization of livestock farms, purchase of modern equipment ü Engineering services for agriculture ü Refrigerator equipment
Industry ü Leather ü Wood processing and furniture making ü Plastic goods manufacture ü Ceramics ü Clothes making ü Concrete, gypsum and cement products ü Flour and cereals ü Bakery products, pastry ü Mixed fodder production 15
Services ü Maintenance and cleaning of premises ü Vehicle servicing and repair ü Sports ü Recreation (recreational parks) ü Health care/medical diagnostics ü Driving schools ü Barber’s and hairdresser’s ü Tourist camps and canteens 16
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