Скачать презентацию Inclusion Strategies to Improve Research and Writing Skills Скачать презентацию Inclusion Strategies to Improve Research and Writing Skills


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Inclusion Strategies to Improve Research and Writing Skills of Secondary Students Professor Millie Gore Inclusion Strategies to Improve Research and Writing Skills of Secondary Students Professor Millie Gore Midwestern State University Wichita Falls, TX USA Millie. gore@mwsu. edu

The Writing Task • Requires critical thinking beyond that of reading • A difficult The Writing Task • Requires critical thinking beyond that of reading • A difficult task for most students • Extremely difficult for students with learning difficulties • Inclusion strategies help students with learning difficulties write successfully

Keys to Inclusive Writing Strategies • • Provide explicitness and structure Make the invisible Keys to Inclusive Writing Strategies • • Provide explicitness and structure Make the invisible Break process down into small steps Reduce uncertainty and stress

Two Guiding Theories • Pavio’s Dual Processing Theory – Visual input added to auditory Two Guiding Theories • Pavio’s Dual Processing Theory – Visual input added to auditory increases understanding and memory • Multicoding of Information – Kinesthetic input added to visual and auditory increases understanding and memory

Visual Tools • • • Have strong research support Make the invisible become visible Visual Tools • • • Have strong research support Make the invisible become visible Provide explicitness & structure Can break process down into small steps Reduce uncertainty and stress

Selecting a Research Topic • Venn Diagrams help to determine overlapping areas between student Selecting a Research Topic • Venn Diagrams help to determine overlapping areas between student interest and course content – Interview about interests – Specify content area – Co-construct Venn Diagram to determine overlap

Topic for my paper My Interests Music Food Technology This Class’s Topic The Music Topic for my paper My Interests Music Food Technology This Class’s Topic The Music Of the Great Depression The Great Depression

Narrowing the Topic • Concept webs help the student narrow the topic – Co-construct Narrowing the Topic • Concept webs help the student narrow the topic – Co-construct concept web – Suggest possible areas of inquiry – Help student narrow focus

Will be subsumed. Effects of Music on US In GD Types of Music In Will be subsumed. Effects of Music on US In GD Types of Music In US during GD Music and the Great Depression Effects of GD On Music in US Music industry In US during GP Famous US Musicians During GD Will be subsumed.

Identifying Parts of Report • Metaphorical drawing of house helps show importance of background Identifying Parts of Report • Metaphorical drawing of house helps show importance of background information – Draw house. – Label the ground with introduction and thesis statement. – Label foundation with background topics. – Label house with research questions. – Label roof with summary.

House Graphic Metaphor Summary & Conclusion What were the effects of the Great Depression House Graphic Metaphor Summary & Conclusion What were the effects of the Great Depression on music in the US? What were the effects of music on the Great Depression in the US? What was the Great Depression? What is music? Introduction & Thesis Statement

Structuring the Infosearch • Taba’s Data Retrieval Chart helps organize the information search – Structuring the Infosearch • Taba’s Data Retrieval Chart helps organize the information search – Construct 5 -column matrix for major topics – List two or three questions down first column – List three sources across first row

Taba’s Data Retrieval Chart Wikipedia. org Cogsci. princ eton. edu http: //encarta. Summary msn. Taba’s Data Retrieval Chart Wikipedia. org Cogsci. princ eton. edu http: //encarta. Summary msn. com What is music? Still debated- Greek meaning: art/science governed by Muses - many cultures have no word for music, but have concept- contrast w/ noise; cultures restrict sounds as music “an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured & continuous manner” “artful arrangement of sounds across time” – pitch & timbre- culture determines- communication From Greek Muse. Definition still debated. Agreed: communication; structured; sounds & time culturally defined. What are some types? Thousands of genres in world; genres in US Include classical, popular (commercial), folk No info- Major genres in US: Western art music, religious, military, folk, popular, film, & show Thousands of culturally defined genres in world. In US: Western art (classical), pop (commercial) religious, military, folk, film, & show.

Taba’s Data Retrieval Chart Wikipedia. Org (refereed public online encyclopedia) What was the Great Taba’s Data Retrieval Chart Wikipedia. Org (refereed public online encyclopedia) What was the Great Depression? What caused the Great Depression? PBS. org (public broadcasting) encarta. ms n. com (respected encyclopedia) Summary

Taba’s Data Retrieval Chart PBS. org (public broadcasting) How did music affect the GD Taba’s Data Retrieval Chart PBS. org (public broadcasting) How did music affect the GD in US? How did the GD affect music in US? Trinity. edu (university) Cmeabayse ction. org (music educators’ org) Summary

Evaluating two Options • The Multiattribute Utility Theory matrix helps evaluate two or more Evaluating two Options • The Multiattribute Utility Theory matrix helps evaluate two or more options – Create a matrix – List important criteria in first column – Weight each criterion – List options in first row – Score each option on each criterion – Total

MAUT Matrix for Evaluation Senate Bill 101 House Bill 101 Provisions for free breakfast MAUT Matrix for Evaluation Senate Bill 101 House Bill 101 Provisions for free breakfast for poor children 0 -3 1 3 Provisions for free lunch for poor children 0 -3 2 3 Provisions for art & music instruction 0 -2 0 2 Provisions for small class size 0 -4 1 3 Total 4 11

Providing a Template • Templates structure the writing task thus reducing uncertainty and stress Providing a Template • Templates structure the writing task thus reducing uncertainty and stress – Multiple template options • Create a template • Use a template in a wordprocessing program

Music and the Great Depression in the United States of America By Marci Dogwood Music and the Great Depression in the United States of America By Marci Dogwood September, 2005 Introduction (1 paragraph, 5 -7 sentences) What is Music? (4 -6 paragraphs) What was the Great Depression in the USA? (8 -10 paragraphs; includes causes) What were the effects of music on the Great Depression and the Great Depression on music in the USA? (12 -16 paragraphs) Summary & Conclusion 1 -3 paragraphs References

Providing an Exemplary Paper • An exemplary paper on a different topic reduces uncertainty Providing an Exemplary Paper • An exemplary paper on a different topic reduces uncertainty and stress – Serves as a concrete in-hand model – Answers many questions that arise

Editing the Paper • Rubrics provide guidance in writing and editing the paper thus Editing the Paper • Rubrics provide guidance in writing and editing the paper thus reducing uncertainty and stress – Multiple rubric options • Create your own • Select one from a writing website

Report Rubric 10 points Organization 20 points Logic difficult to follow. Logic often easy Report Rubric 10 points Organization 20 points Logic difficult to follow. Logic often easy to Ideas not expressed follow. Ideas often clearly. flow clearly, but other times are difficult to follow. Completeness Some major points are addressed. Few supporting details. Fewer than 8 pages. 25 points Logic easy to follow. Ideas flow clearly, from sentence to paragraph, to section, to entire paper. All major & minor points addressed. Some supporting details. 8 -10 pages. Major & minor points are well covered. Strong supporting details. 10+ pages. Referenced Some material not referenced. Reference section incomplete. All material referenced. Reference section generally follows required format. All material referenced. Referenced section follows required format. Grammar More than 5 errors in grammar/spelling. From 1 -4 errors in grammar/spelling. Flawless grammar and spelling.

Summary Inclusion Strategies for Writing • • Provide explicitness and structure Make the invisible Summary Inclusion Strategies for Writing • • Provide explicitness and structure Make the invisible Break process down into small steps Reduce uncertainty and stress

Reference • Gore, M. C. (2004). Successful inclusion strategies for secondary and middle school Reference • Gore, M. C. (2004). Successful inclusion strategies for secondary and middle school teachers: Keys to helping struggling learners access the curriculum. – New York: Corwin Press – London: Sage Publications Ltd. – New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.