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IN THE NEWS e. Token Enterprise, the plug-and-play ready-to-use software that allows IT administrators to easily integrate e. Token into their existing security framework, provides organizations with strong Windows 2000/XP Smart Card Logon, security for online web services and VPNs (Virtual Private Networks). e. Token is a durable USB key that serves as an inexpensive, yet extremely reliable two-factor authentication device for organizations. For example, organizations using e. Token for Windows 2000/XP Smart Card Logon, the employee must plug in the e. Token (something he has) and type in the e. Token password (something he knows). This proves to be a highly secure and yet easily integrated solution for all types of environments. 1
2001 -2002 Coverage 2
”You could actually dry off the coffee, and they still worked, " says Predictive Systems CTO Anish Bhimani. - e. Token customer quote in Computerworld article In her January 2002 article, Deborah Radcliffe of Computerworld, wrote: “Before selecting a token to authenticate users for its People. Soft resources, Predictive Systems Inc. , a New York-based IT consulting firm, ran the tokens through a gantlet - banging them, stepping on them, dropping them in coffee. The company settled on USB plug-in tokens from Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. in Chicago. ” 3
SC Magazine “e. Token’s portability and security provide not only a method to ensure powerful data integrity, authentication and encryption, but also a convenient way of gaining peace of mind by carrying your digital identity with you. ” - Paul Robinson, SC Magazine BEST SECURITY HARDWARE AWARD 2001 In a February 2001 review, SC Magazine wrote: “e. Token and i. Key are very similar products…I think the e. Token kit does get the edge though in documentation. The SDK user manual is easier to follow…The e. Token and i. Key editors work in a pretty similar fashion, although I would say that the e. Token editor is more intuitive. ” 4
“Aladdin Knowledge Systems Inc. this week will introduce its Universal Serial Bus-based authentication token, which offers 1, 024 -bit encryption. Dubbed e. Token Pro, the device is about the size of a house key and plugs directly into the port. ” - Jeffrey Burt, e. Week A Token for Encryption The Tel Aviv, Israel, company's tokens can be used for authentication as well as digital signatures and carry an onboard cryptographic processor…It also supports all of the major public-key infrastructure applications from vendors such as Baltimore Technologies Inc. , Entrust Technologies Inc. and Veri. Sign Inc. 5
“There are no effective painless security systems, but taking care not to lose the machine and secure access in case it does disappear are worth the trouble…Consider products from the Israeli security company Aladdin Knowledge Systems, especially the new USB-based Aladdin e. Token PRO, a $50 key-size gizmo you can literally keep on your key chain. It's a great product, with 1 Kb encryption. ” -Jim Seymour, PC Magazine 7
“e. Token contains the same components as a smart card but in a much smaller package…containing a USB connector cable so you can easily plug the e. Token into a computer’s USB Port. This is important for several reasons, but the most significant is that it eliminates the need to purchase and deploy smart card readers for every computer in your enterprise. ” Wayne Rash ZDNet Writer -ZDNet COMDEX Fall Article 8
RANDOM ACCESS “Key to security… Want to lock up your network? “Aladdin Knowledge Systems' offers e. Token Pro. It is the size of a house key and usually carried on a key chain. Workers simply plug it into a PC's universal serial bus port to get into the network. Prices start at $37 per token. ” -Business. Week Digital Manager 9
“One company taking advantage of the new HIPAA regulations is Aladdin Knowledge Systems…retained by California-based MEDe. Pass to product electronic tokens that will store MEDe. Pass data and allow doctors to access secure patient files from any location. Aladdin’s plastic-encased tokens are commonly used in other industries to secure computer networks. ” Samantha Marshall Crain’s Health Pulse Reporter 10
The Ultimate Authentication Technology ! 11