In the chemical laboratory.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
In the chemical laboratory Горяинова Валентина Сидоренко Анжелика Крестьянова Валерия Бостанова Мадина
The course of training at any pharmaceutical institute is impossible without practical classes in chemistry. They are held in the chemical laboratories.
The laboratory has its own equipment. In our experiments we use laboratory vessels and glassware of different kinds.
Test-tubes A test tube with a stopper is often used for temporary storage of chemical or biological samples. Test tubes are usually held in specialpurpose racks, clamps, or tongs.
A burette (also buret) is a vertical cylindrical piece of laboratory glassware with a volumetric graduation on its full length and a precision tap, or stopcock, on the bottom.
Funnel is a pipe with a wide, often conical mouth and a narrow stem. It is used to channel liquid or finegrained substances into containers with a small opening
The microscope is widely used in medicine and biology M i c r o s c o p e
Analytical balances are accurate and precise instruments used to measure masses. They require a draftfree location on a solid bench that is free of vibrations.
distillators for obtaining distilled water as the running water contains various impurities Distillators
Burners to heat solutions and thermometers.
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In the chemical laboratory.pptx