- Количество слайдов: 12
In the beginning. . . • When God began to create the heaven and the earth---the earth was at that time without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep---then God said: Let there be light…. • Creation out of nothing?
Signs of the Priestly Writer • • • God Six days/seven days (God keeps sabbath) Be fruitful and multiply--9: 1 Vegetarian diet; 9: 3 Elleh toledoth Remoteness of God vs. immanence of Yahweh in chaps 23 • “Creates” vs acts, forms, breathes, plants • male and female vs. the man and his wife • Wild animals of the earth; animals of the field (2: 19)
The Days of Creation • Day One: Let there be light • Day Two: “firmament” • Day Three: land vegetation • Day Four: big one, little one…and also the stars • Day Five: birds and fish • Day Six: animals and man-woman
The Sabbath • Focus moves from heaven to earth • artificiality of 7 -day structure (8 creation events) • 7 regular days in a regular 7 -day week • If God rests, why not we? (counter cultural) • Exod 31: 12 -17: Sabbath as sign of covenant
Enuma elish (when on high…) • • • Ti’amat and Kingu challenge divine council Marduk elected king of the gods (word) Defeats Ti’amat; Kingu imprisoned creation of earth and sky from Ti’amat gods complain about work; Marduk creates humans out of blood of Kingu to work in place of gods; city of Babylon and temple of Marduk
Contrast between Babylonian and Biblical Worldviews • political function--rise of city of Babylon • Conflict among gods; Genesis--only birdies, beasties, and fishies • power of word…in Babylon and in Israel’s exile • transcendent God (no sex, magic) • does creation “end” in space (temple) or in time?
Message to Israel in exile • word--power behind God’s promise = Genesis 9; only reliable basis for faith • Be fruitful and multiply • vs. astrology
The human vocation • anthropology: humans are evil and slaves in Enuma elish vs. “very good” and royal vocation in Genesis 1 • Psalm 8 • image of God--rulership. We are God’s good creatures
Toledoth = Generations • Heaven and earth (2: 4 a) • Adam (5: 1)* • Noah (6: 9) • Sons of Noah (10: 1)* • Shem (11: 10)* • • • Terah (11: 27)* Ishmael (25: 12)* Isaac (25: 19) Esau/Edom (36: 1, 9)* Jacob (37: 2) [Aaron and Moses-Numbers 3] Asterisk = followed by genealogy Italics = no longer center stage
Creation and evolution • Variety of biblical pictures (Gen 1 and 2; Yahweh vs the sea--Isa 27: 1 -2; 54: 9 -11; Psa 74: 12 -17; 89: 1 -14; 25) • Genesis 1 is truthful expression within one ancient worldview • I believe that God made ME and all creatures • How do we affirm creation within early 21 st century science?
The Structural Beauty of Genesis 1 • 7 x “created” (1: 1, 27 -27 -27, 2: 3, 4) • 7 x good: light, land seas, vegetation, heavenly bodies, sea monsters and birds, animals, everything was very good • Blessings announced: – 1: 22 first biological life--fish and birds – 1: 28 man and woman--but not land animals – 2: 3 the seventh day
7 elements in descriptions of days – God said – Let there be – It was so – God separated…God made – Word of blessing or naming – God saw it was good – Evening and morning