Скачать презентацию In Store Lighting Manual Principles of Proper Скачать презентацию In Store Lighting Manual Principles of Proper


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In Store Lighting Manual In Store Lighting Manual

Principles of Proper Lighting • Store lighting should be directed to visual elements. (images, Principles of Proper Lighting • Store lighting should be directed to visual elements. (images, displays, mannequins…. ) • Proper lighting should be done; - To create a relaxed atmosphere, - To attract the attention of the customers on certain products, - To help the customers to view the quality of products quickly and acurately, - To speed up the in-store traffic, - To help to motivate the staff, - To make an easier self service and self selection process. 2

Lighting Mistakes As the spot lights directed to the higher areas on the walls, Lighting Mistakes As the spot lights directed to the higher areas on the walls, the enlightment is on the walls instead of the products. Spot angles are wrong. Spot lights should be enlighten the wall and the products equally. 3

Lighting Mistakes Spots angles are wrong. Spot lights should be enlighten the wall and Lighting Mistakes Spots angles are wrong. Spot lights should be enlighten the wall and the products equally. Spot lights should enlighten the upper parts of mannequins or images. On the picture , the waist of the body form, is enlightened in a wrong way. 4

Lighting mistakes Spots angels are directed in a wrong way. Leaving the parts of Lighting mistakes Spots angels are directed in a wrong way. Leaving the parts of the wall in dark. 5

Lighting mistakes Spots angels are directed in a wrong way. 6 Lighting mistakes Spots angels are directed in a wrong way. 6

Correct Lighting Spots should illumunate the visual elements such as images, mannequins, products on Correct Lighting Spots should illumunate the visual elements such as images, mannequins, products on the faceouts. . . 7

Wrong Right 8 Wrong Right 8