- Количество слайдов: 7
In response to the following instructions this student produced the following poem Challenge! Write a silly poem. Write a poem that has an “ess” rhyme sound at the end of every line! Here is the first stanza to get you started. Once there was a little girl called Missy Molly Bess. Her father was a baker, her mum, a baroness. Missy Mollly wasn’t jolly. She was in great distress Because her parents never once –not ever- uttered “yes”.
Once upon a time there lived a girl called Molly Bess Her father was a banker and her mother a baroness Nonetheless, Molly’s life seemed colourless Because every day she did nothing but play chess And one day Molly decided what to profess She said “I want to be a stewardess”, Her parents cried with bitterness “This is madness” And they accused her of silliness Her mother cried “What have I done to deserve this mess? “I couldn’t possibly ask for less!” Who could imagine my daughter end up a stewardess Instead of a duchess or a princess Have I not taught you how to play chess? And how to walk with the best of finesse? In the most expensive silk dress? Ten years passed; Molly became a woman full of experience and was also fond of eating chips with mayonnaise. Finally she ended up a successful authoress And forgot all about turning into a stewardess And to her mum’s and dad’s happiness Miss Molly Bess was a great success Dimitra Stamatoudaki
Once there was a teenage girl called Miss Molly Bess Her father was a salesman, her mum a waitress Miss Molly wasn’t happy. She was in great stress Because she had a test the fear of which she could not express Next day in the test she had great success She managed her mates and teacher to impress Her brother who looked like the Es Es Even called her a “princess” Because of her progress And mum gave her six pence But she needed more to buy a dress When she asked for it the answer was “Yes” But she had to promise mum not to be careless And clean her room because it was a mess When Miss Molly Bess Went to the shops to buy a red striped dress That her figure would stress , She met an old school friend, named Tess “Hello, Tess. It’s a surprise to see you in such finesse. I remember you always wanted to be a poetess But you work in a shop nonetheless” Yes, indeed , Tess had to confess and first gave Molly her address. It would have been reckless to become a poetess And I was afraid I would end up penniless Which would give me great unhappiness. As for Miss Molly Bess, she wanted to be an actress To have great success and the people to obsess. But her parents refused to bless her and say yes So she became an assistant just like Tess. Elena Santoukou
Once upon a time there was a girl filled with silliness Called Miss Molly Bess Her friends she always wanted to impress So she decided to be the greatest poetess The only thing she did nevertheless Was to get her life in a big mess. So, here’s the story without any excess. Ten years passed and Molly became ambitionless. She wrote poems of her loneliness. Her life was really colourless. She missed Tess and with it obsessed She went looking for him and this time had success Tess had got tired of his mistress, the stewardess. And Molly happy now wrote about her happiness. When she was twenty our little princess Fell in love with a boy called Tess But, tired of her carelessness, He abandoned her for a stewardess. Now, Miss Molly Bess was in distress And decided to digress So she became a waitress But never forgot her dream to become a poetess. Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess Called Miss Molly Bess She always thought of herself as a poetess But was in fact a simple waitress She knew how to play chess Poetry filled her emptiness And entered a competition for the greatest poetess But since her talent they could not assess She ended up as the queen of chips and mayonnaise. Lida Kalliaropoulou
ss Be ess. n lly Mo baro d a le , cal mum cess. rl r gi e ss rin s a n, h e a p eline o n wa s re a bar ed lik of lo ues ess ss e th as at full n’t g a m ss. pre ce e tre s m e d On ther w was e wa coul er lif car to i. fa She r lif nts de h ome how ess e are er as h ch ma d s th bu er p had eede red w ying H ey la a n ? ” th t she ther c usy p Tess w ho d tha r mo as b visit ss. s!” e er w n I e itres , n a gh h s a y. B a s” hin r fat m, c Moll s a w ones ss, t ces i u e r ly in on nd h - “M sked ther e ba st dre e pr e A mo a th s. e th Th r loud ur b end, Bess lines e t il ri yo th ly Bu d ou ear my f Mol ll of s ss s! -“ ie w es aid fu pine rdes ss. . r c and om ” s a re o w c yes s we nhap stew ddre s G o “ a , u a nt es n te , mum pare te of ome ve no f str s. u min “Yes t her a sta ll bec ’ ll ha lot o mes ess y a s a cc I in I’ an ha g t was ht: “ and them e wa o su in ink She thoug to do use y lif ad n , s. th e hing d ca at m till h uess lines sh t s h e en best ar an see t ess uld g lon h h w e pe m ly B co wit s th disap e the Mol yone ents vi It’ ”ll a k n r e I ma later as a er pa a Sk o t r d s an illed h atas yea A N df ha she
Let’s think everyone is an eye-witness. Let’s think that we observe and record what happens to our world. There is chaos, there is madness. There’s evil, there is bitterness. I see emptine s. ee pettiness, Also, I s neglectfulnes t a tendency to o ess. I see we‘ve g I record firmn rd coldness, I reco opelessness n see more h I eve Everyone is chasing greatness, everyone cares about fitness. Nothing exists but greediness So, we say “mind your own business: . When I dre am, I dream of goodnes I dream of p s. eople full o f kindness a world with out aggress iveness Where we c ouldn’t pas s s into nothin ameles gness. being n ed. e stopp ppiness g that w htness and ha iveness Providin was brig and forg re ness , that the that conscious itfulness ? ed dece hout darkness oviding c Pr nd repla world wit a returned e live in a n’t w So, start dreaming of friendliness, Would of a world of progressiveness! Start having impulsiveness, leave your narrow – mindedness, and your heartlessness! e world will b is way, our – ness! Only th s ending in ive” word full of “posit ou Eirine Sim
Once th er Her fath e was a little gir er l called M Missy M was a doctor, her mom issy Molly Bes olly was s. n’t jolly, and alw a baron she was ess. ays trie dt in great Her par distress ents did o find ways to escape nothing that her from the , bu ro press. and tha om was a terrib t always overs tress, t she co le mess uldn’t ke She wa ep it in s also a neatnes lways a and silli s. ccused ness. of care lessnes s ss, to be an actre Bess wanted sy Molly le to obsess. However, Mis and the peop success ss to have great buy a tight dre also wanted to She slimness, ayonnaise. To stress her ng fish with m pt despite eati which she ke Missy Molly , nonethele ss, was suff because no ering from lo t only did h neli er parents m but they did anage her to ness, n’t also let h oppress, er go to her So, her life friends to p was colourl lay chess. ess, in dark ness. olly Bess M and Missy illiness ar passed A full ye be full of s thought to tress who was ac ess a famous dy to impr ended up d everybo anage and she m finesse! eal she had r Efi Kassimati