In its area (313 km of) the country was ranked 9 th in Europe
In south-western: Sudetenland, in the south: the Carpathians. The largest Polish rivers: the Vistula and Odra
Population of 39 million people. The main population - Poles (97%) Official language - Polish; English, German, Russian
WARSAW – capital of Poland. It is an administrative, industrial, cultural and scientific center. Center for big business.
Royal Castle symbol of the historical heritage (15 -16 century)
Old City (middle ages)
KRAKOW - capital of Poland in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. One of the oldest city of Poland.
GDANSK - in the past, was one of the largest merchant cities.
Fair of St. Dominik
LUBLIN - one of the important industrial and cultural centers.
CZENSTOCHOWA - the world's largest pilgrimage center.
ZAKOPANE – winter capital of Poland.
SZCZECIN - large city and port. Most historical sites connected with Szczecin Maritime tradition and commerce.
Poland - "country of soup". • beetroot "Botvinko" • cabbage soup "kapusnyak" • soup of potatoes, vegetables and cereals Mushrooms are very popular.
Dough - an indispensable attribute of a traditional desktop
Popular are vodka ("Zhitnaya" or "Zubrivka"), brandy and beer. Very popular non-alcoholic beverages – brew, pudding
Poles are the people who love holidays, follow the traditions and long-custom