Improving the Response to AIDS in the Workplace The AIDS Accountability Workplace Scorecard SA AIDS Conference 2011, Durban
Outline • Introduction to AAI • The AIDS Accountability Workplace Scorecard – – Goals and objectives Accountability framework and basis of assessment Scorecard structure Data collection and analysis • The SA Business AIDS Awards
AAI central idea To generate incentives that help mobilize and sustain effective responses to AIDS at the necessary scale
AAI basic strategy To develop research-based scorecards that give powerful leverage to public and stakeholder demands for accountability
AIDS Accountability Workplace Scorecard To stimulate improved HIV and AIDS workplace programmes in the countries and sectors most exposed to the disease Ultimately improve health conditions for employees, their families and communities
AIDS Accountability Workplace Scorecard
Stakeholder Consultation • • • Gavin George, HEARD, University of Kwa. Zulu-Natal ILO UN Global Compact International Trade Union Confederation SABCOHA Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB & Malaria Swedish Workplace HIV/Aids Programme Norges Bank SANS 16001
Business solution • Relevant, actionable and useful information to senior management • Recognition of commitments • Comparison with other businesses at sector, industry or country level
Accountability mechanism • Data collection and reporting • Stakeholder dialogue • Action to improve
Guiding principles • Human rights • Gender equality • Evidence based approaches
Scorecard structure • • Governance Prevention Treatment, Care and Support Programme Extension
Data collection and analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. Self-administered survey questionnaire Validation Ranking analysis against benchmarks Recommendations
Pilot study • March to May, 2011. • 7 companies representing extraction, manufacturing, services and wholesale and retail trade. • Improved scorecard to be launched in August, 2011.
SA Business AIDS Awards • • • AAI and SABCOHA partnership Annual awards SABCOHA members Per sector/industry/category Web-based reporting system
SA Business AIDS Awards AAI’s Scorecard analysis will generate: • Short list of candidates for jury • Recommendations • Report and case studies • SABCOHA will provide programmatic advice/assistance.
The idea of an award to incentivise companies to report on their HIV and AIDS programmes by recognizing excellent workplace interventions
Get involved • Rank your workplace programme • Collaborate with AAI on M&E, research or outreach • Fund or support the scorecard initiative
Johanna Löfgren johanna@aidsaccountability. org www. aidsaccountability. org