- Количество слайдов: 8
Improved performance of the Diabetes LDL control measure Dr Stuart V Demirs MD
Definition • DM LDL testing- number of active patients with Diabetes, aged 18 -75 years who had a resulted LDL value during the measurement year • DM LDL Control- Number of active patients with diabetes, aged 18 -75 whose most recent LDL measurement is less than 100 during the measurement year
Multi-step process to obtain data • Conversation with patient upon diagnosis of diabetes • Medication perscribed on second or third visit • Need patient to “buy in” to taking cholesterol lowering medications • Ensure compliance with medications and diet- referral to Nurse Care Manager
Entering Data in correct fields • Polaris “ EPI Chart” data is entered in preventive care tab • Data was “scrubbed” (some patients were not actually diabetic or were no longer our patients) • LDL result received from South County Hospital lab has to be manually entered in preventive care tab
Role of Nurse Practitioner • • Education of patients Awareness of CSI measures Entering data in preventive care Team approach awareness of CSI measures in treating chronic disease • Entering data in preventive care • Team approach
Role of Nurse Care Manager • Referral for diabetes education • Reinforcement of diet and medication compliance • Communication with physician and nurse practitioner when lab work is due or medications change. Assist in communication with outside endocrinologists and obtaining lab results from outside labs
LDL measure awareness • Discussion of measures at monthly CSI meetings • The presence of the measure has prompted us better educate and treat our patients with Diabetes and other chronic diseases • Monthly discussions reinforce entering of the data into the proper fields
Conclusion • Compliance with the LDL measure is a multi-step process, and often takes a few visits to convince the patients to comply with their medications • A team approach to care and awareness of entering data into the proper fields has helped us to improve our data for the LDL control measure of diabetes