Скачать презентацию Improve Competitiveness and Increase Postharvest Value Chain of Скачать презентацию Improve Competitiveness and Increase Postharvest Value Chain of


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Improve Competitiveness and Increase Postharvest Value Chain of Smallholder Farmers Financed Through 10 th Improve Competitiveness and Increase Postharvest Value Chain of Smallholder Farmers Financed Through 10 th EDF - EU Support to the SAGCOT Initiative Programme Contracting Authority: National Authorizing Officer for EDF - Ministry of Finance, United Republic of Tanzania

OUTLINES Context Objectives Expected results and priority areas Amount available Size of the grants OUTLINES Context Objectives Expected results and priority areas Amount available Size of the grants Who is eligible? Partnerships Eligible actions Eligible costs Ineligible costs Submission of the application Evaluation Indicative time table

Context The European Union is a long standing partner of Tanzania in Agriculture and Context The European Union is a long standing partner of Tanzania in Agriculture and Food Security This is demonstrated by various supports in the sector including the Trade and Agriculture Support Programme and the current SAGCOT intervention The SAGCOT initiative is a public-private partnership dedicated to ensure food security, reduce poverty, and spur economic development

Context More than 80% of the active population in the SAGCOT area is engaged Context More than 80% of the active population in the SAGCOT area is engaged in agriculture The area benefits of very favorable agro-climatic conditions for agriculture activities and there has been a clear shift towards commercial farming The main commercial crop in the SAGCOT area is sugarcane, while rice, maize and banana are grown for both subsistence and commercial purposes Around 90% of rice production in the area is by smallholder farmers

Context Despite this high potential, agriculture value chain in the area continues to experience Context Despite this high potential, agriculture value chain in the area continues to experience several challenges such as: ü Poor distribution of inputs ü Poor quality control ü Insufficient irrigation ü Inadequate affordable credits ü Limited use of technology and mechanization ü Inefficient and fragmented market chains ü Weak farmers organizations

Context ü Inadequate storage facilities ü Inefficient milling systems ü High transport costs caused Context ü Inadequate storage facilities ü Inefficient milling systems ü High transport costs caused by poor conditions of the feeder roads The current intervention aims to address some of these challenges hence improve competitiveness and postharvest value chain of smallholder rice farmers in the SAGCOT area

Objectives Global objectives: The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to contribute Objectives Global objectives: The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to contribute to the SAGCOT initiative so economic development of the corridor benefit small-scale farming, improving value chain of small holder and reducing rural poverty. Specific objective: Specifically this Call for Proposals aim to increase competitiveness and improve post-harvest value chain of small holder farmers in Morogoro and Iringa regions.

Priorities & Expected results Priorities: The support will focus on postharvest and value chains Priorities & Expected results Priorities: The support will focus on postharvest and value chains development for small scale farming systems in Morogoro and Iringa regions The target crop will be rice as one the most important food and commercial crops Support the opportunity of smallholder farmers in particular women and youth to become emergent commercial farmers Enhance gender empowerment and control of women over assets and incomes

Priorities & Expected results: 1) Strengthen capacities of smallholder rice farmer associations or cooperatives Priorities & Expected results: 1) Strengthen capacities of smallholder rice farmer associations or cooperatives on postharvest processes 2) Strengthen smallholder innovative and sustainable farmers marketing systems and related capacities of market linkage 3) Rehabilitate and provide postharvest facilities including storage, as well as promoting professional management 4) Strengthen coordination, synergies and complementarities with on-going initiatives

Fund available The total indicative amount available under this Call for Proposals is EUR Fund available The total indicative amount available under this Call for Proposals is EUR 4, 500, 000. However, the Contracting Authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.

Size of the grants Grant amount: Between EUR 750 000 and EUR 1 500 Size of the grants Grant amount: Between EUR 750 000 and EUR 1 500 000 The grant cannot be 100% of the total overall budget (of eligible costs) Minimum percentage: 50 % of the total estimated eligible costs of the action Maximum percentage: 80 % of the total estimated eligible costs of the action The balance must be financed from the resources of the applicant, those of a project partner, or a source of funding outside the budget of the European Union or the European Development Fund

Who is eligible? All legal entities i. e. : Be registered prior to the Who is eligible? All legal entities i. e. : Be registered prior to the date of publication of the call Be non-profit making (co-applicants may be profit making) NGO, public sector operator, local authority, international (inter-governmental) organisations, research institute Be established in eligible countries included in Annex IV of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement Directly responsible in the preparation and implementation of the action with their partners, not acting as an intermediary

Partnership is compulsory composed one or more partners for lead applicants established outside Tanzania Partnership is compulsory composed one or more partners for lead applicants established outside Tanzania Applicants who are not established in TZ must have at least one Tanzanian partner Applicants’ partners participate in designing and implementing the action and the costs they incur are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the grant beneficiary

Partnership…………… The following are not partners and do not have to sign the “partnership Partnership…………… The following are not partners and do not have to sign the “partnership statement”: Associates: Other organisations that play a real role in implementing the action Contractors: Are neither partners nor associates, and are subject to the procurement rules set out in Annex IV to the standard grant contract Sub-grantees: Are neither partners nor associates nor contractors they are beneficiaries

Eligible actions An action = a set of activities Every action must respond to Eligible actions An action = a set of activities Every action must respond to the objectives and priorities of the call for proposals Planned duration of an action may be not lower than 36 months or exceed 48 months Action concerned only or mainly with financing of running cost, salaries, human resources of applicant or co-applicant and international travel.

Prioritized activities Capacity building and training to small holder farmer organization in postharvest value Prioritized activities Capacity building and training to small holder farmer organization in postharvest value chain. Infrastructure storage or small scale processing facilities rehabilitation or purchased (if justified) Low cost innovative post-harvest technology transfer Improved market linkages.

Note that! A lead applicant may not: Submit more than ONE application under this Note that! A lead applicant may not: Submit more than ONE application under this Call for Proposals Receive more than one grant under this Call for Proposals An lead applicant may: Participate as a co-applicant in another proposal Co-applicants may: Participate in more than one proposal

Eligible costs The grant covers eligible costs only Eligible costs = Actual costs based Eligible costs The grant covers eligible costs only Eligible costs = Actual costs based on realistic and cost effective budget Important points to include in the budget: An administrative and financial manager: to ensure sound management of the action Equipment: a limited part of the budget can be dedicated to the purchase of equipment (if justified) Visibility: for promotion and dissemination of the action Expenditure verification (audit): required at each request for prefinancing above 750. 000 € Contingency (5% maximum): this reserve can only be used with prior approval of the Contracting Authority Indirect (overhead) costs maximum 7% of the budget

Ineligible costs Contribution in kind Debts Debt interest Credits Interest on credit Real estate Ineligible costs Contribution in kind Debts Debt interest Credits Interest on credit Real estate Exchange rate losses Third part credit

Submission Postal address EDF – Programme Support Unit National Authorizing Officer (NAO) for the Submission Postal address EDF – Programme Support Unit National Authorizing Officer (NAO) for the European Development Fund in Tanzania Ministry of Finance P. O. Box 1851 Dar-es-Salaam Address for hand delivery or by private courier service EDF – Programme Support Unit Ministry of Finance Room 330, 2 nd floor Treasury Main Building Madaraka Street Dar-es-Salaam

Submission The deadline for the submission of Concept Note is 16 th of November Submission The deadline for the submission of Concept Note is 16 th of November 2015 as evidenced by the date of dispatch, the postmark or the date of the deposit slip. In the case of hand-deliveries, the deadline for receipt is at 10: 00 a. m Dar-es-Salaam local time as evidenced by the signed and dated receipt Any Concept Note submitted after the deadline will automatically be rejected

Questions and clarification Questions may be sent by e-mail or by fax no later Questions and clarification Questions may be sent by e-mail or by fax no later than 21 days before the deadline for the submission of concept notes Question can be send to the below addresses: Ø E-mail address: admin@psu. go. tz Ø Fax: +255 22 2116597 The Contracting Authority has no obligation to provide further clarifications after this date Replies will be given no later than 11 days before the deadline for the submission of concept notes

Evaluation Applications will be examined and evaluated by the Contracting Authority with the possible Evaluation Applications will be examined and evaluated by the Contracting Authority with the possible assistance of external assessors All actions submitted by applicants will be assessed according to the following steps Step 1: Involve opening, administrative check (deadline and eligible criteria), evaluation of concept notes in terms of relevance and design of the action

Evaluation Step 2: entails evaluation of the full application forms i. e. evaluation of Evaluation Step 2: entails evaluation of the full application forms i. e. evaluation of the financial and technical capacity of the applicant; experience and quality of the proposal, effectiveness and feasibility of the action; relevance and sustainability of the action; budget and cost effectiveness of the action Step 3: verification of the eligibility of the applicants and their partners based on the supporting documents requested by the Contracting Authority (section 2. 1. 1, 2. 1. 2 & 2. 1. 3 of the guidelines)

Indicative time table Activity DATE TIME Information meeting 20/10/2015 10: 30 A. M. Deadline Indicative time table Activity DATE TIME Information meeting 20/10/2015 10: 30 A. M. Deadline for request for any clarifications from the Contracting Authority 27/10/2015 N/A Last date on which clarifications are issued by the Contracting Authority 05/11/2015 N/A Deadline for submission of Concept Notes 16/11/2015 10 am. Information to applicants on the opening & administrative checks and concept note evaluation (step 1) 15/01/2016* - Invitations for submission of Full Application Form 01/02/2016* - Deadline for submission of Full Application Form 20/06/2016* - Information to applicants on the evaluation of the Full Application Form (step 2) 20/06/2016* - Notification of award (after the eligibility check) (step 3) 15/07/2016* - Contract signature 01/09/2016* -

Thank you for your attention Welcome for questions and clarifications Thank you for your attention Welcome for questions and clarifications