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Import Control System (ICS) Implementation 01/07/2009
Regulation 648/2005 - Amending Council Regulation (EEC) 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code q Goods brought into the customs territory of the Community shall be covered by an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) q ENS shall be lodged at the customs office of 1 st entry by electronic means ü (Malta Customs expects an ENS for every consignment) q Persons responsible for the lodging of the ENS – Art. 36 b(3) and (4) ü The person who brings the goods into customs territory of the Community or who assumes responsibility for the carriage of the goods into the customs territory of the Community The person in whose name the person referred to above acts Any person who is able to present the goods in question or to have them presented to the competent Customs authority A representative of one of the persons referred to above ü ü (Malta Customs expects the carrier (the operator of the active means of transport) or his authorised freight forwarder to lodge the ENS)
Regulation 1875/2006 – Amending Regulation (EEC) 2454/93 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) 2913/92 q ü ü All goods brought into the Customs territory of the Community shall be covered by an ENS except in the following cases - Art 181 c Few examples: Electrical energy Goods entering by pipeline Letters, postcards and printed matter, including on electronic medium Goods carried on board vessels of regular shipping services
Regulation 1875/2006 – Amending Regulation 2454/93 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation 2913/92 (continued) q The ENS shall be made electronically and shall contain the particulars laid down in Annex 30 A q Maritime limit for the lodgement of the ENS – Art 184 a (1) ü Containerised cargo - at least 24 hours before loading at the port of departure Bulk/break bulk cargo – at least 4 hours before arrival at the first port in the Customs territory of the Community ü
Regulation 1875/2006 – Amending Regulation 2454/93 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation 2913/92 (continued) ü Movement between Greenland, the Faeroe Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Norway, Iceland or ports on the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Black Sea or the Mediterranean, all ports of Morocco and the customs territory of the Community with the exception of the French overseas departments, the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands, at least 2 hours before arrival at the first port of the customs territory of the Community ü Movements, other than the above, between a territory outside the customs territory of the Community and the French overseas departments, the Azores, Madeira or the Canary Islands, where the duration of the voyage is less than 24 hours – at least 2 hours before arrival at the first port in the customs territory of the Community
Regulation 1875/2006 – Amending Regulation 2454/93 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation 2913/92 (continued) q Air traffic time limit for the lodgement of the ENS – Art 184 a (2) Short haul flights – at least by the time of the actual take off of the aircraft ü Long haul flights – at least four hours prior to arrival at the first airport in the customs territory of the Community ü
Regulation 1875/2006 – Amending Regulation 2454/93 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation 2913/92 (continued) q Risk Analysis Common risk analysis for safety and security applied throughout the EU Member states on all goods entering the customs territory of the Community ü Prior to the arrival of the goods, 1 st office of entry performs risk analysis for safety and security of all goods on board ü If risk is identified, the customs office of 1 st entry, depending upon the level of the threat, either take immediate action or pass on the risk analysis results to the subsequent ports or airports ü A DO NOT LOAD notification for maritime goods posing a serious threat to the safety and security of the Community ü
Basic processes of ICS (phase 1)
ICS interactions with traders
Contact Details q Helpdesk ü ü Tel. No. +356 21652541 Tel. No. +356 21652878 Fax. No. +356 21650250 E-mail address: pacs. customs@gov. mt