Implementation report Tempus JEP “Introduction of the ECTS at B&H Universities” Coordination meeting Banja Luka, 14. 11. 2006.
Project report II Project report it has been approved by ETF ¡ Project extension of 8 months – approved ¡ Deadline for submiting Final report is 30. June 2008. ¡ Second instalment transferd to Marburg University ¡ 2
Remarks and suggestions on the report To implement ECTS and the Bologna process at all B&H universities ¡ To repeat English courses for teaching staff and students ¡ To broad target groups for dissemination activities ¡ 3
Report on Monitoring ¡ ¡ Field monitoring visit took place on 8 June at the University of Tuzla Project has progressed well towards the achivment of its main outcomes 4
Reccomodations: Very good remarks on the project management ¡ To involve student representatives in the project meetings and in the implementation of activities ¡ To invlove as many faculties in the project as possible ¡ 5
Recommendations ¡ ¡ ¡ To continue with English courses for staff and students To finalise the setting up of the database for student administration Importance of establishing links with labour markets To elaborate clear strategy for student mobility inside of BIH and with EU universities Further curricula harmonisation 6
II Implemenatation report ¡ ¡ For period from February 2005 till June 2006 Activities carried out at each Bi. H University invloved in the Project reagrding the curricula harmonisation and ECTS 7
II Implemenatation report University of East Sarajevo, University of Mostar, University of Tuzla – implmented ECTS system at all faculites ¡ University of Sarajevo, University of Dzemal Bijedic Mostar, University of Bihac, University of Banja Luka – have not implmented ECTS at all faculties ¡ 8
II Implemenatation report ¡ Mobility: Workshop in Tuzla, June 2005 – financed by own resources Workshop in Gent, October 2005 Workshop in Tuzla, February 2006 Seminar in Sarajevo, May 2006 Workshop in Gent, June 2006 9
II Implemenatation report ¡ Experts visits: Dr. Christopher Moss visited University of Banja Luka and University of Tuzla – June 2005 Prof. Maciel Barbosa visited University of East Sarajevo and University of Sarajevo – Januray 2006 Dr. Christopher Moss visited University of Bihać and University of Banja Luka – June 2006 10
II Implemenatation report ¡ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Purchased equipment: Electronic copyboard table DLP Video projector Tel/fax machine Colour Laser Printer x 2 Computers x 2 Photo Copier Machine Servers 11
II Implemenatation report ¡ Dissemination Workshops/meetings were organised at each B&H university for the purpose of dissemination of Project activities Project web site – workshop reports, workshop presenatations 12
II Implemenatation report ¡ Scheduale of activities has to be changed for the third project year beacuse of the approved project extension 13