
  • Количество слайдов: 25

IMPLEMENTATION OF MONTREAL PROTOCOL IN INDIA Ozone Cell Government of India Ministry of Environment IMPLEMENTATION OF MONTREAL PROTOCOL IN INDIA Ozone Cell Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests 1

VIENNA CONVENTION AND MONTREAL PROTOCOL § The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the VIENNA CONVENTION AND MONTREAL PROTOCOL § The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer was signed on 22 March 1985. § The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed on 16 September 1987. § The Montreal Protocol is the most successful multienvironment agreement. § The Protocol has the Universal Ratification. 2

AMENDMENTS TO THE PROTOCOL § London Amendment (1990) § Inclusion of additional controlled substances AMENDMENTS TO THE PROTOCOL § London Amendment (1990) § Inclusion of additional controlled substances (CFCs, Methyl Chloroform, CTC, etc) § Inclusion of HCFCs as transitional substances § Establishment of Financial Mechanism-Multilateral Fund § Ten year Grace Period for Article 5 Parties § Copenhagen Amendment (1992) § Inclusion of HCFCs, HBFCs and Methyl Bromide as controlled substances § Montreal Amendment (1997) § Licensing system put in place § Beijing Amendment (1999) § Bromo-Chloromethane added as controlled substance for immediate phase-out. § Production Control of HCFCs 3

FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROTOCOL § As per the London Amendment (1990), FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROTOCOL § As per the London Amendment (1990), the Multilateral Fund (MLF) was set up and a financial mechanism was established to assist the Article 5 Countries for phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS). § India has been receiving financial and technical assistance to phase out production and consumption of ODS since 1993. § There is no budget allocation under planned scheme for implementation of the Montreal Protocol in India. § MLF has no specific annual budget for any country. § Projects are approved based on individual merit. 4

INDIA’S COMMITMENT TO THE MONTREAL PROTOCOL § 19 th June 1991 : India became INDIA’S COMMITMENT TO THE MONTREAL PROTOCOL § 19 th June 1991 : India became a Party to the Vienna convention. § 17 th September 1992 : India became a Party to the Montreal Protocol and ratified the London Amendment. § 3 rd March 2003 : India ratified Copenhagen Amendment (1992), Montreal Amendment (1997) and Beijing Amendment (1999). § November 1993 : India’s Country Programme was prepared. § January 2006 : India’s Country Programme was updated. 5

INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK IN INDIA § Ozone Cell is established under the Ministry of Environment INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK IN INDIA § Ozone Cell is established under the Ministry of Environment & Forests for undertaking activities relating to implementation of Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol. § Empowered Steering Committee (ESC) has been constituted in the MOEF with the approval of Cabinet. It is the apex body Chaired by Secretary (E&F) to take policy decisions and to oversee the overall implementation of the Montreal Protocol in India. § The following two Standing Committees have also been constituted set up to provide assistance on specific implementation issues to the Empowered Steering Committee (ESC) : 1. Technology and Finance Standing Committee. 2. Monitoring and Evaluation Committee. 6

LIST OF ODSs As per Article 2 of the Montreal Protocol, the total number LIST OF ODSs As per Article 2 of the Montreal Protocol, the total number of controlled substances are 96. The following controlled substances are historically produced and consumed in India. Substances CFC-11 CFC-12 CFC-113 Halon-1211 Halon-1301 Methyl Chlorofoam Carbontetrachloride Methyl bromide HCFC-22 HCFC-141 b HCFC-142 b Production Yes** No No Yes** No Consumption Yes** Yes** Yes* Yes No No Yes Yes *Quarantine & Pre-shipment. ** Phase-out of non-exempted production and consumption from 1. 1. 2010. 7

SECTOR WISE APPLICATIONS OF ODS AND THEIR SUBSTITUTES Sector ODS Used Substitutes Foam CFC-11 SECTOR WISE APPLICATIONS OF ODS AND THEIR SUBSTITUTES Sector ODS Used Substitutes Foam CFC-11 HCFC-141 b, Hydrocarbon, HFCs, Methyl Formate RAC CFC-11, CFC-12, HFC-134 a, Hydrocarbon, Ammonia, HCFC-123 HFC Blends Aerosol CFC-11, CFC-12 Hydrocarbon Aerosol Propellants (HAPs) Solvent CTC, Methyl Chloroform Trichloroethylene, Hexane Fire Ext. Halon-1211, Halon-1301 ABC Powder, CO 2, HFCs Q&P Methyl Bromide Yet to be identified 8

PRODUCTION & CONSUMPTION CONTROL SCHEDULE AS PER MONTREAL PROTOCOL ODS / Baseline (Prod. & PRODUCTION & CONSUMPTION CONTROL SCHEDULE AS PER MONTREAL PROTOCOL ODS / Baseline (Prod. & Cons. ) 2005 2007 2008 2010 2015 2030 CFC – P(22588 MT) C(6681 MT) 50 % 85 % 100% NA NA NA Halon – P( 95 MT) C(260 MT) 50 % - - 100 % NA NA CTC – P(11553 MT) C(11505 MT) 85 % - - 100 % NA NA MCF – P( Nil ) C(1467 MT ) 30 % - - 70 % 100 % NA Me. Br – P(108 MT) C( - ) 20 % - - - 100 % NA - - 10% 100 % HCFCs** **Baseline of HCFC : Production and Consumption average of 2009 and 2010 9

OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 § § Production and Consumption Control. OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 § § Production and Consumption Control. Ban on trade with non-Parties. Trade of ODS is regulated. Ban on creation of new capacity/expansion of ODS based industry. § Mandatory registration for production, sale and use of ODs. § Mandatory registration of manufacturers, importrs and exporters of compressors. § Registration for recycling, recovery and destruction of ODS. Authorities and procedures for registration defined. 10

OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 Contd. § Use of CFCs in OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 Contd. § Use of CFCs in manufacturing various products was phased out w. e. f. 1. 1. 2003, except in Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) and for other medical purposes. § Use of halons was phased out in manufacturing of fire extinguishers w. e. f. 1. 1. 2001. § Import and Export of ODS are subject to License issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) with the consent of Mo. EF. § Registration of enterprises using ODS was extended. § Import of CFCs are banned from 18. 09. 2007. 11

FISCAL INCENTIVES AND MEASURES § Customs and Excise duty exemptions on capital goods in FISCAL INCENTIVES AND MEASURES § Customs and Excise duty exemptions on capital goods in case of ODS phase out Projects (from 1995). § Customs and Excise duty exemptions on capital goods for establishment of industry with non-ODS technology (from 1997). 12

ODS PHASE OUT-INDIA’S ACHIEVEMENTS § As of January 1, 2010, the production and consumption ODS PHASE OUT-INDIA’S ACHIEVEMENTS § As of January 1, 2010, the production and consumption of CFCs, CTC and Halons were phased out completely as per the Montreal Protocol time schedule, except the use of CFCs in Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) under the Essential Use Nominations (EUN). CFC Phase out § Freeze of CFC Production and Consumption in July 1999 at 22588 ODP tonnes and 6681 ODP tonnes respectively § 50% reduction of CFC Production and Consumption in 2005. § Accelerated Phase out of CFCs from 1. 8. 2008, 17 months prior to the Montreal Protocol Schedule, except use of pharma grade CFCs for manufacture of MDIs in 2008 and 2009. 13

ODS PHASE OUT-INDIA’S ACHIEVEMENTS (Contd. ) CTC Phase out § Freeze of CTC Production ODS PHASE OUT-INDIA’S ACHIEVEMENTS (Contd. ) CTC Phase out § Freeze of CTC Production and Consumption at 11553 ODP tonnes and 11505 ODP tonnes respectively in 2005. § 85% reduction of CTC Production and Consumption by the end of year 2005. 100% reduction as on 1. 1. 2010. Halons § Freeze of Halon production and consumption on 1. 1. 2002. § Total phase out of Production and Consumption of Halons and Methyl Chloroform Production and Consumption w. e. f 1. 1. 2003. So far India has successfully met all the obligations of the Montreal Protocol. 14

PHASE OUT OF CFCs IN MDI MANUFACTURING § National Strategy for Transition to non-CFC PHASE OUT OF CFCs IN MDI MANUFACTURING § National Strategy for Transition to non-CFC MDIs and Plan for phase out of CFCs in the Manufacture of Pharmaceutical MDIs in India by 2012 was approved in 56 th EX-Com in November 2008 with a funding of US$ 10. 2 Million. § The Strategy is being implemented by UNDP as the lead agency with UNEP and Government of Italy as cooperating agencies. § Quota order for production of 343. 6 MT of Pharma Grade CFC for 2010 was issued by Mo. EF for manufacture of Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) under the Essential Use Nomination (EUN). § The implementation of the Strategy is progressing well. India is likely to phase out use of CFCs in MDIs by end of 2010. No EUN has been sought by India for the year 2011. 15

AWARENESS ACTIVITIES § Comprehensive Public Awareness Campaign by the Ozone Cell, Mo. EF. § AWARENESS ACTIVITIES § Comprehensive Public Awareness Campaign by the Ozone Cell, Mo. EF. § Organisation of International Ozone Day. Publication of “India’s Success Story”. Organization of competitions for School children and publication of best Posters and Sticker. § Publication of bimonthly Newsletter “VATIS UPDATE” covering updates on technologies and developments relating to ozone layer protection. § Awareness workshops on ODS phase out in collaboration with State Governments. § Updation of website. § Awareness Workshops on phase out of CFCs in MDIs in collaboration with UNEP for the stakeholders in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. § Workshops on Good Servicing Practices and Retrofitting of Ice Candy Plants with Open type Compressors. 7 Workshops organised during 2010. 16

FACILITATION TO NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES § Facilitation in Implementation of Montreal Protocol in South Asia FACILITATION TO NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES § Facilitation in Implementation of Montreal Protocol in South Asia and South East Asia Pacific Regions. § Interaction with Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh on ODS Trade Related Issues. § Equipment and Training Support in setting up of Recovery/Recycling Units to Bhutan. 17

AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS § “The Montreal Protocol Implementers Award, 2007” to the Ozone Cell, AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS § “The Montreal Protocol Implementers Award, 2007” to the Ozone Cell, Mo. EF for its extraordinary contributions in the effective implementation of the Montreal Protocol § “Montreal Protocol Exemplary Project Recognition Award” to Ecological Refrigeration (ECOFRIG), Human and Institutional Development for Ecology and Refrigeration (HIDECOR) and National CFC Consumption Phase out Plan (NCCo. PP), Kirloskar Copeland Ltd and M/s Satya Deeptha Pharmaceuticals § “USEPA 2008 Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award” to Dr. A. Duraisamy, Director, Ozone Cell for Protection of Stratospheric Ozone Layer. 18

ACCELERATED PHASEOUT OF HCFCs § Montreal Protocol has entered in another regime with the ACCELERATED PHASEOUT OF HCFCs § Montreal Protocol has entered in another regime with the decision XIX/6 to phase out Production and Consumption of HCFCs by 2030, an advance by 10 years for an early recovery of Ozone Layer. § HCFCs are widely used Chemicals. The Applications include Refrigeration and Airconditioning, Foam blowing, Aerosols and Firefighting 19

HCFC PHASE-OUT SCHEDULE – Article 5 Parties TIMELINE § Baseline : average of 2009 HCFC PHASE-OUT SCHEDULE – Article 5 Parties TIMELINE § Baseline : average of 2009 and 2010 production and consumption § Freeze : 2013 § 10 % reduction of baseline in 2015 § 35 % reduction of baseline in 2020 § 67. 5 % reduction of baseline in 2025 Allowing for servicing an annual average of § 100% phase-out in 2030 2. 5% during the period 2030 -2040 20

KEY CHALLENGES IN PHASING-OUT OF HCFCs § Period for change-over is short especially for KEY CHALLENGES IN PHASING-OUT OF HCFCs § Period for change-over is short especially for first stage reduction targets § Approximately 40% reduction of the base line consumption in few years (2013/2015) § Technical options are still emerging, Industry to look for low GWP long term solutions § HFCs are the main options to HCFC for most of the applications in refrigeration and air-conditioning § Low GWP options are also being under investigation § HFCs are the potent Green House Gases (GHG) and emissions of these gases are controlled under Kyoto Protocol 21

STRATEGY FOR MEETING CHELLENGES IN PHASING OUT HCFCs § Funding for preparation of HPMP STRATEGY FOR MEETING CHELLENGES IN PHASING OUT HCFCs § Funding for preparation of HPMP has been approved by the Ex-Com at its 56 th Meeting held in November, 2008 § UNDP as Lead Agency in association with UNEP, UNIDO, World Bank Govt. of Germany (bilateral agency) is responsible for preparation of HPMP § Development of a Road Map action plan § Strengthening of institutional set-up to cater the needs of HCFC phaseout § Policy instruments are being aligned to meet the needs of accelerated phase-out schedule of HCFCs with a long term vision, initiatives and 22

AWARENESS • Stakeholder workshops have been organized in June 1998. § Sectroral Working Groups AWARENESS • Stakeholder workshops have been organized in June 1998. § Sectroral Working Groups Meeting was Organized in September 2009. 23

Actions and Activities for HPMP § ROADMAP was developed based on the outcome of Actions and Activities for HPMP § ROADMAP was developed based on the outcome of the Sectoral Working Groups meeting. § The ROADMAP was launched by Hon’ble Minister of State for Environment and Forests (IC) in October 2009. § National Surveys are being carried out. § Indian Polyurethane Association (IPUA) is responsible for preparation of Foam Sector Strategies, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Manufacturing Association (RAMA) for preparation of RAC Manufacturing Sector Strategies and GTZ for Servicing Sector Strategies. § Six Awareness workshops were organised by both RAMA and IPUA in Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi during the year 2010. § Sectoral Strategies are being developed in close cooperation with Industry. § Organisation of a National Consultative Stakeholders Workshop for finalisation of HPMP. 24