Скачать презентацию Impact on the environment Technology how many processes Скачать презентацию Impact on the environment Technology how many processes


  • Количество слайдов: 43

Impact on the environment Technology (how many processes, tools and goods we use) Affluence Impact on the environment Technology (how many processes, tools and goods we use) Affluence (how Much money we spend) Population (how many people)

Paul and Anne Ehrlich tried to explain this wonderfully simple and logical formula in Paul and Anne Ehrlich tried to explain this wonderfully simple and logical formula in 1968. People refused to listen.

Exactly! Now lets look at the three elements on the right hand side of Exactly! Now lets look at the three elements on the right hand side of the equation.

Technology started with the invention of fire and stone axes and has culminated with Technology started with the invention of fire and stone axes and has culminated with space exploration. All inventions increase humankind’s effect on the environment.

Perhaps we haven’t recognised that we are animals like others: Those laws of nature Perhaps we haven’t recognised that we are animals like others: Those laws of nature will inexorably catch up with us.

The destruction of one of the links of the chain can have serious effects The destruction of one of the links of the chain can have serious effects on the entire chain and on other parts of the web. Humans have been breaking chain links without understanding the impact this might have on the whole web of life.

However, like the frog, we fail to notice incremental changes. Therefore the “T” part However, like the frog, we fail to notice incremental changes. Therefore the “T” part of the equation keeps on increasing.

Affluence is not just buying an SUV. It’s convenient to single out SUV owners Affluence is not just buying an SUV. It’s convenient to single out SUV owners as being the bad guys.

SUVs consume a lot, but affluence is not just buying a big vehicle. SUVs consume a lot, but affluence is not just buying a big vehicle.

The tragedy of our world is that… …it is perfectly logical and rational for The tragedy of our world is that… …it is perfectly logical and rational for an individual to go on an expensive holiday or to buy a luxurious house if he or she can afford it.

We are opportunistic beings, so it doesn’t seem logical for an individual to deprive We are opportunistic beings, so it doesn’t seem logical for an individual to deprive him/herself if others aren’t.

Nobody has come up with a solution to reducingpart “A” part the “A” the Nobody has come up with a solution to reducingpart “A” part the “A” the of the equation.

Humans are naturally divided into groups, whether based on religion, language, or race. When Humans are naturally divided into groups, whether based on religion, language, or race. When there exists no natural difference, they create artificial divisions or clans.