Images of Ukraine.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 8
Images of Ukraine Презентацію розробили студентки І курсу (групи ДФ - 11) Абросімова Анна Циганко Дарина 2016 р.
Many of my friends and colleagues often complain that they have little free time, so many did not make it. I asked what they delight and which occupation they prefer. So I conducted a survey.
Less than half of respondents go to theater. I often join these people. We like to be among the first to see new products cinematography. Besides looking movies on the big screen, there are fantastic emotions. But the majority did not agree with me. They prefer home movies.
Among my friends there are young people who have bad habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption. But this number is less than about a quarter. Over half of my friends is supporting it. They prefer sports. A quarter of them go to various sporting activities, all others are on their own at home or in the gym.
Food. Everyone knows that Ukrainian cuisine is delicious and varied. Almost everyone eats at home. After all the traditional dishes are not heavy in his cooking and accessible to everyone.
But sometimes, I want to try something different. In such moments, people go to restaurants. People who do not have time to eat at home and go to catering. Considered the most exquisite homemade food and planted at the garden.
So, we can say that we live in a modern country. Where every respect the tastes and preferences of each other. Country on the stage of development, so now is the establishment and formation of the nation. Let's build the country of our dreams together.
Thank you for attention!
Images of Ukraine.pptx