- Количество слайдов: 15
IMAGE Ground System Readiness MRR Richard Burley NASA/GSFC/632 301 -2864 (Fax 6 -1771) rburley@pop 600. gsfc. nasa. gov 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 1
IMAGE Ground System Readiness MRR !Ground System Overview !Mission Readiness Testing – – – Status of Mission Level testing Status of ODB and Procedure Verification Status of Operator Training !Operations Plans – Staffing Plan – IOC Plans – Nominal Operations Plans – Contingency Plans !Documentation and Review Status !SOMO Readiness – GSFC Facilities – NISN/NASCOM Voice & Data Communication – DSN Readiness 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 2
IMAGE GS Overview MRR 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 3
IMAGE Mission Operations Overview MRR Element Status Command & Control Ready. Launch Release on 1/4/2000, 0 DRs ODB Ready. Making final review of STOL procs. All commands have been verified. Networks Ready. DSN LRR successful. Voice/Data Ready. All circuits in place and tested. Orbit/Attitude Ready. All systems in place and tested. Flight Operations Team Ready. Training complete. Sim 5 scheduled. Science Operations Ready. Non-critical browse product generation still in progress. 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 4
IMAGE GS Readiness: End-To-End tests MRR !End-to-end SMOC/Observatory Compat testing: – – – 2/99 SMOC Compat-1, SMOC Release 2. 0, FSW Release 2. 0 5/99 SMOC Compat 1. 5, SMOC Release 2. 2, FSW Release 2. 1 7/99 SMOC Compat 2. 0, SMOC Release 2. 3, FSW Release 2. 3 8/99 SMOC Compat 2. 5, SMOC Release 2. 3, FSW Release 3. 0 10/99 SMOC Compat 3. 0, SMOC Release 3. 0, FSW Release 3. 0 1/00 SMOC Compat 4. 0, SMOC Release 3. 1, FSW Release 3. 1 !Mission Simulations – – – 6/99 Mission Sim-1, Use Release 2. 2, IOC simulation 7/99 Mission Sim-2, Use Release 2. 3, Sim#1 + execution of Sci Plan, plus L 0 and L 0. 5 SDP 12/99 Mission Sim-3, Sim#2 + Green Card Testing (Power Cycle, Loss of Comm, SCU reboot, Cold Battery, PDU Reboot, SI’s not going to HV, TAS Failure, RPI FSW load, Watchdog Timer Reset, V/T-Curve change, MMM Overwrite), also included Lights Out Ops and Science Data Processing. 1/99 Mission Sim-4, Final IOC Launch Script exercised, with two days of nominal operations simulations. 2/23 Mission Sim-5 Table-Top Sim + Green Cards to maintain FOT proficiency. 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 5
IMAGE GS Readiness: FOT Training MRR !All FOT have been on staff since before Payload I&T began. !All FOT had prior mission experience. !All FOT have rotated between R/T Analyst and Command Controller. !All FOT have worked as P/L Test Conductors. !All FOT have received Hands-On training from SI’s & CIDP as P/L TC’s !All FOT have received formal training from LMMS as well as OJT. !All FOT have participated in development of documentation. !All FOT have participated in development of the ODB. !FOT have been sole Payload Operators since 2/99 !FOT have been operating S/C since Compat-Test 1 in 2/99. !FOT hours in command of Observatory approx. 50 days. !Payload and Observatory I&T systems are also used for Operations 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 6
IMAGE Operations: Staffing MRR !FOT has been at full staff (5) since 11/98. !FOT will downsize during transition to Automated Ops after IOC, to 2. 5 Operators and will remain there until EOM. !Transition Planned for Launch + 60 days, only when Lights Out Concept has been validated. !GSM/MD (Burley) and MOM (Gustafson) are backup operators during IOC. !IOC will be staffed at 2 shifts per day, 12 hours per shift. – 2/14/00 Note that during our spin-up periods we switch from ‘contiguous’ DSN coverage to a single pass per orbit. This will provide some relief to FOT. IMAGE MRR 7
IMAGE Operations: IOC Overview MRR !First pass on DSS-66 at 22 minutes after separation. !Re-Orient observatory spin axis on days 1 through 8. Open instrument doors to facilitate out-gassing. Perform Spacecraft checkout, and LV SFF on several instruments. Power FUV/GEO. Switch from OMNI to Helix antennae when re-orientation complete. !Spin up to 13 RPM on days 8 through 16. !Deploy RPI radial antenna to 120 m on day 16. MENA shutters. Conduct MENA LV SFF and open !Spin up to 1. 4 RPM on days 17 through 20. !Deploy RPI radial antenna to 160 m on day 20. !Spin up to 0. 96 RPM on days 21 through 24. Ramp EUV HV to Sun-Safe. to Science Level. Ramp FUV !Deploy RPI radial antenna to 210 m on day 24. !Spin up to 0. 75 on days 25 through 33. Open HENA Shutter. !Deploy RPI radial antennae to 250 m on day 35. Deploy RPI axial antennae. !Ramp-up high voltage on Science Instruments on days 36 through 39. !Begin Nominal Operations on day 40. 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 8
IMAGE Operations: Nominal Ops MRR !Automated Functions include: – – Nominal Pass Execution. Observatory Health and Safety limit checking. Level Zero Processing. Execution of Science Data Processing scripts. !Manual Functions include: – – – 2/14/00 Weekly Command Pass Execution, including receipt of weekly science stored commands from PI and preparation of stored spacecraft commands. Weekly validation of onboard-derived attitude. Weekly system backups and Network Security Monitoring. Analysis of Trend Data. DVD Generation. Anomaly Resolution. IMAGE MRR 9
IMAGE Operations: Contingency MRR !32 Contingency Plans have been identified and documented. tested with the Spacecraft or verified by analysis. All have been !Observatory Health and Safety is monitored by ASIST, which alerts FOT via Skytel paging network via the SERS system. !SMOC provides L 0 data and can flow real-time or recorded telemetry to remote instrumenters, LMMS Engineers & Sw. RI Engineers for troubleshooting. !All mission critical SMOC systems have backup hardware. !Mission Data is backed up in multiple locations (JPL, FEDS, DHDS, NSSDC). !FSW Maintenance: – – – 2/14/00 Sw. RI provides FSW Maintenance of CIDP. LMMS provides FSW Maintenance of SCU s/w on a sustaining engineering contract to Sw. RI. SI’s provide FSW Maintenance for their instruments. IMAGE MRR 10
IMAGE GS Documentation & Reviews MRR !Signed Documents: – PSLA, DMR, GSIP, MRP, Security Plan, S/C Users Guide, S/C Operators Training Manual, S/C T&C Handbook, IMAGE/NSSDC MOU. !Documents out for Signature: – IOC Plan, Contingency Plans, Flight Procedures Document, Launch Site Operations Plan, Configuration Management Plan, DSN Operations Agreement. !Pending Documents: – Mission Ops Plan !FOR held on 11/9/99 – 10 RFA’s submitted, All closed. !ORR held on 12/23/99 – 2/14/00 No RFA’s generated IMAGE MRR 11
IMAGE SOMO Readiness MRR Jon Walker NASA/GSFC/452 301 -286 -7359 (Fax 6 -0275) jowalker@pop 500. gsfc. nasa. gov 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 12
IMAGE SOMO Readiness: Facilities MRR !Critical IMAGE facilities at GSFC include the SMOC (B 3 Rm. S 25 E/D) and data communications h/w in B 3, B 14 and B 1. ! All these facilities are physically secure with power backups. ! Facilities Division has no activities planned which could interrupt service. ! Work Freeze will be implemented around these facilities at L-6 hours. 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 13
IMAGE SOMO Readiness: NISN MRR !All Voice lines are in place and tested. !All Data lines are in place and tested. !Network Security Manager and Officer delegated. !Network Security Plan approved and in place. Officer named. Network Security Manager and !NISN/NASCOM has no activities planned which could impact IMAGE Readiness. 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 14
IMAGE SOMO Readiness: DSN MRR !IMAGE is in DSN scheduling system, and is projected to receive all requested support. !Extensive compatibility tests between IMAGE and DSN/CTT have been successfully conducted on 8/98 (Transponder-only@JPL), and DTF-21 at JPL, 2/99, 5/99, 9/99 (Retest for Transponder fix), 12/99, 1/11@WR. !Mission Readiness Tests have been run from all DSN sites during all shifts with data flows going to/from the IMAGE/SMOC at GSFC. !Operations agreement regarding communication between SMOC and JPL during lights out passes is nearing signature. !Implementation of 26 m-subnet automation is now scheduled to occur during IMAGE IOC. DSN schedulers believe that this can be done with minimal to zero impact to IMAGE can/will remain on existing system. !Internal JPL/DSN Launch Readiness Review successfully held on January 31. 2/14/00 IMAGE MRR 15